In dealing with the twelve basic principles found in astrology, we must always view them from two points of view, how they function in the unconscious, and what we can do with them when we know about their existence. The engineer can do things with his knowledge of mathematics that another person cannot do The astrologer can do things with his knowledge of astrology that another person cannot do. It is vitally important to understand how the astrological principles function on the unconscious level, and these lessons have been presented in such a way to uncover what is happening on this unconscious level. To accomplish his own conscious purpose it is convenient for Man to know more about the hidden purposes of nature that he may be in a position to become a good diplomat and do a little trading with nature. In considering the Family Reform Dynamic GUIDE, we encounter a vast amount of unemployed ability. Long ago, the writer witnessed that he could accomplish far better work in exploratory mathematics when this Guide was stimulated. He discovered that these were the "times" when he could best visualize factual abstract data.
The Family Reform Dynamic GUIDE is represented by LIBRA. Its symbol was the balances or scales of balance. The sign was associated with the kidneys.
It is quite possible that the scales represented the principle of balance in nature. The beautiful requires balance. We find beauty and balance in nature. We find beauty and balance throughout the study of mathematics and physics. We find this GUIDE prominent in the horoscopes of the best mathematicians and physicists, and the greatest mathematitians have always been men who saw beauty in mathematics. The beautiful woman is one whose features and form are perfectly balanced. She is regarded as more beautiful if both eyes point in approximately the same direction. If one eye were considerably larger than the other, it would detract from her beauty. Not all people are attracted to beauty. Some are attracted to the gross. Mathematics loses its beauty when we look at the type of problem found in a youngster's arithmetical text book:
If a boy has $1.69 and can buy material at 13 cents a yard and sell it at 17 cents a yard, how much money can he make on his first transaction? Survival Dynamics seem to dominate the textbooks.
Only because of the principle of balance can we compute things mathematically as far toward infinity as we wish to go. We can leave the material world behind and enjoy ourselves in the abstract world, but when we return we can apply what we have learned to the material world if we wish to. Kepler discovered the three laws of planetary motion, Newton the laws of gravitation, because both realized there had to be balance, symmetry and design. We find Libra associated with balance, symmetry and design.
The unconscious purpose of the Family Reform Dynamic is to change the form of the family. Without a guide this dynamic might proceed in almost any direction. The purpose of the Family Reform Dynamic GUIDE is to make the family more beautiful, to give it better balance, symmetry and design in its form. This Guide attracts to beauty. It endeavors to improve the family-to-be by attracting to a mate who is more perfectly designed mathematically, a beautiful girl or a handsome man. The most beautiful woman is often born when Libra is on the eastern horizon. We find the sign rising in the charts of Constance Bennett, Joan Fontaine, Jean Harlow, Miriam Hopkins, Irene Rich and Norma Shearer as well as in the charts of Warner Baxter, Humphrey Davis, Bing Crosby, Regis Toomey, Cary Grant Adolphe Menjou and Tyrone Power.
When a man or woman is drawn to a beautiful or handsome mate, there is unconscious improvement in the form and appearance of children- to-be. It is a form of BALANCE when the male and female seek each other. The magnet attracts the needle. The earth attracts the Moon and the Moon attracts the earth. Let us not believe that such attractions were unknown until Benjamin Franklin took to flying kites, for Thales, who lived more than 600 years before Christ, experimented with amber and electrical attractions as well as with the lodestone or natural magnet.
The type of people we seek as friends is determined by the Family Reform Dynamic GUIDE. When a young person begins to seek mixed company in a social way, this GUIDE is directing things. The young person becomes less tied to his parents. The breaking away process is beginning to develop. This is not a sex factor, which is separate (Family Survival Dynamic). He begins to prefer the association of the pretty girl to that of his family. This is new and refreshing, but two families want to survive, and half a loaf is better than none. Each family can survive on a 50% ratio. Ultimately, the Family Survival Dynamic operates, and there is sex. A child is born. It is 50% of each family. Two families have survived to a lesser ratio.
