If you see a sign which reads SPEED LIMIT 25 MILES, it can be an omen of what might happen if you drive at seventy. The word SIGN means OMEN, and thus the term SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC.
We have introduced you to the three survival dynamics as represented by the WATER or EMOTIONAL signs of the zodiac. The ancients were ahead of us in their recognition of the dynamics, but they didn't call them dynamics. They called them gods.
Across the circle from, or opposite to, each WATER sign is an EARTH sign. IT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE EARTH SIGNS TO CONTAIN THE SURVIVAL DYNAMICS.
In physics, we are told that to every ACTION there is REACTION. The WATER signs represent ACTION within the survival dynamics, and the EARTH signs represent REACTION. The Earth signs are reactionary.
We have illustrated that the survival dynamics often lack inte1ligent direction and can get out of hand, as in the case of the man who had a bad day at work and went home and beat up his wife or one of the children. Nature has set up an interesting set of REACTORS, one opposite each survival dynamic, to contain these dynamics and keep them within safe limitations (an Earth sign opposite each Water sign).
Water has no form, and it will run off in any and all directions when it has no container. The ancients saw the parallel. Emotion was without form, and it might run anywhere when not contained. Thus, emotion resembled water, and we have the WATER signs. Earth had form. You could put earth around water and contain it. You could build dams out of earth. The restrictive oppressive signs of the zodiac became the EARTH signs.
It is the function of the EARTH signs to organize and give form. They relate to one's ability to fit into one's environment which is that which is already organized and has form. They provide the means for self-control, and in excess, they represent frustration. While the EARTH signs have a very valuable function, when their influence is excessive the tendency is not to survive but to succumb, to give up all hope.
The EARTH signs develop a sense of duty, a sense of responsibility, and when this is carried to excess, the results can be negative. It can result in ill health. There is need for the EARTH signs. It is necessary that we regulate our behavior, but we cannot bottle up the survival dynamics. In regulating force, it is essential that we give it a useful outlet.
The EARTH signs can be identified with a phenomenon bearing a close resemblance to memory, but much broader in scope than memory. Things are recorded somewhere. Modern biologists might say in the cells, but we won't say. Ultimately, we will present a piece of evidence that will indicate that this factor akin to memory may extend back over thousands of years. It may have something to do with heredity. Emotion causes action, but eventually, there is reaction, and between this cause and effect) there has to be a record that is continually maintained.
The REACTORS (Earth Signs) operate or do not operate depending upon what is going on in the solar system. They all operate eventually, but they are often delayed, which is expressed in the saying, "The mills of the gods grind slowly but exceedingly find." We can think of emotional cause and reactive effect, but the time difference between cause and effect is not a constant but a variable that is conditioned in accord with various relationships in the solar system. Cause and effect can sometimes be separated by wide spans of time. A cause in the life of the father may have its effect in the life of his son or in the life of his grandson.
When dealing with the six WATER and EARTH signs, we are dealing with the effect of the past on the present or future. We come into an established environment at birth. We face heredity, rules, regulations, habits, conventions, traditions, laws and legal circumstances. It is the inclination of the EARTH signs to accept what has been developed in the past without protest, to adjust self in order to conform, to cling to and follow in the footsteps of the parents, to worship the forefathers and consider their views as wisdom, to take an interest and pride in history, and to be oppressed.
This half of the zodiac must be identified with the past, while the other half must be identified with the future. In the zodiac, nature divides the past from the future, and this is going to give us reason to re-evaluate our conception of TIME. The unconscious of some people functions with data from the past, while the unconscious of other people functions with data from the future. A man may alter his whole life when he re-evaluates his conception of TIME.
The diagram above should give you something to think about.
In her own way, working through the EARTH signs, nature attempts to establish order and justice, but the functioning can often be crude and primitive, possibly because, despite her good intentions, nature does not obtain too much help from conscious Man.
Just as we have an equilateral triangle in the zodiac, made up of the three WATER signs, we have a second equilateral triangle in the zodiac, made up of the three EARTH signs, and as we have shown (Lesson 2) these triangles form the six-pointed star that is found frequently in ancient symbology. The three EARTH signs are as follows:
CAPRICORN (Opposite Cancer, the Individual Survival Dynamic) represents the Individual Survival Dynamic REACTOR.
