There are two schools of astrology which have been rather antagonistic toward each other, those who follow "progressions" and those who follow "transits." First, let us explain what progressions are. There are many schools of progressions. Progressionists do not agree among themselves, but we will refer to the system employed most widely in this country and that which was taught by Llewellyn George. This school assumes some relationship between two time elements which appear unrelated otherwise, a day and year. It assumes a relationship between a revolution of the earth around the sun and a rotation of the earth on its axis in relation to the sun.
It is the assumption that if you were born at 10:17 A.M. on June 16th, 1905, a chart drawn for 10:17 A.M. on June 27th, 1905 would indicate phases of your life during the year following your eleventh birthday. The movement of the planets during the first day of your life would have a relationship to the first twelve months or year of your life. The ascendent and cusps of the chart will change at the rate of about a degree a year, although this can vary. The movement of the cusps in relation to planets are called primary progressions and the movement of the planet in relation to each other are called secondary progressions. However, if the system of Lewellyn George's followed, you will have all these progressions in each chart. George was not an exclusive progressionist, because he employed both progressions and transits. Transits are merely the relationship of planets now to their birth position.
About the year 1930, Sidney K Bennett (Winn) opened war on the progressionists, and his magazine came forth with a headline stating that progressions do not work. An explosion occurred around his head, because the majority of astrologers in the U.S. did not agree with him, and he was attacked from all quarters. It is regrettable that the two groups of people could not get together and test their view scientifically but the debate was too emotional for that. Each side protected their ideas like their children, and astrologers of one group were not to be seen where there were astrologers of the other group.
In his original attack, Wynn had given an example in his own life. He had been hit by an automobile and spent many weeks in the hospital as a result. Everything in his life changed, and he maintained there was nothing in his progressed chart to indicate an accident at that time. Actually, Winn had overlooked something. He had not checked progressed planets against progressed planets but only progressed planets against natal planets. For the year in question, his progressed Mars was in opposition to Saturn, and if one were to consult the texts of Lewellyn George for the aspect he would find that just that sort of a condition was predicted. This was pointed out to Winn by the writer and published in THE NEW YORK ASTROLOGER, a student publication that existed at that time. Although Wynn admitted an oversight, it did not alter his view of progressions because the whole idea of progressions was ridiculous to him. From here on, for the next 27 years, the writer has remained silent on progressions. Nevertheless, for that length of time he has continued observing. To say anything for or against progressions during the last 27 years would have been to make enemies on one side or the other. The progressionists and the transitists have hardly been on speaking terms, although it is probably that most progressionists of today use both progressions and transits as did Lewellyn George, so we should probably say that the quarrel is between the progressionists and the non-progressionists.
We cannot ignore the fact that there have been many students who have adopted progressions because they claimed to have found they work, while there have been many other students who discarded progressions because they claimed to have found they did not work. Thus, we have confusion. The witnesses do not testify to the same thing. What witnesses are we to believe? Throughout these 27 years, while the writer has been known as a transitist, it might be noted that he has never published an actual opinion relative to progressions. He has never said YES and he has never said NO, but there comes a time when one must speak, and in putting out this Course on astrology, it becomes impossible to ignore the matter of progressions. Actually, we have seen progressions work and we have seen them fail to work. In essence, what we should say is that they have not worked accurately.
In 1926, when first studying astrology in the form of the work of Llewellyn George, we looked ahead, and we read up what was supposed to happen to us a long time hence. According to George, the writer might become the father of a child after he was 40, when progressed Venus reached his natal Sun. At the time of making this study the writer was 24 and a child had been born in that year. It is interesting to note that he had no more children until after he was 41, when his only son was born. However, the birth was off by several years. This is typical of the writer's experience with progressions. He found that they worked but they did not work at the right time. There were broad inaccuracies. In some cases, they worked very accurately, but in most instances, they did not. It is not the writer's nature to impulsively toss this sort of evidence out the window and merely say that progressions do not work. There is nothing unusual about this kind of evidence. We find it everywhere in science. Scientists are always finding something that appears to work one moment and not the next. They keep digging until they find out why. One of our greatest scientists, Charles F. Kettering recently said, "From the time he goes to school, a child is taught that it is very dangerous to fail.... The inventor fails 9,999 times and if he succeeds once he is in. The one time you don't want to fail is the last time you try. Just the minute you get satisfied with what you've got, the concrete has begun to set in your head." (Quoted from Collier's, October 26th, 1956.)