The Family Reform Dynamic and its GUIDE continually operate to prevent the possibility of incest. A brother-sister relationship would give 100% survival to the heredity strain. There would be but two parents and two grandparents. Nothing new would have been added. The family Reform Dynamic and its GUIDE are ever weakening the family influence upon hereditary factors mathematically: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, l/6~, 1/128, 1/256, 1/512, 1/1024, etc. In ten new generations, there is less than 1 part in 1000 of the old family strain left, unless there has occurred some intermarriage of families, as when someone marries a distant cousin. The mathematical proportions of heredity are similar to those of gravitation, involving the inverse arithmatical square. The more miles a planet is away from us, the less its gravitational pull. The more generations an ancestor is away from us, the less his hereditary influence upon us.
This example may help you to understand how two different things can function according to the same mathematical formula, and thus produce a coincidence that has the appearance of a causal factor. This is what mean when we say that the solar system and human dynamics function to the same mathematical formula.
With all the Reform factors, we find a tendency to plunge in-to the unknown and "take a chance, but actually, the direction is determined by the GUIDES. If enough people should become familiar with these GUIDES, knowledge about them could revolutionize science and civilization. It is two different things to plunge into the unknown when the guides are functioning and when they are not, and it must be remembered that emotional indigestion tends to prevent the guides from functioning. The mathematical theory of probability is employed in testing invisible abstract laws and gaining information about things that are invisible. If you toss a coin millions of times, the theory will tell you bow many runs of a given number of consecutive heads should occur. It will predict with surprising accuracy, but the laws of probability will furnish approximate and not actual figures.
If you toss a coin 25 times and a head turns up each time, the odds are 33,554,431 to one that there is a head on each side, but we are never certain unless we check the coin because the laws of probability tell us that if we toss a coin long enough, ultimately we are bound to get a run of 25 heads, and it is just as likely to come at the start as at any other place. Thus, under the laws of probability, there is never absolute proof, only relative proof. We can gain no proof of the theory of probability itself that is absolute. Our proof of the theory is relative. After we look, and we find that there is actually a tail on the other side of the coin, then we say that the run of 25 heads was due to CHANCE.
CHANCE is a term like SPACE. It is merely a word to ill a gap and give a name to something we can neither explain nor understand. We are merely saying that as far as we know there was no reason for the 25 heads to appear at the start. That does not prove that there was no reason.
A man may tell you that he went to a party, and by chance he met the girl he later married, but if we find that the Family Reform Dynamic Guide was pronounced at that time, and that such an "accident" could have been predicted, it was no accident and it was not chance. However, not every marriage is the result of the operation of this Guide. People marry for many reasons. One girl marries because she is seeking financial security. When the Family Reform Dynamic is stimulated, new people come into our lives, and this can be predicted. Therefore, it is not chance.
After marrying, a girl may have the Family Reform Dynamic and its Guide highly stimulated, and a new man may come into her life. The first time, she left her parents, and now she may leave her husband. It's easy to find cases where she leaves husband and children or it may be the husband to whom all this happens. Unless the Family Survival Dynamic REACTOR gets in its work quickly, much can happen, because the Family Survival DYNAMIC can achieve its purpose either way. Children produced through this new setup will still produce 50% heredity, and the more children produced, regard less of the number of mates, the greater the survival of the hereditary factor. If a man can have 20 children by five wives, he has 20 different mediums to carry on the hereditary factor, and on the subconscious level, this serves the purpose.
Theoretically, the hereditary factor diminishes at a rate that never extinguishes itself or gives out. If you continue the fractions 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, etc,, to infinity, you can never reach zero. Some infinitesimal part is always left.