Before you arrived, the struggle for food had been going on for thousands of years. A civilization had been building up, and when you came along you faced an environment. Certain things were expected of you, and if you conformed, you were allowed to eat. There were times when you may not have wanted to conform. What did you do? Did you conform anyway? If you did, there was a certain amount of frustration in your life. Perhaps you took care of an old uncle untill he died, and perhaps he left you some stocks and bonds or some real estate in his will. You may have been rewarded, but you paid a very high price, because you frustrated yourself. You didn't allow other parts of your nature to grow and manifest. You are now dependent upon those stocks and bonds, but it is too late to do much about it, unless you re-educate yourself, and unless you completely re-evaluate your past and become conscious of what you did to yourself. If you can do this, there is still a chance for freedom.
But, perhaps you did not frustrate yourself and perhaps the outcome was different. When a person is born strongly under Capricorn, it is the tendency to give in to one's oppressor, to conform, to adjust one's self to the environment, to be a good boy, to save and be thrifty, to accept authority, to curb one's appetites and keep them under control, to do the unpleasant things in life because they have to be done, to place great value on material quantities, to do things the hard way, to be the goat, possibly to rise to high places only to wear one's self out and succumb, to turn away from anything that promises quick and easy profits on the grounds that any such promises are unsound and the profits highly improbable, to be pessimistic and depressive, to always see the negative possibilities and try to insure against them without being able to see more favorab1e possibilities, to take a dark view of the future, to be sound and practical and to judge the future by the past.
In a great many cases, we find the person, in whose birth chart this Capricorn REACTOR is strong, very successful in early life. He meets with the approval of older people wherever he goes. His reliability is valued. His responsibility is something that is noted. He is pushed forward by older men, because they can depend on him. He develops good contacts, but there comes a day when these older men begin to die off. More and more of them die off. Ultimately, Capricorn is surrounded by younger men. He continues to live according to the rules of the old masters. The younger men are without respect for these old masters and are unimpressed. His views are considered obsolete and reactionary. He is no longer appreciated, but instead, is regarded as an obstacle. Others feel that his usefulness has been served. He doesn't fit into the new order of things. He can't understand it. "After all, the world got along for a long time without these new-fangled ideas. These young men are apt to wreck the world. They are unsound." He feels that they lack experience. If old Mr. Goat were still alive, he would tell them, but Mr. Goat died some time back and can't influence things now.
CAPRICORN no longer fits into the picture. The world's evaluation of him has been deflated. He is a sad man. He is very depressed. There is no longer a place in the world for him. Statistics have shown that the manic depressive is born strongly under this Capricorn REACTOR.
CAPRICORN is the goat of the zodiac, and the ancients symbolized this sign with the goat, the scapegoat. The word CAPRI means "of the goat family." The word SCAPE means escape, and the word scapegoat is of antique Jewish origin. The sins of the people were symbolically placed on the head of the goat, after which he was suffered to escape into the wilderness. A scapegoat is a person or a thing bearing blame for others, and this is typical of the Capricorn personality. Capricorn is identified with the planet Saturn, from which grows the word Saturnian, which usually implies seriousness and lack of frivolity, but one dictionary gives the word as meaning a golden age, marked by peace, happiness and contentment. This is what Capricorn seeks by conforming to things as they are.
It is interesting to note the professions with which astrologers have associated CAPRICORN. They include: undertakers, lawyers, printers, coal miners, farmers. This dynamic is very strong in the charts of professional people, doctors, ministers, 1awyers, teachers, etc., but this need not be true indefinitely. It is true only to the extent that they are conformists and seekers after security. This REACTOR is strong in the minister who tries to interpret the Bible literally, the doctor who worships the American Medical Association as a god, the lawyer who sees only the letter and not the spirit of the law, and the teacher who never sees a truth unless it may have found its way into an established and approved textbook.
CAPRICORN has long forgotten why he is as he is. He has forgotten his original discovery that you can eat more readily when you conform. Life is now merely a matter of HABIT. His thinking is a matter of habit. He has no new records. The same old ones are played over and over and over, down in his unconscious. He is dominated by what Ron Hubbard calls THE REACTIVE MIND. He is filled with prejudices and conditioned reflexes.
He is suspicious. In each new situation, he sees a parallel. If he was once swindled by a man named Thompson, no other man named Thompson is going to swindle him. In his unconscious, Thompson equals a swindler, and although he is not conscious of his reasons for doing so, he "instinctively" dislikes any man named Thompson. It seems to be that same Thompson in disguise. If he were swindled by a Spaniard, then he may develop a prejudice against all Spaniards.