The writer never used progressions in advising clients during all of the years of his professional practice, because he found that he could not depend on their accuracy although he could depend on the accuracy of transits. Nevertheless, he has always kept an open mind. Where there is smoke, there might be fire. We will later discuss what might be wrong with progressions and how they might possibly be found to work with accuracy. First, however, let us take up the claim of some that progressions are ridiculous. How could the planets on the 23rd day after your birth have anything to do with the 23rd year of your life? This question is based on the assumption that astrology is a causal phenomenon. We have held that it is not, and when you stop assuming that it is, new avenues open up to you. There is the possibility that progressions might involve some form of mathematical expression, an abstract cosmic design whereby there is a relationship between rotation and revolutions of the earth. We do not know. It is merely a possibility. If progressions work inaccurately, we should not toss them out. We should investigate more thoroughly. We should try and find out why. The first automobiles did not run very efficiently but we did not throw out the whole idea, although there were many people who advised doing so. Progressions in the right hands might turn up something we do not yet know.
One of the great difficulties with many progressionists is that they are fatalistic in their attitude and they work with an expected precision that does not exist. They try to calculate an aspect such as one of Mars-Saturn down to an exact day when accuracy does not even appear to be to an exact year. Some progressed aspects would be of very long duration, and would not apply for a specific event to occur on a certain day. When the writer was a child, progressed Mars moved over his natal Sun, and that interval was certainly accompanied by a couple of years when he was always getting hurt through falls, etc. There was no other similar period in his life. The opposition of progressed Mercury to Uranus in his chart coincided with his editorship of the Long Beach (N.Y.) Sun, as a youngster, which resulted in a spectacular editorial campaign against political corruption in Nassau County, which in turn lead to a state investigation being ordered by Governor Alfred E. Smith, and this ultimately led to conviction of many public officials and the end of a political regime. You will realize that many enemies resulted. Immediately thereafter, Mercury crossed the writer's 7th natal cusp, and he was married for the first time, while visiting in Palm Beach. When progressed Mercury reached the conjunction of Neptune in his chart, he began writing for astrology magazines. During the years when progressed Mars was squaring his Jupiter, he went through a period of terrific gambling losses. In fact, almost anything he did businesswise lost money, but fortunately he was very young. He was coming out of his teens. Things were more than tough when the progressed ascendent reached natal Saturn. When the progressed ascendent reached natal Jupiter he moved from New York to Arizona and began a new era.
On the other hand, many of the most important events of his life were accompanied by no significant progressions. Now and then, however, we have a case that baffles us, and we turn to progressions to see what they might show. Here is a lady who is seized with pain in the middle of the night, is rushed to a hospital and goes through an emergency appendectomy. Mars was exactly on her natal Sun and Pluto, but it had crossed that point once every two years of her life with no operation necessary and without any similar ailments. Why did it happen this time? We turn to progressions, and we find that her progressed Mars has reached her natal Sun, so that the transit of Mars was over a progressed Mars conjunct her Sun-Pluto in Cancer. Such cases might be coincidence, but are they?
It has been our experience that transits work to natal cusps of houses computed in the plane of the earth's orbit and not to the cusps of houses computed in accord with the Placidian system. The progressed chart is computed in the Placidian plane, but the planets are then placed in the chart in the plane of the earth's orbit which is mathematically incommensurable. What would happen if the planets were re-computed in the same plane as that in which the chart is drawn? Insofar as we know, this never been tried, but there is some hint that Johndro was experimenting with such a system prior to his death. We are not sure. This would entail a very complicated set of recalculations. The question is, would progressions work if they were correctly calculated? They are not correctly calculated at the present time, because you can't take planetary positions from an ephemeris calculated in one plane of space and apply them to another plane of space. That is what the progressionists are doing now.
There is no question in our minds that the progressionists are partly in error, but we hesitate to say they are ALL wrong. They may be partly right. They may have something unperfected that could be perfected. To determine the answer to such a question will require a lot of research and a lot of money, money that is not available at the present time, but we feel that we should all keep an open mind on the subject until such a time as such research is within the realms of possibility. It is our advice to the student to stick to transits insofar as everyday practice is concerned, but to experiment with progressions or anything else as much as you like, AFTER you have mastered transits. We hope the student will avoid any dogma. The great difficulty with most of those who have taken part in the battle for or against progressions is that they have assumed a dogmatic stand on one side of the question and have failed to penetrate further. Each side has been unable to listen to arguments on the other side. If that is not where progressions end, it is where progress ends.