When we can bring this Family Reform Dynamic GUIDE to the surface, we have unusual powers of visualization, the ability to visualize the abstract, and this is why it produces some of the greatest mathematicians and physicists. Roger Babson was born with Libra on the ascendent. He saw patterns and design in stock market behavior and economic cycles. We find many artists and musicians born with Libra prominent, but quite often these people do not commercialize their talents. Consequently, they do not show up in the The Who's Who type of directory. They are likely to be seeking art, design, symmetry, etc. for its own sake, for their own personal happiness. By itself, Libra is not much on pushing itself forward. Like the other Air signs, it is not a selfish sign. Its natives are not likely to turn into anything gross. Stephen Foster had Libra rising, but his fame came after his death. Among astrologers who have had Sun or ascendent in Libra, we might name Charles E. 0. Carter, Dal Lee, Bessie Leo, Charles Jayne, Marc Edmund Jones and Myra Kingsley.
We must always remember that when we are dealing with the Reform factors, the Fire and Air Signs, the unconscious purpose is change of form or RE-FORM.
Most Libra people underestimate their own potentials. They are not keenly interested in achieving fame. Sometimes they find it embarrassing, and as a rule they would prefer the society of smaller groups of their own choosing.
Although the purpose of Libra is change, where its ability to visualize the abstract is concerned, there is no change in the abstract world which is therefore without time as we think of or conceive time When Einstein looked into the abstract world he saw everything that Euclid saw nearly 2500 years earlier. Nothing had changed, but he looked further and saw more. Of course, you can say that there is a factor of speed in the abstract world, and speed involves time or something akin thereto. You can say that one series of numbers reaches a given point more rapidly than another. A mathematical formula speeds things up. Understanding the symmetry of mathematics enables us to reach an answer more swiftly. Understanding mathematics or anything in the factual abstract world helps us to change things more rapidly. A system of trial and error takes much longer.
Folks used to believe in long courtship's for young couples. There is less of that now. We are doing almost everything in less time. The more we know about the abstract world, the more we can accomplish in less time. The long courtship was to make sure that everything would be all right We can tell more about the compatibility of the young couple in a few minutes by astrology than the long courtship would ever determine. Although laws of the abstract world do not change in themselves, we are ever discovering new laws we did not know about before. Thus, in a sense, we travel within the abstract world, and again in a sense, this sort of travel involves time.
Where abstract law is concerned, absolute proof is possible. To illustrate what we mean by this, almost 2500 years ago, Euclid and other Greek mathematicians were interested in whether there was any limit to prime numbers or whether they continued to infinity. A prime number is one that is not divisible by any number other than itself and one. A few examples are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 101, 103, 2311, 30,031, 510,511, 9,699,691, etc. Euclid proved that prime numbers are infinite, because if you multiplied all known primes together and added one, the result would not be divisible by any known prime, and therefore either that number would have to be prime or divisible by a prime larger than any known prime. Thus, there would have to be another prime in any event. We know for a certainty that if we go on counting we will always come to more prime numbers. We can gain absolute proof of abstract truth, and after we gain such proof, we can apply it in the material world. That is why men are flying great ships around the world.
Although the unconscious purpose of the Family Reform Dynamic Guide is to constantly inject new factors into heredity and lessen the influence of a particular family of the past, it is not necessary that all the calculating be done on the unconscious level. By becoming conscious of the abstract laws involved, we can conduct our own speedup process and apply it in many departments of life. Whatever Man can do in a year, there is always a way of doing it in less time if we find out about it.
It would be the exception to the rule to find the Guides functioning freely. The Survival factors are always getting in their work too, but when the Reform factors outweigh the survival factors, change is allowed to occur. The last hundred years have brought great progress, but it is not necessarily true that this progress will keep on at the same pace or at a more rapid pace. Whenever the Survival dynamics grow too strong and outweigh the Reform factors, we are apt to go back to ancestor worship and some more dark ages. For children to progress, it is necessary for them to break away from some of the fixed ideas of their parents and ancestors, and a great many parents regard this as a bad sign. They don't know where it might lead. "What's the matter with things as they are? Why not leave well-enough alone?"
A divorce may or may not be a good thing, but what we call morals are often merely the operation of the survival dynamics. "Do everything as it was done yesterday. Believe that those who came before you were wise. Don't ever question what they said. Take Moses' word for it. Don't ever have a real thought of your own. Just imitate," Monkeys imitate, too.
