When we examined some of the methods used by astrologers in erecting and judging birth horoscopes, they would appear to be quite confusing. Several different frames of reference are often employed at one and the same time, and this is a matter that we must clear up. You will recall our statement that houses and planetary aspects are one and the same thing. For this statement to be true, much is wrong with conventional astrology as it has been employed over the last few centuries, and it is to be doubted whether these are the methods that were originally exercised by the very ancient astrologers.
In recent times, we find the astrologer erecting a birth chart in one frame of reference, in this case a plane of space. Then he computes planetary aspects in another frame of reference--another plane of space- -after which he computes parallels in a third frame of reference or plane of space. He draws his birth chart in a plane of space established by the longitude and latitude of birth. Then, he computes his planetary aspects in the plane of the earth's orbit (ecliptic), and finally, he computes parallels in the plane of the earth's equator.This is much like a sleepy man who, preparing for bed, takes off his shoes in the living room, his shirt in the kitchen and his trousers in the front hall. We know of no justification for such a procedure.
If he is using the Placidian House System, he computes the houses, using time instead of space as his frame of reference, but elsewhere he sticks to space. The whole thing is all confused and mixed up. As a result of reasoning and experience, we abandoned such methods some time ago, but we were not the first to do so. It would seem that the move was started by William J. Tucker in England, Carl Jung in Germany and Dal Lee in the United States.
The strange part of all this is that when we abandon these unnecessary complications, we simplify astrology and we do away with a lot of complicated procedures. The erection of a chart becomes very simple, and it is our experience that it then works, where heretofore it did not. It does not mean that all other systems are wrong, and it should stop no one from investigating other systems. It is entirely possible that the conventional system of erecting a natal chart may embody three or four different systems of astrology and when broken down into those different systems, it is possible that all might work individually. However, at the present time, the "systems" would appear to be all mixed up with each other. From what we know of some of the occult followers of astrology of the past, it is also possible that these various systems were mixed up and confused intentionally and with the purpose of confusing. It could possibly have been a method of hiding the truth in the same fashion as was done by the Greeks with their magic number squares.
Mathematically, if we are dealing with plane geometry, we must deal with one plane at a time. Solid geometry or spherical geometry is something else again. Astrology, as employed, is plane geometry. An. astrological chart is plane geometry, because it is a two dimensional figure. The natal chart, as conventionally used today, is an attempt to deal with three planes of space simultaneously, which might not be wrong if it were correctly accomplished.
It has always been the writer's experience that few things we might set out to investigate are 100% right or 100% wrong. If alert, we usually find a certain amount of truth and a certain amount of error in everything we investigate. Unfortunately, this method is not adopted in many universities nor in academic circles. Textbooks are constantly doctored to make them appear to conform with some dogma. The writer recently examined a college textbook on Plato. Throughout the volume, wherever the word astrology appeared, it had been changed to astronomy. It is doubtful whether the equivalent of the word astronomy existed in the days of Plato. As far as we have been able to determine, the word astronomy did not come into being until the Renaissance. Even then, Paracelsus defined astrology as dealing with prediction and astronomy as dealing with character delineations. Plato lived 400 years before Christ. The word astrology can be found nowhere in the New Testament. And even during the Renaissance, it did not mean to Paracelsus what it means today.
Thus, when we discard a conventional system of astrology, let us not do so with the conception that it is 100% wrong. It may have contained some truth that we have overlooked. Let us not condemn one system because another system works. If astrology is pure mathematics, as we hold that it is, then there can be many systems of astrology, and when perfected, they will all work. A better understanding of this can be grasped if we consider that there is more than one way of multiplying two numbers, and each way will give the same answer. One method does not nullify another method. Let us prove this, or let us give you a way of proving it to yourself.
To multiply by the old system known as peasant arithmetic, to numbers are placed side by side on a piece of paper.
Next, you divide the first number by two, writing the answer below the first number, but disregarding a possible one that may be left over. You divide the lower number by two, and you continue with this process until you have reduced the original first number to one.
Now, you go to the number in the second column and you multiply it by two. You multiply the answer by two, and so on, until you have multiplied in the second column the same number of times that you have divided in the first column.