If a progressed chart is drawn in the Placidian plane, and then the planets are computed in that same plane, the planetary positions would vary considerably. What is the possibility that the astronomical error in the erection of these progressed charts equals the inaccuracies that we find in the timing of progressions? In other words, what is the possibility that transits work in the plane of the earth's orbit (which is the plane of the zodiac) and that progressions work in the plane of the Placidian system? We have similar phenomena in mathematics all of the time. The whole idea of computing a chart in the plane of the Placidian system and then inserting the planets according to the zodiac is unsound. If you draw a chart in the Placidian system, you should forget the zodiac, because it is in a different plane of space and would have no application in the Placidian system. The two systems cannot be employed together. You have half of one thing and half of something else. It is as if a person was to dress like a man on one side, like a woman on the other. You can compute mathematically in the decimal system or you can compute in the duodecimal system, and the results will be the same, but you can't use the two systems at the same time. You have to use one or the other. In the decimal system, 2X8 =16, but in the duodecimal system, 2X8=14. However, 16 in the decimal system means exactly the same thing as 14 in the duodecimal system. In the decimal system, 16 means 10 plus 6, while in the duodecimal system, 16 means 12 plus 6.
Transits merely involve the relationship of the planets today to the date of birth. After birth, you retain the greater part of the characteristics with which you were born. A study of your chart as it relates to the planetary positions of today, is a study of how you fit into the circumstances that exist today. Just as your birth date had characteristics, today has characteristics, and they are different, although some of them might be similar. Neptune has been entering Scorpio as we have been writing these lessons. None of us are old enough to remember Neptune having been in Scorpio before, because it takes 165 years for Neptune to go all through the twelve signs. None of us can base our judgment of Neptune-in-Scorpio on personal experience, but we can judge it analytically. We know that Neptune represents the SSD and that Scorpio represents the FSD. We know that the Social Survival Dynamic comes under the domination of the Family Survival Dynamic. What would ordinarily be the sympathy of the SSD is overcome by the jealousy and fear of the FSD. On the unconscious level, the family wants to survive in the old form. There is fear of any new pattern. There is fear of injecting new blood into the family stream. In extreme cases, the inclination will be toward incest. We see the effects in the south where the segregation problem is accented. Among the whites, there is fear that segregation will involve a mixture of blood. The negro demands his birth rights, and some of the whites are afraid to grant them for fear that the past pattern of the family might not survive. This will work elsewhere than in the south, and it will work in other ways. Races will want to protect their patterns and customs of the past. Families will want to protect their own. Neptune subdued in Scorpio will not help the spirit of the brotherhood of Man, because family and racial patterns will be very strong, and this will apply throughout the world. Races can be more cruel to each other, and families can be more cruel to each other.
There will be other transits. The power of Neptune in Scorpio will be strengthened or weakened by other transits. When Mars goes into Pisces for a short while, this will balance off, because then Mars, representing the FSD will be in Pisces, representing the SSD, and each principle will be, to some extent, under the domination of the other, but watch out when planets gang up in Scorpio, as they will at times, because then the effect of the FSD will become even more pronounced and powerful. From the unconscious will come the compulsions that demand greater survival for the old family pattern. As Neptune in Scorpio forms aspects to planets the charts of millions of people, the FSD will do everything in its power to manifest. This may create a great many strange developments in a great many places and in a great many families. It will be likely to increase racial feelings and racial prejudice. It is probably having a great deal to do with the situation in the Middle East as this is written, but Neptune's total stay in Scorpio will be about 14 years.
This will be a good place to bring forth another controversial phase of astrology, that known as Horary Astrology. The theme of horary astrology is not unsimilar to that of a crystal ball. There are various textbooks on horary astrology, and it has been our experience that none of the rules in them really work. Horary astrology is more or less a form of divination. When a client came to Evangeline Adams, she erected a chart for the moment of the interview, placed the client's birth planets in this chart, and gave her interpretations from the chart. Her interpretations were usually very good, but we doubt that the chart had anything in particular to do with the interpretations. The indication was that Evangeline Adams was psychic. A crystal ball would have done quite as well as the horary chart.