Summing up, the Family Reform Dynamic Guide represents attraction or gravitation between people, and thus it produces what we call our social life. Of itself, it is not a sex factor, which has to be injected by the Family Survival Dynamic. Therefore, it can attract people of the same sex as well as people of opposite sex. Your "best friend" can be of the same sex as yourself. Even your best friend may have much to do with breaking the hold that your family may have upon you. As you break away from the old family environment, you begin to manifest more as a new and different being. Whenever you break away from old factors you give the GUIDES a better opportunity of functioning. This is not telling you that there is nothing good about the old. Far from that, but you will learn to swim better if you try going into the water.
The Social Reform Dynamic Guide is represented by GEMINI. Its symbol was the twins. It is interesting to note that although zodiacs found in different parts of the world differed to some extent, GEMINI was always represented by twins. In Europe, it was twin children. In ancient America, one zodiac represented the sign by a man and a woman, another by two generals. There was always a factor of duality. Biologically, Gemini was associated with the lungs, the arms and the hands. There are two lungs, two arms and two hands. It is also interesting to note that in the practice of Yoga where efforts are made to achieve high philosophical understanding, the exercises begin with the control of one's breath. Three independent non-astrological investigators in the United States and England have delved into the statistics of twins, and all have found that multiple births run to a maximum in the month of June; which happens to be the time of year when the Sun is in Gemini. The Dionne Quintuplets were born with the Sun in Gemini as were Mary and Margaret Gibbs, Siamese Twins. Oddly, a secondary peak of twin births occurs in December, when the Sun is in Sagittarius. These two signs represent the Social Reform Dynamic and its Guide These are also the periods when live births run to a minimum. There appears to be a compensating factor in nature. When the birth ratio reaches a minimum, multiple births reach a maximum. This is not completely true, for the low point of live births in Gemini is not as low as that in Sagittarius, but Gemini provides far more twins than Sagittarius.
We have dealt with Sagittarius as the Social Reform Dynamic, and we have shown that its progress is often hindered by a tendency to tie to a frame of reference, a particular "scientific" theory or a specific religion. Thus, a GUIDE is required; Gemini is that Guide. Gemini is always shifting around from one thing to another. It is a truly intellectual sign, but an army is needed to complete all the things that Gemini starts. As you will see later in these lessons, we are living in a time when we cannot find the truly pure type of Gemini, and our presentation of the sign will be slightly different from some of the qualities that you will find in most Gemini people of today. To understand the sign, however, we will have to have a more permanent conception of its basic fundamentals, and we obtain those fundamentals by merely putting all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together and examining the shape of the hole that is left by the missing piece.
Gemini is often accused of having a dual personality, of being two people in the same anatomy. This is because the frame of reference can be so quickly shifted. It is often difficult for Sagittarius to break out of a frame of reference, but Gemini must give equal attention to every new frame of reference that happens to come along. Tying one's self to a particular frame of reference is too often identified with something akin to loyalty. A man must vote Republican because he is a Republican, or Democratic because he is a Democrat. An astronomer never investigates astrology because he is an astronomer. He feels that it would be disloyal to his colleagues to go beyond the frame of reference of astronomy. We find this tendency everywhere in society. The frame of reference often becomes more real to someone than reality itself. An automatic process sets in, and all facts which do not conform to the frame of reference employed are excluded. This is an everyday occur- rence It is heresy to note or observe facts that do not conform to the frame of reference. People go to war to defend frames of reference they know nothing about, but not Gemini.
Gemini has produced many good writers, engineers, electricians and mechanics. Among writers having Gemini rising at birth, we might mention Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, George Bernard Shaw, Alfred Tennyson, Paul Ambrose Valery, Jules Verne (also mentioned as having Sun in Aquarius), Ben Ames Williams, Walter Winchell, Kenneth Grahame, T. E. Lawrence, Jack London and Christian Morgensterh, while among those having Sun in Gemini have been Charles Francis Adams Arnold Bennett, E. M. Delafield, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (again), Ralph Waldo Emerson, William Butler Yeats, Thomas Hardy, Hedda Hopper, Elbert Hubbard, Grant Lewi, Edward Bulwer Lytton, and Thomas Mann.