Whenever the number in the left-hand column is even, cross out the corresponding number in the right-hand column. That would mean that since 24, 12 and 6 are even, we cross out the opposite numbers 128, 256 and 512, leaving 64, 1024 and 2048. When we add these three figures together we get 3136, the answer. If you multiply 49X64 in the conventional manner, the answer will be 3136. The completed problem will appear as follows:
Turn the numbers around, placing 64 in the first column, 49 in the second column, and it will still work. Supply your own numbers and prove this system of multiplying to yourself. It is based on what is known as the binary system. It was long discarded by academicians until the manufacturers of electronic calculating machines discovered that for their purposes it is better, and this is employed in modern electronic calculators today.
We give this demonstration to show you that in mathematics, there may be an infinite number of ways of doing a problem and one way is just as authentic as another, except in the minds of people who have been writing textbooks. One engineer, who went to Moscow to try and find out why Russia can turn out engineers faster than we can, discovered that Russia has abandoned our moronic methods of teaching mathematics. New methods are already in the making in the U.S. now.
So, let us avoid dogma. Let us not accuse the advocate of some other system of being 100% wrong. He may be 20% wrong or 90% wrong, but he may be partially right. The battles of the advocates of various systems of astrology should now be reviewed with these facts in mind. The natal horoscope, as drawn by either the Placidian, Regiomontanus Horizontal or the Campanus systems, is based on a plane determined by the place of birth, which might be all right as far as it goes, but the planets are then placed in this horoscope, not in that plane of space, but in the plane of the earth's orbit. This mixes everything all up. If a planet and a house cusp correspond with the same zodiacal degree, it is assumed that the planet is on the house cusp, which may not be true at all. Two mathematical points which are conjunct in one plane of space need not be conjunct in another plane of space. Two planets conjunct in one plane of space will not be conjunct in another plane of space. Let us illustrate this factor:
In the above diagram, we have two planes of space illustrated by the solid line marked "A" and the solid line marked "B". The two heavy dots are planets. A line is drawn at right angles to the "A" line and passes through both planets. Therefore, in the plane of space determined by the "A" line, the two planets are in conjunction. To be conjunct, two planets are merely in the same longitude, but not necessarily in the same latitude. In the plane of the solid "B" line, we have to draw two lines at right angles to the solid "B" line. In that plane of space, the planets are as far apart as the two dotted lines. The planets are NOT in conjunction in that plane of space.
This will demonstrate why we cannot declare two planets in aspect until we have agreed on a plane of space in which they are to be measured. A measurement in one plane of space is different from a measurement in another plane of space. For this reason, all heliocentric astrology, including the work being done by RCA Communications, Inc., contains an error, because modern astronomy is computing planetary conjunctions in a way they consider to be heliocentric, but their computations are actually made in the plane of the earth's orbit, and consequently they are mathematically incorrect. In the work of RCA, they are conscious of this error, and they are making allowance for it. In the case of the astronomers, they do not appear to be conscious of it. When the astronomers adopted the Copernican (heliocentric) in place of the Ptolemaic (geocentric) system of astronomy, they changed over in but two dimensions of space and forgot about the third dimension. They continue to make their computations in the plane of the earth's orbit. They might just as well compute them in the plane of Pluto's orbit. It would be equally as correct. For heliocentric astronomy to be valid, the positions would have to be computed in the plane in which the Sun travels. Before the birth of Christianity, heliocentric astrology was in use, but we are unable to determine in what plane computations were made. There remains the possibility that the old astrology may have been more valid and more accurate in its calculations than modern astronomy, but we do not know. A heliocentric conjunction (or other aspect) in the plane of the earth's orbit, is not an aspect in the plane of Pluto's orbit.
Empirical data would seem to indicate that when the astrologer computes his aspects in the plane of the earth's orbit, he is on the right track, but when the frame of reference is changed, this plane is no longer valid, and a new plane must be established.
As we find them today, both astrology and astronomy contain basic mathematical errors, and we must clear these up.
In the Placidian House system, the house cusps are found, not by a space measurement but by a time measurement. We will not claim that there is no basis for such a procedure but if there is, then it opens up an entirely new realm of astrology that has never been explored. If the houses are to be determined in this manner, then planetary aspects would have to be determined in the same manner. To compute a sextile (60 degree aspect), you would not compute the planets in space. Instead, you would compute the time that it takes two planets to move from the conjunction to the square, and you would say that they are sextile when 2/3 of that time has elapsed.