Most courts of justice are Capricornian. Cases often drag on and on. Justice may operate, but it may take years. Cases are postponed and postponed. Meanwhile, witnesses die. Principles die. When the case is finally won, if it is won, perhaps only the descendants gain any benefit, but first, a large part of the winnings must go to pay the lawyers.
The danger of Capricorn lies in the possibility that the ego may die. The life force fails to flow. Yet, if we are to have law and order, we must have Capricorn. We must have people to assume responsibility, but nothing should be overdone. Capricorn is inclined to overdo it. New ideas are no longer explored. There is no spirit, except that which comes in bursts, and which must be followed by equalizing depression. Anything that would disturb the status quo is viewed as evil. "Why change things? We have always done it this way. This textbook has been selling for twenty years. It taught me everything I know, Why do you want a new one now? Can't you leave well enough alone? Why disturb the people?"
CAPRICORN may ultimately reach a point where he is unable to visualize the future. He lives and re-lives the past. He dreams of the good old days. (Like Ashley in "Gone with the Wind.") There is nothing to which to look forward. The mind can look in one direction backward, into the past.
Keep in mind that the first survival dynamic is in the back of all this. Nature is still trying to overcome the possibility of food short-age. There is no conscious thought about these matters now. The work is all being done in the unconscious. The old records are being played. In place of conscious thinking we have habit. There is obsession. There is unhappiness and depression. The life force is subdued. "How can you get along without the past? If people are not going to do things as they were done in the good old horse and buggy days, how can they survive? What is the use of trying to survive? There is no father and no mother. How can one survive without a father or mother, or without the old boss who was so wise?"
The past has been identified with individual survival. In the "reactive mind," PAST equals SURVIVAL and FUTURE equals NON-SURVIVAL. This leaves the individual without hope. There is nothing left but to succumb. One takes cold more easily. One can get sick more easily. Dominated by the above unconscious reasoning, the life force is no longer plugged in. The mind doesn't fight back. The body doesn't fight back. Deterioration and disintegration have set in. It is an obsession when you don't believe you can get along without the past, and such an obsession is destructive. Unconsciously, people get locked in the past. They display no interest in the future. They may talk about all their accomplishments of the past. They are constantly re-lived, but the future is no longer visualized. Instead, it is merely anticipated with fear.
The ancients associated Capricorn with the knees, the bones, the teeth, the skin and the hair. The skin arid the hair are parts of the body that are being discarded. Decay of the teeth seems to be cyclic and to be associated with the functioning of this reactor. The young person strongly under the influence of this reactor appears to have skin disorders. The person born when Capricorn is at the eastern horizon or ascendant often seems to have an odd walk due to some factor concerning the knees.
The philosophy that is conditioned by this reactor often causes a person to buy at the top. He is cautious. He will not buy stock until its value has been proved. When earnings have reached their high point, he has finally become convinced. The stock is valuable, so he finally buys it, for he sees it as established. Just about that time, a new invention changes everything. The stock has reached its apex and decline sets in.
Let us not lose sight of the original, basic function of this reactor, the sign Capricorn. It has purpose, and the purpose is good. To some extent, it is necessary to conform to our environment. To some extent it is necessary to benefit from past errors and keep life well organized, but if we are to continue to survive, we must also be interested in changing our environment to conform to the future. We must not allow ourselves to become locked in the past. We must live a good part of or mental lives in the future. The man who is constantly working to complete what he visualizes to exist in the future is a much happier man. He is also a healthier man. We must have good balance between our consciousness of the past and our consciousness of the future. We must have hope and faith in the future, because these allow the life force to manifest. "Where there is life, there is hope." When we have faith and hope, we have the energy to do something about the future. On the other hand when we assume that FUTURE equals FAILURE, the life force no longer flows through us. There is no energy with which to approach the future. There is only despair. We are afraid to ask for help from others, because we assume they will turn us down. "Why try? Why do anything if we are to fail anyway? Why have anymore failures? The only alternative is to succumb."
TAURUS (opposite Scorpio, the Family Survival Dynamic) represents the Family Survival Dynamic Reactor. IT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS REACTOR TO CONTAIN THE FAMILY SURVIVAL DYNAMIC.