Mechanical ability is quite common to this sign, because these people grasp and understand abstract mechanical principles. A Gemini woman can probably change a tire or fix her own car if she has to. Note that in the case of Jules Verne, mentioned above, we list him as a writer and he has Gemini rising, while we listed him for his prophetic skill and he has Sun in Aquarius.
It is not the nature of Gemini to hang onto some particular frame of reference. Grant Lewi always told people, "I'm not a joiner," He didn't want to be drawn into groups for fear that they might have some frame of reference to which they wanted to tie him. Gemini usually has many frames of reference and is always busy acquiring more. These people make good editors. They never bore people because they always have some new angle on something. Their interest of tomorrow is different from that of yesterday. To some people, they may seem inconsistent. The sign represents mental change, and that goes on forever. Gemini people like to travel mentally and physically. A constant change of environment usually suits them fine. There can be a good deal of nervousness, restlessness and impatience. They want to get on to tomorrow. They are refreshing.
We seldom find these people in a mental rut, although we often find anxiety in both Gemini and Sagittarius. Gemini natives are usually free from the limitations of any particular frame of reference. They are free to go anywhere mentally and often physically. They can seldom be accused of dogma. We have never had a Sun-in-Gemini man as President of the United States. He wouldn't have the patience to stick to one thing long enough to get there. James Farley came closer than any other Gemini man, but he was selling cement and running the Post Office Department at the same time. He did both very well.
As an intellectual sign, Gemini finds the easy way of doing things. Unlike Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn, these people see no reason to do things the hard way. When we see a long ten-page single-spaced letter in our mail, we can be quite sure of two things. It is from a Gemini lady, and it is interesting and worth reading. Such letters are usually typed. They have so many interesting points of view on so many different subjects. Most Gemini people are usually carrying on a number of different projects simultaneously.
There is nothing wrong with a frame of reference if it is properly employed. One man may limit himself to medicine and devote his life to it. If we want the population of Chicago, we don't have to go and count people in New York, but when we have the figures on Chicago, we might like to compare them with figures from New York. In the academic world we find too many limiting frames of reference. A teacher often judges everything in every other field by conditions he finds in his own field. Because lack of actual experience, he may tie himself to dogmas and they become his kind of reality.
Thus, we find that the principal purpose of the Social Reform Dynamic is to RE-FORM society, but a GUIDE is needed. Because he is always changing his frame of reference, Gemini will be more likely to see the defects in the plan of re-form. He can often change his whole slant on life in an instant by changing his frame of reference To you, the world is whatever your conception of it may be. If your conception isn't good, you can be very unhappy. If you have a few Gemini people around, listen to them, and they can probably alter your conceptions. It is seldom that Gemini ever lets anything become too important to him and you can save yourself a lot of grief when you are like that.
Most any religion excludes data. The majority of "scientific" theories exclude data. In these pages, we are excluding data we do not know about. Whenever facts can be presented that cause us to quest on some of the statements we have made, they should be carefully examined. The whole astronomical fraternity systematically excludes data, often deliberately. Let us back this statement up with some actual facts.
A decade and a half ago, Dr. Bart J. Bok, astronomer of Harvard University was scheduled to deliver a talk at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Word was passed out that he was going to take the hide off astrology. By the time Dr. Bok faced his audience, that audience consisted mainly of astrologers from up and down the east coast of the U.S. Unknown to Dr. Bok, they had brought with them a court stenographer. In his talk, Dr. Bok paid tribute to the work of this writer, with which he stated that he was familiar. The tone of his talk was, "Let's get together and see what we can find out."