The spring 1957 issue of TOMORROW Magazine contains an interesting article by Dal Lee speculating on some astrologers whose interpretations may be more psychic than astrological. Some astrologers often use a horary chart to try and find the answer to a question that is propounded. When the Lindbergh baby was kidnapped in 1932, astrologers of this group all over the country erected horary charts. They all chose different moments to erect the chart, because they did not hear about the kidnapping at the same time. They all came up with different answers.
Many years back, we studied the textbooks on horary astrology very carefully. We collected over 3000 horary charts that pertained to questions involving the future. We kept these charts until the answer to the question was decided by time, and then we checked to see how closely the rules worked. It was our finding that the rules didn't work at all. We forgot the old methods of horary astrology.
Yet, on the other hand, we have often made good use of such charts in another way. The charts show the transits to the natal chart at a given time. There will be other transits in the future. In a great many instances a question can be answered by noting what the planets are going to do next, but this could hardly be termed horary astrology. A neighbor came in to see us one day. She was very upset. An aunt had been very ill for some time. A look at the patient's chart showed heavy Neptunian afflictions, including a transit of Neptune over natal Saturn. These were to become worse within a few days, because the Sun was to conjoin Neptune on her Saturn. The neighbor wanted to know what the future held. In our mind, we calculated the date when the Neptunian afflictions would reach a maximum. Then we gave ourselves a few days leeway, set a date, and said that if the patient could successfully pass that date, her condition would improve. The patient died two days prior to the date set. This could not be considered a horary answer. It was merely a notation of when conditions would be at their worst. The question remained as to whether the patient could make the grade.
It is entirely possible that some people possess a psychic sense that allows them to unconsciously select a time when a horary chart will give an answer according to some set of rules, whatever set of rules the individual is employing, but this is hardly to be considered astrology in the sense that it is being taught in these lessons. Many times, a single aspect will give you the answer to a question, If a woman had Mars right on Uranus in her chart and asked us, if I leave my husband now, can we patch things up later? We would say NO. If you take action under bad Mars-Uranus afflictions, you burn your bridges behind you, and there is no going back. It's just that we have seen that sort of thing happen again and again.
In "A New Experiment in Astrology" published in 1938, we offered what we then termed a partial system of horary astrology, but if we are to stick to the old meaning of the term horary astrology, then the system could not actually be considered as horary astrology. You may find people who are seeking buried treasure or who want to find a way of beating the horses, and they may want your help. We never even consider such cases. It is a negative way of living. The world is full of grand possibilities for those who will follow a constructive course, and to those people, astrology can be very useful, but why try to help a person living a negative existence to live a more negative existence. You won't be doing him a favor. Lots of people go looking for gold for amusement, but if they really expect to find it, they are taking the matter too seriously. There is more money in a new invention. You can read all kinds of books about the early search for gold in Arizona, but the facts are that today, with the most modern mining methods, there is only one commercially operating gold mine in Arizona. Its complete find for 1955 was $20,000, and the men working could have made more money if they worked as carpenters. The big mining companies do not even look for gold. They look for copper. They find small quantities of gold and there, but they cannot be annoyed looking for it. They consider it merely as a by-product. It holds little interest for them. By modern methods, they sometimes take down a whole mountain, and if there is any gold, they'll find it. Nevertheless, there are still long bearded prospectors roaming the mountains of Arizona, ever in search of that great find but they just like to roam. They wouldn't be at home in a community. It is a lot of fun, for one who likes roaming.
There was an astrologer in New Mexico a few years back who advertised himself as a specialist in horary astrology. From a horary chart, he decided that oil was to be found on a certain property. He invested his every cent in the project. He talked clients into joining and investing more money. After drilling operations were complete, he committed suicide. There wasn't any oil. The horary chart didn't work.
It is our advice to forget the old rules of horary astrology unless you are a psychic, and in that event you could do better to get yourself a crystal ball and forget astrology all together. The rules of horary astrology might throw you off. There are no rules that go with a crystal ball. Nevertheless, if you discover some new principle, we won't have a closed mind.
Visitors are often quite surprised that we do not maintain a greater astrological library than we do. It is a little foolish to load yourself up with books filled with rules that do not work. The majority of books on astrology were written by people who knew little about astrology from actual experience. They read other books by other people with little knowledge on astrology, and in that way qualified themselves to write more books by people who knew little about astrology. If a New York publisher wants to publish a book on astrology, he merely seeks somebody who can write a thrilling book. He does not want to know whether the rules in the book. All he wants to know is whether the book sells. In some cases, the worst books on astrology have been good sellers. They have been Neptunian. They appeal to the pathological element in society. Don't forget that the books that sell best are those that are pure fiction Society is far more interested in reading fiction than fact. Just compare the sale of fiction with non-fiction. Nevertheless, there is hope, because as the ratio of educated people increases, the sale of non-fiction increases also. We are actually developing a taste for more factual material.