Before you arrived, the family had been perpetuated for a long time. You arrived with some heredity. You resembled your parents. A being whose parents were dogs will look like a dog. Regardless of any planetary setup existing at the time, he will not look like a kangaroo. There is no conflict between heredity and astrology. The two work together. A boy may look like his father, but not look exactly like his father. Time changes things. In his characteristics, the boy may be quite different from his father. Again, there are two forces at work. One resembles habit. One force is attempting to reproduce a new product from the old mold, but another influence is altering the pattern. There is evolution. The planetary setup at the moment of birth represents the difference between father and son, rather than the resemblance. Yet, it would seem that there is some tendency for children to be born at those times when planetary conditions, prevalent at the time of the parent's births, repeat themselves. Since planetary patterns never repeat themselves exactly within millions of years, it becomes impossible for a child to be exactly like his father or mother. We might mention that we have quite a number of cases where two people, born on the same month, day and year, married, and the first child was born on the parent's birthday. In one instance, there were three children. The first and third had the same birthday as the parents, while the second was born exactly six months from that date.
In order for the family to survive, there must be reproduction. The Family Survival Dynamic is often without direction. It will function anywhere, any time. It wants outlet regardless. It may carry a man to houses of prostitution. The Family Survival Dynamic is also working through the girls in the houses of prostitution, but it is not accomplishing mg its purpose.
Nature recognized the need for a curb, and she provided TAURUS, Family Survival Dynamic REACTOR.
When you came along, you probably faced a family environment. There may have been a mother and father, grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc. To a greater or lesser extent, all of these people had an interest in you. They were protective. There was also a home. To that home, you may have become very attached. It was safety. It protected you from weather. It was a fort. If something chased you, you ran home. Nothing could get you when you were home. None of those imaginary things could get you there. You were safe when you were home, particularly when you were in bed. Children often associate a warm bed with safety. The greatest place safety is home in bed, where there is nothing to fear. One can rest go to sleep in complete safety.
Out of all this grows love of family and love of home. This can be extended to love of real estate, love of land. All of this is associated with Taurus. Sex is without form. The family must have form. It must have a home, a fort, a place of safety. The family environment is a limitation to sex. The home environment becomes established, a part of you. It influences habits. When you try to select a mate, there is an unconscious urge to select one who will fit into the family environment. This is the operation of the Family Survival Dynamic REACTOR -- Taurus.
If this REACTOR is not strong, things do not work out this way. One may not love the home and the parents. Any attachment may be very weak.
Out of this REACTOR grow the characteristics we have associated with Taurus. Certain characteristics are the reverse of what we find in Scorpio. Instead of impulsiveness, we have sluggishness. Sex reactions are delayed. The force is stored up, but it is more powerful when finally released. Anger is aroused with difficulty, but when finally released is far more intense. The ancients symbolized the sing with the bull. Remember the story of the old buffalo bull, who fights to the death, sacrificing individual survival, in endeavoring to preserve the family. When Taurus finally agrees to fight, it is a fight with complete annihilation as its objective. Unless interrupted, such may be the result. This seldom happens because it is rare that there is sufficient cause to arouse this king of a Taurus reaction.
Taurus likes big homes, lots of land. It is all part of an unconscious building of a fort to protect the family. Taurus likes to do everything in a big way. Whether he is prosperous or not, he is apt to look prosperous. He is a builder. His original inclination to build a fort may take other forms He might be a contractor. He makes a good engineer. He understands weight, volume and density. He likes to be big himself. He thinks in terms of quantity. He likes things when they are big. This all stems from the original purpose of building a big fort to protect the family. Taurus is FIXED EARTH. The bigger the fort the greater the family security and the greater the opportunity for family survival.
Although TAURUS may take on the family virtues, it is just as easy to take on the family faults. There is an unconscious urge to imitate the parents or grandparents, to acquire their habits, to continue their traditions. There may be hesitation about marrying into another's race. It seems more secure to marry your own kind." There may be little desire to improve heredity. There may be too much consideration for what the family may think. There may be a lack of initiative, because it is more comfortable at home with the family, where one can sleep. There seems to be a voice that constantly says, "Don't do what the family would not want you to do." When asked why he never married, an elderly bachelor told us, "I thought a great deal of my family. I never felt that I could marry any girl who would meet the approval of the family, and I knew well that my family could never approve of the kind of a girl I would want to marry."
There can be inability to get away from the old part of the family, and go forth to produce the new family in a new home. Such ties are not easily broken. They can be carried to extremes. It may be difficult to accept new ideas. The old Family ideas have long, deep roots. Taurus wants to be proud of his heredity. He is likely to know as much as possible about his genealogy, Stubbornness is a characteristic. Taurus can be sluggish and slow to grasp things. It may take much education before he can grasp the abstract side of things. He is coming out of a fog. He may become a prisoner of dogma. Yet, he can be the worst enemy of dogma, because he will fight dogma with dogma.