After the meeting, the writer "chanced" to mention to a young astronomer that a court stenographer was present. Soon a courier was sent to every astrology magazine. They were told that since no admis- sion had been charged the meeting was private, that they had no right to publish the talk and that should they do so they would be sued. It is not likely that their claims would have held up in court, but the magazines respected their wishes in the matter. The American Federation of Astrologers did publish the speech, and copies are probably still available.
Next, Sky Magazine, an astronomical publication connected with Harvard University, published a speech supposedly delivered by Bok on that evening at the American- Museum of Natural History. It was a talk condemning astrology, and there was no remote connection between what Bok said and what Sky Magazine stated he said. The whole story by Sky Magazine was a deliberate hoax, a falsehood and as outright a bit of intellectual dishonesty as has ever been perpetrated anywhere at any time.
Later, an astronomer connected with the group called on the writer and asked the writer not to hold any of this against Dr. Bok, offering assurance that Bok was not responsible and stating that the matter was out of his hands.
The head of the astronomical department was Harlow Shapley, who probably can boast more degrees, honorary and otherwise, than any man in the United States. Therefore, one question was put to the astronomer.
"I'll only ask you one question. Is this the work of Harlow Shapley?"
The astronomer replied, "1t would be embarrassing for me to answer that question, and I would prefer not to."
On another occasion, when an astronomer prepared a paper purporting to show statistics to disprove an astrological claim, the writer was able to prove that the results were obtained only by excluding data, which of course was dishonest. When these facts were presented to a certain astronomer who was making use of the paper, his reply was as follows: "Well after all, his intentions were good. He was against astrology."A principle has been placed in nature to protect us against this sort of thing. That principle is GEMINI, the Social Reform Dynamic GUIDE.. The Stalin Communists did not invent propaganda. Our own astronomers are unequaled experts in this field. Throughout the world today, the systematic exclusion of data, in order that we may believe the world to be something that it is not is common practice. It is very important that we allow our children to know this for their own protection. Many teachers are forced to exclude data in order to hold down their jobs. The exclusion of data is not always conscious. It is often subconscious. What our eyes may see is censured in the subconscious. Things are deleted and are never allowed to reach the conscious. Dogma works in this fashion. In the majority of cases, the exclusion of data is not dishonest. It is an automatic functioning of the subconscious. To vast numbers of people, their frame of reference is identified with security. They fear having a frame of reference upset.
Charles Fort devoted much of his life to accumulating data that had been excluded by the academic and scientific worlds. You must never fear having your frame of reference upset. There can be no intellectual freedom until many accepted frames of reference are upset. Man is today a complete prisoner of standardized accepted frames of reference. They are a block to the functioning of the Reform GUIDES. It is unwise to "believe" ,in anything. This statement does not conflict with faith. You can have faith in the future and in God. You can have faith in the abstract. You can have faith in your ability to meet tomorrow, and if your GUIDES are functioning, tomorrow will never give you any trouble. Therefore, it is vitally important to allow nothing to interfere with the functioning of the GUIDES. Progress and the improvement of society (non-survival of form, or RE-FORM) can be brought about only through altering our frames of reference. When a mathematician as great (and he is great) as Hogben teaches us that mathematics is a science of measurement, he is cutting us off from the greatest part of the truth. He is giving us a 1imitation in the form of a frame of reference. The student is unlikely to go beyond that frame of reference, and until he does, he will never understand what mathematics is. Fermat was a different kind of a mathematician. He was the father of a relatively new science known as Number Theory.
Fermat wrote out many new mathematical theorems, but he was always too busy and did not have time to write out or publish the proof of his theorems. Yet, with one exception, the proofs of all of his theorems were rediscovered after his death. The one exception is classically known as Fermat's Last Theorem . In Lesson One we mentioned the Pythagorean Theorem represented by the expression that in any right-angled triangle, a2 plus b2 equal3 c2. Fermat wrote another theorem which stated that when "n" is greater than 2, an plus b, cannot equal n. Fermat made a note to the effect that he had found simple, "beautiful" proof of this theorem, but that he did not have time to write it down. Because proof has been found for all other theorems of Fermat, no doubt is expressed as to his finding it, but no other mathematician has ever been able to find proof of the theorem.