We have stated that there are many schools of progressions. It is probable that many students have investigated progressions, found that they almost worked, and began making changes to try and make them work better, with no better success. One astrologer writes, "One system seems to work in one case, another system in another case." Is this not merely telling us that results are not wrong but are inaccurate. However, it would seem that every new system holds just as many inaccuracies, and the system that we suggested for investigation, erecting the chart in the Placidian system and also computing the planets in the plane of this system, might prove just as faulty. We do not know. It is merely a mathematical suggestion which may or may not have merit.
Some systems attempt to use a degree for a year, but a degree of a circle has no factual foundation. It is a purely arbitrary, man-made standard of measurement, like a foot. We know of no real basis for dividing a circle into 360 equal parts. It is supposed that this was agreed upon because ancients believed that there were 360 days in a year, but this is probably some of the fiction of modern astronomy. The Aztecs had a more perfect calendar when it was discovered than the European astronomers did. The ancients knew more astronomy than we think they did. Their knowledge was lost long before the birth of Christianity. How much was lost in the burning of the great libraries of Alexandria and China, and how much was lost long before that is unknown. At any rate, we have no reason to believe that a degree or 1/360th of a circle has any meaning or significance. It is merely a handy way of measuring something, just as a foot rule is a handy way of measuring something so long as everyone is employing the same length foot rule.
On the other hand, we have found the figure 12 or 1/12th of definite value and significance. We divide the zodiac into 12 parts and we divide the horoscope into 12 parts or houses. All of our evidence seems to indicate that this division has a factual foundation. It works, and astrologers have clung to it for centuries and centuries. That part tested by RCA Communications Inc. in its independent research also seems to stand up.
Astrologers have also employed what they call decanates or 10- degree areas. Such an area is 1/36th of a circle. We have never found that these areas stood up as entities in themselves, and there does not appear to be any mathematical reason for them. 36 is rnerely 3 X 12 or 6 x 6. However, we have found significance in the square of 12, dividing the circle into 144 parts or 12 X 12 This has been done by others, but we have never found the interpretations accompanying such division to be correct. We have found, for example, that the Sun in one part of a sign has characteristics not found when the Sun is in another part of the same sign. The key to this is another symmetrical pattern. Each sign is divided into twelve equal areas of 21/2 degrees, making up 144 areas, 144 being the square of 12, or 12 X 12. One much used system begins each sign with a pure type of the sign. The first 21/2 degrees of Aries is the Aries division of Aries, the next 21/2 degrees the Taurus section of Aries, etc. We never found that this system worked. Instead, we begin Aries with Scorpio. We are substituting survival for reform. The first 21/2 degrees of Aries will be the Scorpio division, the next 21/2 degrees the Sagittarius division, the next 21/2 degrees the Capricorn division, etc. This gives us an interesting mathematical pattern that is perfectly symmetrical. The last 21/2 degrees of Aries will be the Libra division, and Taurus will begin with a Libra division, so that the end of one sign is always joined to the next sign by the same subsign. The last 21/2 degrees of Taurus will be the Virgo division of Taurus, and the first 21/2 degrees of Gemini will be the Virgo division of Gemini.
We often find some very Neptunian situations which are not experienced otherwise when the Sun is between l71/2 and 20 degrees Cancer, the Pisces division of Cancer. There will be such a point in each zodiacal sign. In Aries, it will be from 10 to l21/2 degrees, in Taurus, it will be l21/2 to 15 degrees, in Gemini 15 to l7 degrees, etc. You will see above how Cancer fits in next. This is something we spotted way back in the early 30's, but we have never published anything on it, although we have been using it since that time. You will see that it is merely one more step in figuring out the design in the solar system. However, it might be interesting to note just how we came upon the idea.
There is a very interesting book on the characteristics of the degree written by an Australian named Kozminsky. It is probably out of print. Sidney K. Bennett prized this book highly, and he once reprinted the whole book serially in his magazine. One day, Bennitt brought the book, well marked up, to the writer. He was fascinated. "There must be a key to this fellow's interpretations," he said, "You will note that this division of this sign definitely has the characteristics of Mars in it. I have marked some of these divisions with the planet that seems to be the key. See what you make out of it."