In these Lessons, we are teaching a system that is based on empirical evidence, and therefore, we will not attempt to explore such possibilities as those outlined above, but we beg the student not to be dogmatic and not to close his mind to systems other than what we teach. For all practical purposes, the student will find our methods much more simple than those conventionally employed today.
However, we declare the natal chart as employed to be invalid because it creates an illusion. It makes planets appear to be, in the chart, where they positively are not. We will abandon that system.
Let us set up a hypothesis that may or may not be true. It is only for consideration. We suspect that the ancients, either those who built the Great Pyramid or more ancient ancients, may have known more about astrology, astronomy and mathematics than we know today. We know that the ancient Greeks regarded knowledge as dangerous in the wrong hands. We know that in the magic squares they filled out only part of the pattern, leaving the remainder to be deciphered by the "initiated", those with the ability to visualize the abstract. In that case, it is possible that the present system of erecting a natal chart may embody four distinctly different systems of astrology instead of one, and it is possible that each holds truth when separated from the others. All four may supply the same answer in different ways, just as both of our illustrated systems of multiplication supply the same answer in the end.
One system, and the one which we employ, keeps all the factors in the plane of the earth's orbit. A second system, would keep all the factors in a plane determined by the place of birth. A third system would keep everything in the plane of the earth's equator. This plane is actually employed in navigation. A fourth system would abandon space measurements for time measurements.
In our system, we take note of other planes than the one we employ, but we are concerned only with those mathematical points where the various planes of space cross the plane of the earth's orbit. We work with mathematical points and find them just as significant as planets.
During June 1956, the writer drove a car 4500 miles in two weeks, and although it was not his intended purpose, he collected crystal formations for study from various states. The same mathematical laws that work in astrology work in rocks. Like snowflakes, some rocks form with six sides in a particular plane of reference. (We have in Lesson One noted that the six-sided snowflake is actually a twelve-part object.) Other six-sided objects grow out of the first at various other angles. This is mathematical expression. We might expect the same in astrology. We might suspect that there are many horoscopes at many angles, but we cannot employ these other horoscopes until the whole planetary system has been re-computed in the frame of reference that is to be adopted. That makes the conventional chart almost impossible if planetary tables now in existence are to be employed. Planets are computed in only two frames of reference, the plane of the earth's orbit and the plane of the earth's equator. Re-computation would have to be made for every horoscope and for every transit. A new set of ephemerides would have to be published, a much more complicated set, and publishers are trying to find a means of publishing ordinary ephemerides without losing money while doing so. The American Astrology Magazine Ephemeris and Wynne's Ephemeris had to be abandoned, because the cost of production was always greater than the selling price.
Some astrologers, notably Cyril Fagan of Ireland, are working with a Sidereal Zodiac based on the fixed stars. We cannot even consider this zodiac until certain mathematical factors have been determined, and we have been unable to get satisfactory answers to questions that arise. Where is the center of this zodiac and why? In what plane of space is this zodiac to be determined? At the present time, the same plane of the earth's orbit is used, but why should the plane of the earth's orbit have any significance in anything so vast as a zodiac based on fixed stars? Why should the insignificant planets of our solar system be used as " rulers" of something that is cosmic? Why should the 12 signs of the zodiac be equal 30-degree divisions of space when measured from the earth as a center? This is geocentric. These divisions would be otherwise if measured from some other point in space, and the position of the earth varies by over 50,000 light years. If the earth is the center at one time, it would be more than 50,000 light years or 290 quadrillion miles away from the center at another time. Another significant factor that one of our students points out is that during the last few thousands of years, great changes have taken place in the positions of the fixed stars. They are not fixed.
Up until now, we have had no reason to consider astrology as in any way associated with anything beyond the solar system. Instead, we appear to find that the solar system and human dynamics merely function in accord with the same mathematical formula. For our immediate purpose, we can forget the fixed stars. Again, however, always keep an open mind for any further information that may turn up in the future.
For our purposes, we are interested in determining a mathematical point. We want to know that mathematical point where a plane of space determined by your location of birth crosses the horizon and plane of the earth's orbit--the zodiac. A line drawn from your birth position to the place where the Sun is going to rise will supply what we want, and fortunately, your Table of Houses will give us that information. We call that mathematical point the Ascendent.