In tracing the history of the development of the modern calculus of probability, Hogben, the person who has done more than any other to clarify mathematics for the common man, despite his limited frame of reference, tells us, "Today it may seem a far cry from the card table to the insurance corporation. It is still more surprising to see the astrologer in the background of the picture."
Both modern astronomy and mathematics are offspring of the original astrology, but each has adopted a limiting frame of reference. In each case, progress has been limited and retarded by an adopted frame of reference, but in the field of mathematics we have no evidence that any dishonesty has been involved. The limiting frames of reference originated in the church probably with the best of intentions, in an effort to subdue any ideas of fatalism and to try to uphold the doctrine of free will. Yet this was a matter of truth being excluded by a frame of reference From a heredity point of view, there is a factor of fatalism in the sense that a horse cannot become an accomplished pianist because he has hoofs instead of hands. You can't play a piano with hoofs -- as far as we know.
A frame of reference can be, at one and the same time, useful and a curse. Obeying orders to stick to his frame of reference helps the astronomer to keep his job, get paid, and support his family. His conduct serves the same limited purpose as that of the bank robber who also supports his family. Barring the possibility of a revolution, the astronomer enjoys the additional factor of security. He isn't likely to be picked up by the cops, but in a revolution, which usually means a complete change in the frame of reference, these people are usually the first ones who are stood against a wail and shot. They may go on through generations, but they are never certain that the revolution may not come tomorrow and when it does, their numbers are up. When the reform factors sufficiently outweigh the survival factors, the revolution always comes. When the revolution comes they will be unprepared for it, because people with a fixed frame of reference have no functioning of the GUIDES. They are always caught off guard. They are completely dependent upon a continued functioning of the survival dynamics and the reactors.
We live in a world where right and wrong are determined by loyalty to a particular frame of reference. Religious frames of reference differ in different places and different churches. In a remote part of Mexico is a tribe where our customs would be frowned upon. They have a religious wedding service. When the marriage service is completed, the bride is required to go away for one week with the best man. It is his duty to train her so that at the end of a week she will be fit to serve as a wife to her husband. It would be considered as highly immoral for a bride to live with her husband without this training period.
To us, these people are "ignorant," but to those people, we are ignorant. It can depend on one's frame of reference.
People in whom the GUIDES function never have anything to worry about. Whatever the future may be, they can meet it. If they understand the functioning of the survival and reform dynamics as well as the reactors and the guides, they can better understand tomorrow.
The astrology that has been passed down to us also associated Gemini with one's relations with brothers and sisters and relatives. Brothers and sisters are those in whom the hereditary factors are exactly the same. Two brothers (excluding half brothers) have exactly the same ancestors. Yet, while they are similar in many ways, they are completely dissimilar in other ways, a fact that astrology alone explains. Heredity explains similarities, like all the members of a centipede family having a lot of legs, while astrology explains dis- similarities, as in the case of one man who is ambitious while his full- blooded brother is not.
Brothers and sisters in a family may have quite different frames of reference aside from those that are forced upon them by their families. They may all be brought up in the same church, but one may change his religion and the others do not. The more brothers and sisters we have, the more possibility there is in early life of being subjected to different points of view. We are forced to put up with the frames of reference of our brothers and sisters while we are still young.
We can be more free of dogma if we consider all possible frames of reference. The astrologer who rules out the possibilities of other sciences that have been called occult, such as palmistry, divination, telling fortunes by cards, etc., has limited his frame of reference and he soon finds himself mentally limited just as an astronomer is limited. We are continually influenced by our feelings, and it is important to KNOW whether those feelings are stimulated by survival or reform factors.
This completes our preliminary study of the twelve basic principles of astrology. We will live with these twelve principles throughout the rest of this course, for we will find them in other places than the signs of the zodiac. We will find them in the astrological "houses," in the planets themselves, and in the planetary aspects. These twelve principles are mathematical abstractions. They operate everywhere.