The writer marked up the divisions further and finally noted that all the pieces fitted together. All we had to do was to fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle with a symmetrical design. However, the catch was that Kominsky was using degree areas, and the 3rd degree of a sign was part of one division and part of another. We had to make an allowance for this discrepancy, but when we had finished doing so, we had a perfectly symmetrical pattern. The big question is, how did Kominsky gain the original interpretations which appeared so authentic in most cases. For the answer, we will have to ask him. It is his claim that he wrote the interpretations psychically. They just came to him. In other words, the author wrote the book, unknowingly, to a mathematical pattern which he did not know to exist. For hat reason, he followed convention and divided the zodiac into 360 equal parts instead of 144 equal parts. The result might have been even more interesting had he started out with 144 equal parts. This brings up another interesting question. Nobody has ever been able to explain psychic phenomena, extrasensory perception or precognition, because it defies time and space, as has been proved in laboratory experiments at Duke and other universities. What is the possibility that these phenomena merely involve unconscious tuning into abstract, mathematical, cosmic design? This would explain everything with one swoop. In the abstract world, there is no time and no space. Neither time nor space can exist except by relativity.
The above is one more instance where our own discovery of design in the solar system was stimulated by something that was actually started by Sidney K. Bennett, and we might never have hit upon the answer had we not been fortunate enough to have known him. We began by taking pot shots at each other in two opposing magazines when we were both a lot younger and wound up very good friends. In fact the greatest element of the writer's own success in the astrological field was his ability to gain the co-operation of his competitors. Without the help of his competitors, he would never have gotten into business, and without the help of his competitors, he would never have stayed in business. Competitors can be very valuable to one if his FSD is not so strong that he excludes them as members of his family. When you have no competitors, life can get very dull.
A new question arises. If the zodiac can be divided into 12 parts, and then can be subdivided into 12 X 12 or 144 parts, can it now be divided into 12 X 12 X 12 parts? This would be l728 sub-sub parts. It is an interesting question, but we have not had time to investigate its possibilities. We mention it, because it might have possibilities and we hope it will give somebody something to do, just as Sidney K. Bennett gave us a lot to do in our earlier days in astrology. Another question that rises and has never been tested is thi5. If' the zodiac can be divided into 12 X 12 parts, can an astrological house be divided into twelve parts, each of which would be 1/144th of a circle. We do not know, but the thought may give somebody else something to do. There is lots to do. It might prove much more interesting and successful than trying to find a system of beating the horse races or than searching for gold in mountains where gold is very scarce. If the medical profession can't cure your wife of cancer, gold isn't going to do it either, but there is always a possibility that more knowledge might. Gold is only a medium to get other people to work for you, and you can often get people to work for you by merely getting them interested in what you are trying to do.
Coming back to progressions, our conclusion is that they are inaccurate. We do not claim that the idea of progressions is wrong or that there is no foundation for them. We suspect that there may be. However, the progressionist will have a difficult time trying to make them reasonable if he sticks to a causal hypothesis for astrology. We don't thing he should stick to a causal hypothesis. We think it breaks down. Reconsidering astrology as merely mathematical expression re- opens the door to progressions. They might involve a mathematical pattern, and if they do, there is nothing strange about them. There are stranger things throughout mathematics and nature. We have not yet found any mathematical relationship between rotations and revolutions of the earth, but there might be one, and if the progressionists can develop the fact that there IS, then they will have made the greatest scientific discovery of the age. It would open up the possibility that there is also a mathematical relationship involving all the motions of all the planets. Thus, although we have found progressions inaccurate a good part of the time, our own investigations lead us to the suspicion that we might make a very serious error if we were to throw them away altogether.
In working with transits, so long as the natal chart and the planets are in the same plane of space, you have a relatively simple matter to deal with. Astronomical tables are accurate. You know where the planets are. You are not dealing with two different things at one time and trying to make two things fit together that do not fit together. If there are two roads from New York to Boston cannot travel over both of them simultaneously. You have to make up your mind which you are going to take, but you might bake one going and come back the other way. If one is going to use progress-ions one must make up his mind in what plane of space he is going to calculate. We have tried the plane of the zodiac and the result is inaccuracies.