As soon as we determine this mathematical point, we will be able to draw up the natal horoscope. In Lesson Ten, we showed you how to determine the Sidereal Time at birth. Study your Table of Houses. You will see that the tables are made up for various latitudes. Three different latitudes are carried on one page and run through 12 pages. House Cusps are given for each approximate four minutes of time. You are supplied with the degree of the zodiac on the 10th, 11th, 12th, 1st or Ascendent, 2nd and 3rd Houses. The House Cusps given in the Table of Houses are those known as the Placidian House Cusps. We are not going to employ them, but you may as well see what they are all about and how they differ from the system we are going to employ, which is a much simpler system. When you erect horoscopes in the plane of the earth's orbit, you can abandon all the house cusps given in the Table of Houses, with the exception of the ascendent or First House Cusp. That will remain the same. Insofar as erecting horoscope charts is concerned, after you have taken the degree of the zodiac shown on the ascendent, you can close the book. We can go on from there by ourselves.
Our description of a Table of Houses refers to the particular one that we have supplied. If you are using some other Table of Houses, the material may be arranged differently. If it gives you any trouble, let us know. If you have some other Table of Houses, you probably already know how to use it. The particular Table of Houses that we furnish covers all latitudes up to 66 degrees. Keeping the entire horoscope in the one plane of the earth's orbit will do away with all complications for persons born in extreme northern or southern latitudes, except when one is so far north or south that the Sun doesn't actually rise or set during 24 hours. Under those circumstances, we have a problem which we do not yet know how to approach.
We are now ready to erect a chart, and this time the writer is going to use his own chart because it is one where maintaining every- thing in one plane is going to make a drastic difference and because he can't question its authenticity. There are other cases where the difference will be slight. The writer was born just outside New York City at 10:32 P.M. on April 27th, 1902. This is a corrected birth time, because the recorded time was merely given as something prior to 11:00 P.M.
If you look up the longitude and latitude for New York City, you will find that it is 41 degrees north latitude and 74 degree. west longitude.
If you will look at your ephemeris for April 27th, 1902, you will find the Sidereal Time given as 2:l8. This is the Sidereal Time at noon at Greenwich, but the Sidereal Time for noon at New York will vary by less than one minute, so we will overlook the difference. Since the birth was after noon, we will add the birth time to the Sidereal Time, and we will add an additional four minutes because New York is at 74 degrees west longitude while the center of the time zone is 75 degrees west longitude, so New York is one degree east of the time zone center.
Sidereal Time at Birth..................2:18
Birth Time after noon..................l0:32
One Degree east of TZ center....... :04
Sidereal Time at Birth................12.54
Now, if we turn to the Table of Houses for Latitude 41, and turn to the Sidereal Time figure that is closest to 12:54, we find 2:55. At the top of the column, we see the zodiacal signs under the figures 10, 11, 12, Asc., 2, 3. Watch out because the zodiacal sign may change part way down the page. Opposite Sidereal Time 12:55, we find, in the 10th House column 15-Libra, in the 11th House column 12-Scorpio (note that the sign changed in this column from Libra to Scorpio, just below the top of the column), in the 12th House column 3-Sagittarius, in the Asc. column 22 Sagittarius, in the 2nd House column 29-Capricorn, and in tile 3rd House column 10 Pisces. (Note that here again the zodiacal sign changed from the top of the page. It changed from Aquarius to Pisces.)
These figures supply the zodiacal degree on each of six cusps of the Houses according to the Placidian House Cusp System, and although we are not going to use this system, it would be well for you to know about it, because it is the most generally used system of the majority of astrologers of today.
The number of degrees on a house cusp is always the same as the number of degrees on the Ascendent. This is the Equal House System. Sagittarius is the rising sign. Capricorn comes after Sagittarius, and so we put it on the 2nd House Cusp. Aquarius comes next, and we put it on the 3rd Cusp, etc., until we have gone all the way around the circle.