It is difficult for Taurus to change purpose in life, and the original purpose was limited by the family environment, but once a purpose has developed there is blindness to all else. It is interesting to note how many big, scientific or philosophical books have ultimately come from the pens of Taureans like Spencer, Freud, Marx, Lester Ward, Emmanuel Kant, Spinoza, and even Hitler with is his "Mein Kampf."
William Randolph Hearst ; was a Taurean, and the empire he built was characteristic of the sign. His Mexican ranch was the equivalent of an empire itself. It was so strongly fortified with its own army of cowhands, that it was the one point within Mexico where Pancho Villa dared not attack. It was a perfect dream of the Taurean. The family would be safe in a place like that.
The characteristics of Taurus people will be more easily understood when you realize what is causing them on the unconscious plane, what nature is trying to do. This is the Family Survival Dynamic REACTOR at work. It is trying to keep the Family Survival Dynamic contained and under control. It is trying to keep the family as it was. It is attempting to perpetuate the family according to the same old pattern that had existed in the past. As with the First Survival Dynamic Reactor this can ultimately lead to frustration.
VIRGO (opposite Pisces, the Social Survival Dynamic) represents the Social Survival Dynamic REACTOR. IT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS REACTOR TO CONTAIN THE SOCIAL SURVIVAL DYNAMIC. In Lesson Three, we saw that sympathy, compassion, and a charitable attitude toward the weak and afflicted are characteristics of the Social Survival Dynamic.
Nature appears to have understood that if you give everything to the weak, the result is disintegration. Sympathizing with the weak and suffering with them is not a cure, and so nature provided a REACTOR to contain these emotional qualities. A man is too weak to survive. First, we try to cure him. We give him medical or other attention, and then, we try to find him a job and make him a slave.
The ancients associated VIRGO with the intestines, arid it is interesting to note that modern slang fits into this symbolism, too. When a man is too weak to function properly, modern slang tells us that he hasn't any guts. Astrology has associated VIRGO with the working class, the laborers, labor unions, also with diets, medicine and attempts to heal.
As in the case of all the EARTH signs, VIRGO strives to be practical. If you have a sick man, make him well. make him useful. Find him a job. Get him functioning. make use of his physical anatomy. Turn him into a productive factor. make him some kind of a slave. That is being practical.
Virgo people as a whole are workers, often to the point of frustration. They are efficient. Being close observers, they don't miss any details. They do a good job. They make the most valuable employees.
They concentrate and keep their minds on what is to be accomplished. You seldom go wrong when you hire a Virgo employee. There is great power of concentration, which is the opposite of a characteristic found in connection with the Social Survival Dynamic itself (Pisces). Pisces is a dreamer, misses the details, but observes the broader pattern of the whole. Somebody has to do the work, and VIRGO is there, waiting to carry on.
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
It is the inclination of Virgo to over-work, to exclude all else. The work to be done assumes too great a significance. Work becomes habit. It becomes automatic. A way of doing a job is learned, and from then on, each day is the same old grind. There may be new and better ways of doing the job as production methods make it possible to do the same job better with half the labor, but this idea is resisted, on the grounds that it will put people out of work. Old methods must be retained so that everybody will have a job. Everybody must work. The purpose of life becomes work. We are told that people are happier when they are working. This is partly true, but it can be carried to extremes. It produces a world of Technician-Slaves. They are slaves to society. We see the same principle in the ant and bee civilizations. Our educational world is largely designed to mass produce slaves.
It is a VIRGO characteristic to tolerate work, routine and drudgery. This means failure to advance to better things. Perhaps VIRGO does not like the employer and talks about him continually, but VIRGO continues to work for that employer.
Neatness is a characteristic of VIRGO. The sign can be very critical. As with the other EARTH signs, VIRGO attempts to establish order and to maintain the status quo. What has been built in the past must be properly maintained.
There is always a RIGHT way of doing things. Customs must be maintained. Words must be spelled in the accepted way. There is always an accepted way of doing things, and that is the only way. There must b~ modesty. One must wear the right clothes. Social customs are law to VIRGO, who always knows what is expected. Emotion is usually subdued when possible. It Is conditioned before it is expressed. One must say'. the right thing at the right time Styles are a Virgo ore creation This is what is being worn this year. The Virgo secretary will be most pleasant, but you must answer all the necessary questions before you can get your name sent in to Mr. Jones.