This is the chart we will use. It is a chart drawn in the plane of the earth's orbit, the same as the plane of the zodiac and the plane of the ecliptic. Now the chart is a 2-dimensional figure. Everything is computed in one plane of space. We are interested in other planes, but only in knowing where those planes cut or cross this plane. The Sun is always in the plane of the earth's orbit since it is its center. In this chart, 22-Sagittarius is on the eastern horizon at the time of birth.
You will now note an interesting mathematical fact. Sagittarius is the 9th-House zodiacal sign, or the 9th House of the zodiac. It is on the 1st House Cusp. On the other hand, Leo, the 1st House sign of the zodiac is in the 9th Cusp of this chart. This interchange always occurs. It is simple arithmetic, but it does not necessarily occur in any of the conventionally used systems of astrology. If you have Scorpio on the 1st House Cusp, Scorpio being the 10th House sign of the zodiac, then you must have Leo, the 1st House Sign on the 10th House cusp.
This means that when planets transit Leo, a 1st House ascendent has a transit to the 1st House, a 2nd House ascendent has a transit to the 2nd House, etc. This will become more important to you later when you are interpreting transits.
From now on, we will forget the chart showing the Placidian House Cusps, and we will confine ourselves to the lower or Earths Orbit Chart. Our next step will be to put the planets in the lower chart, but we would like to discuss these two charts a little more.
When the writer first began studying astrology he had the advantage of having kept a diary for some years. One of his first moves was to check the day-to-day transits to his chart during the interval covered by this diary. This proved a great asset, because a written record is always so far superior to the memory, which can be very faulty. from there on, he fo11owed the daily movement of the planets. He found that planets going over the natal planetary positions were accompanied by interesting developments, some merely mental and emotional, but here they were, written up in advance. However, aside from the ascendent and 7th Cusps, he never found effects from transits to the house cusps. This confusion went on for a number of years, until the days when he worked as an associate editor for Sidney K. Bennett (Wynn, whom we have mentioned earlier.)
One day, Bennett came out of his inner office and asked, "Tell me, have you ever found that transits to house cusps work?" The writer answered with a loud and emphatic, "NO", whereupon, Bennett remarked, "Neither have I.'" and returned to his inner office. That's all the conversation that took place, but we had agreed on something.
It was after that, that the writer took up mathematics as a hobby. It took many more years before he reached the conclusion that astrology was nothing more than mere mathematical expression, but after this conclusion, his astrological thinking was different and he had to begin thinking about the mathematical imperfections that existed in the astrological charts. Unconscious of the work that had already been accomplished by Tucker, Jung and Lee, he began to realize that mathematically, you must treat one frame of reference at a time. You can employ many frames of reference, but the rules that work for one frame of reference do not apply for another. For example, in the duodecimal system of arithmetic, when you square any prime number greater than 3, the answer will always end in one, but this would not apply for the decimal system. In the binary system, the square of an odd number will always end in 1, and the square of an even number will always end in zero.
After considerable thinking on this matter, the writer sat down and wrote out the dates of the most important events he could remember insofar as his own personal life was concerned. Then, he drew charts for these dates and tabulated the planetary positions statistically. He discovered that the majority of events in his life occurred when planets were at 22 degrees of signs, when they were crossing the house cusps of the earth's orbit chart. The events also coincided with the nature of the houses involved. This was particularly obvious where the slow- moving planets were involved.
For years, he had found no 10th House developments when planets crossed 15-Libra. The new 10th House Cusp was 22 degrees earlier in the zodiac, and when he studied events that coincided with transits over the 10th Cusp of the second chart at 22-virgo, results came fast and furiously. In the case of Neptunium transits, this altered the timing factor by 11 years. He had found no accompanying events when Neptune crossed 15-Libra, but when he went back and studied the period at which time Neptune crossed 22-virgo, sparks flew.
Those were the days when Elbert Benjamine began a campaign to "standardize" astrology. It was his purpose to rule out as "quacks" any astrologer who suggested that astrology, in the form in which his publications had advocated it, was anything less than the work of God Himself. Benjamine had already appointed himself a representative of God, because Los Angeles had ruled astrology illegal, and to escape the law and its possible penalties, Benjamine changed his organization from a Brotherhood to a Church. Under the Constitution, you can't pass laws that put a church out of business. Under these circumstances, as a representative of God, he could continue to operate unmolested. As his first three victims who were to be ruled out, he selected Sidney Bennett, Dal Lee and Carl Payne Tobey.
However, his campaign ended abruptly following a letter from the writer announcing the beginning of legal action unless the attacks ended. This letter resulted in an apology from Benjamine and a request for a pact. He asked for an agreement that we would not attack each other's writings. We did not reply to this request. There was a humorous angle that never came out. In adopting the term "Standard Astrology", Benjamine was employing a copyrighted term owned by the writer, whom he was attacking. However, the whole period when Neptune was crossing 22-Virgo was filled with the Neptunian type of event. The writer had his home and his business in a building on 13th Street in New York. The most spectacular event of all during this period is worth mentioning. One day, a friend arrived accompanied by two gentlemen whom he introduced They were U.S. Secret Service Agents. They asked a favor. They wished to secretly hide themselves in the writer's home for a spell, from where they could watch an adjoining apartment. This developed some humorous situations, because it was necessary to explain these "friends" who were staying with us to intimately known guests who must have thought the whole thing very strange. This situation continued for two weeks until Mars reached the ascendent of the chart, from where it squared Neptune. (Remember that we have associated Mars with authority, Neptune with inferiors, and astrologers have long associated the Secret Service with Neptune because it deals with the inferiors from the underworld.) Right on the square of these two planets at the 1st and 10th Cusps of this chart, these two men, accompanied by about 20 others who suddenly appeared from nowhere made what was, at that time the greatest counterfeiting raid in history. The Ring's headquarters was immediately across the street. Public telephones in the neighborhood had been tapped for months. At the very same moment that this raid occurred, other raids were taking place all over the city, picking up less important individuals who were associated with the ring. Ultimately, there were over 300 arrests.
During the days when we were waiting for this raid to take place, and when we could discuss nothing with anybody except ourselves, we did discuss a good deal of astrology, and it was interesting to note that the Secret Service Agent who led the raid had Jupiter at the ascendent of the writer's own chart, at 22-Sagittarius. Gun play had been expected, but the raid had been so well planned that the leader of the ring was in handcuffs before he had recovered from the paralyzing effect of surprise.
It would take a good sized book to enumerate the manner in which developments have coincided with transits of planets over cusps to this one chart, but it should be mentioned that for many years, the writer had assumed the ascendent of his chart to be 21-Sagittarius, until a statistical analysis of the past showed that the sensitive zodiacal point was 22 degrees and not 21. This meant changing the birth time by four minutes, making it four minutes later.
You will see that correction of a birth time in most cases can be a statistical procedure. The birth time can be established, once the ascending sign has been determined, by a statistical tabulation to learn what degree from 1 to 30 is accompanied by planets at the time of the most events in the individual's life.
It should also be mentioned that realization that these were the house cusps which respond to transits was greatly delayed by the fact that the writer has two planets near house cusps at birth, Uranus 2 degrees from the ascendent at 20-sagittarius and Venus at 20-Pisces near the fourth house cusp. For many years, he had erroneously assumed that events occurring with planets at 22 degrees were delayed reaction to transits involving Uranus and Venus in the chart. However, this contention did not stand up, because the charts of three other people born on the same month, day and year, but at a different time of day, did not show similar developments. These other people had Venus and Uranus at the same points, but their house cusps were different.
As a result, the writer was late in adopting this chart in the plane of the earth's orbit, and Tucker, Lee and Jung were there first. Tucker had been advocating such a chart 20 years earlier. As a concrete example of the distortions that actually occur in the conventional kind of a chart, on August 23rd, 1956, the writer was watching for the Moon to rise at Tucson, Arizona. He knew that Mars was at 22-Pisces, the Moon 8 degrees further along at 0-Aries. Thus, one might expect Mars to rise before the Moon, but it didn't. The Moon rose first, Mars some minutes later. Here is a case where the conventional chart would show Mars above the horizon in the 12th House, the Moon below the horizonin the 1st House, when the reverse is true. The Moon was considerably above the horizon in the 12th House, while Mars was below the horizon in the 1st House. If we look at the summer sky in the northern hemisphere, the zodiac slants from northeast to southwest in the morning and from southeast to northwest in the afternoon, while the reverse would be true in the winter.
URL: http://mysite.verizon.net/bonniehill/pages.aux/astrology/tobey/tobey.11.html