In astrology, relations with those outside the family circle, excluding those which might hold possibilities along lines of becoming members of the family circle, are involved with the Social Survival Dynamic, and the purpose of the Social Survival Dynamic REACTOR is to see that these relations are PROPER, that standards of good behavior are observed at all times.
When VIRGO becomes stronger than the Family Survival Dynamic, there is often sexual frustration, and the Family Survival Dynamic may never get an opportunity of functioning. A woman must not show passion, because that wouldn't be good taste. She mustn't do anything that would arouse the partner, because this might mean loss of respect. Sex can be covered with such a veneer that the ancients symbolized this sign with THE VIRGIN, and wrlters have sometimes associated the sign with the old maid. The VIRGIN is always shown with a sheaf of wheat, indicating that the WORK has been accomplished. When you conduct a meeting strictly in accord with parliamentary procedure, you are allowing the Social Survival Dynamic REACTOR to function. If there is a politician in the room, in whom the Social Survival Dynamic itself is powerful, he will find a way of twisting the proceedure so that his group will survive best. meanwhile, the remainder of those in the room will be so intent on trying to understand and interpret the parliamentary proceedure, that their objective will probably be forgotten or lost. The
VIRGO REACTOR has a very useful purpose, but it is always subject to much in the way of exploitation. Everybody exploits the working man. His own representatives grow rich on his dues. Honest toil is rewarded, but a way is always found to be certain that the reward is not sufficient to allow him to stop working. Labor representatives are ever intent on getting him larger wages. His wages go up and up. This is intended to make him happy, and it often does, until he discovers that he has gained little, because the cost of living goes up just as rapidly as his salary. His employer gets his labor. His union leader gets his dues. The government collects taxes. The banks collect interest on the money advanced on his salary, and business men have a line of salesmen at his door to see that anything left over is disposed of with as great dispatch as possible.
Thus, in the EARTH signs, we have a goat, a bull and a virgin.
The EARTH signs represent natural efforts at self-control. This self-control is not something you will upon yourself. It is a part of nature. The person with extreme self-control is born that way. These REACTORS were placed there by nature. Self-control is an automatic procedure of nature. The key to most of what we call abnormal behavior in people is found in the functioning of the Survival Dynamics.
These six signs were called the female signs by the ancients. They relate to the effect of the past on the present. The Survival Dynamic go way back. The REACTORS function in accord with EXPERIENCE, individual; experience, hereditary experience and the experience of the species.
In a way, we might relate these six signs to what is sometimes called the lower Man. The functioning of these signs is largely in the unconscious or subconscious. They relate to what we call Man's lower nature. They relate to the past to what is inherited. When we study their functioning, we see Man as a prisoner of the past. Let us hope that by understanding his connection with the past, he can free himself from the past. He can then go on to better efforts.
We promised an odd piece of evidence indicating that a factor akin to memory can go back thousands of years. The writer's mother, having been ill most of her life, did not read much. She was not a well- read person, but she appeared to have keen intuition. She could sense danger. When she was nearly 80, and in better health than in all of her life, she lived alone in a house in Florida, while the writer's brother lived in another house on the same property. She had very beautiful hand writing. One day, a letter was received from her. In the middle of the letter, the handwriting changed, and appeared to be that of a very old person. One paragraph appeared in this odd handwriting, and then the letter continued in the normal handwriting from where it had been interrupted. The one paragraph read, "On Sunday, we visited the temple of the Aramaeans for the fifth time in the family."
That this paragraph had been in the middle of her letter was never revealed to the writer's mother. Instead, at an opportune moment, a subtle effort was made to learn whether she had ever heard of the Aramaeans. She had not. She did not know who they were. The Aramaeans date back 2000 years, and few people aside from biblical students ever heard of them. Although religious in her own way, she had never been a church- goer. She belonged to no church. She was not a social mixer. She preferred seclusion.
We will not attempt to explain this incident. We merely record it for what it may be worth. It suggests that we are influenced by records of some kind which may go back much farther than we suppose, and we usually find such incidents identified with the Social Survival Dynamic.
It is important to realize that although intelligence shows everywhere in nature's operations its functions are automatic, and like a piece of machinery, biology and psychology can get out of kilter. It is up to us, through proper understanding, to correct matters.
URL: http://mysite,verizon.net/bonniehill/pages.aux/astrology/tobey/tobey.03.html