Correspondence Course in Astrology

by Carl Payne Tobey

Lesson #23

Child Training

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The horoscope of a child is very important .We hear a lot about juvenile delinquency these days, and most of it could have been avoided. It is another case where we hold the sins of society against the individual We may have a few spoiled brats, but the ratio is pretty low, and even the so-called spoiled brats have not had the right kind of an understanding allowed them. The surprising thing is that so many children come into the world and survive in spite of parents teachers and other adults. A rabbit enters a world where he may have to do a lot of running or jumping if he wants to survive, but the human child enters a world of hypocrisy and neurosis unknown to rabbits.

Although some children are over-protected by the parents, in a very large number of cases, child training means training the child in a way that will be the most convenient for the parents. A child is denied trial by any jury of its peers. He is seldom allowed much in the way of a voice in his own affairs, but he often finds out that he does get consideration if he throws tantrums because folks don't want to listen to him. He is taught to always tell the truth, but he may soon discover that this rule is only for him, not his parents. They tell him all kinds of falsehoods. He soon catches on but has learned that it is best to observe and keep his mouth shut about it. If he has any good ideas or conceptions of his own, he soon discovers that he is not supposed to think, because the rules have already been made. He came too late. When he enters the world, he is not a property owner and he can't vote.

He may get beat up occasionally, and he is apt to discover that this may not be connected with what he does or doesn't do so much as how older people feel on a given day. If they are happy, he can get away with anything. If they are unhappy, there is going to be trouble and maybe pain. He discovers that there is such a thing as dogma.

In many cases, the child is trained to fit into a generation that is already over or on its way out. He goes to school where he is taught all kinds of falsehoods. He is supposed to worship mysterious authorities who he is never allowed to pin down. He gets high marks If he can memorize all the falsity, hypocrisy and dogma that have found their way into textbooks. If the truth within his own nature revolts against all this, he is apt to be classified as a juvenile delinquent. He appears to be brought into the world to be a slave of society, and his training must be along those lines. Slaves are classified. The more training the individual has in orthodoxy, the more degrees he is given and there is a strong probability that these will entitle him to higher wages, although this is not necessarily guaranteed, and it does not always work out that way. In the end, the slaves who obtain the highest wages are those who learn the art of hypnotizing subjects, as salesmen or advertising copywriters. Whether president of a corporation or a university, the qualifications required involve one's ability to raise money through hypnotic or other means. If one can influence the behavior of others in such a way that it benefits an employer financially, one can belong to a higher caste of slaves. Whether by accident or design, the principal training that the child is given, until he finally begins to fill his role as a slave, is to give society assurance that he will never think for himself. He must merely reflect the mob pattern of society. He is supposed to think those same thoughts that are "accepted." If he can completely avoid the use of his own greater mind, he is classified as respectable. He is supposed to reflect the thoughts of others who have lived before him. He is told to honor his father, his mother, his teachers and ultimately his bosses, only because this is more convenient for his father, his mother, his teachers and his bosses.

In the September, 1957, issue of Student Forum, is the story of Dr. Malcolm H. Tallman, mathematician extraordinary, who was given marks of zero in his early years of school, because he knew and employed better, shorter and more efficient methods of solving mathematical problems than those known to his instructors. He was not supposed to be brilliant. He was merely supposed to reflect ways that had been "accepted" and which were therefore "respectable" This is what any brilliant child is up against in the world. Parents do not want children who are smarter than they are. Teachers do not want students who are more brilliant than they. Like monkeys, children are supposed to imitate, and they do, but difficulties arise due to the fact that children imitate both the sins as well as the so-called virtues of adults. Then this is not considered as great an evil as thinking.

An inventor is not an imitator. The inventor is the strange being who actually creates from his own individual mind, and we are told by no less successful a figure than Charles Kettering, retired vice-president of General Motors, that the more education a man has the less possibility there is of his ever becoming an inventor. Of course, Mr. Kettering refers to orthodox education, and he has degrees from 30 universities, but 29 of these institutions were never attended by Mr. Kettering. They were honorary degrees granted AFTER Mr. Kettering became successful, possibly because, in his position in life, he was able to help these universities gain endowments. When you can't get degrees one way you can buy them in another way.

In some parts of the country, corporal punishment of children in schools is illegal, and therefore criminal. In other parts of the country it is advocated, and a neurotic teacher is given powers of brutality extraordinary. Hearing of such a case where the parents of a child complained because their child was marked by a beating, the writer decided. to investigate a little on his own. He went to interview the teacher, a man weighing over 250 pounds. The child involved was 12 years old and weighed no more than 80 pounds The teacher justified his position by explaining that the boy had beaten up a smaller boy, and, what was he to do to protect smaller children under the circumstances? The writer investigated further, found that the other boy was also 12 years old,was actually a few pounds lighter, but here we ran into a puzzle. We found that the teacher also flogged the second boy. Why? Obviously, the teacher's story was a falsehood. Perhaps what interested us most about this case was the obvious fact that the teacher was completely filled with, almost paralyzed by, fear. Throughout the interview, 250 pounds of flesh trembled from head to feet. Higher school authorities explained that the teacher was not considered as qualified for the job, but in view of a shortage of teachers, it was necessary to place such authority in the hands of this person.

This teacher employed another policy that is often encountered. Inferior teachers find it embarrassing to have parents or other adults making inquiries. Children are discouraged from discussing such matters with parents. If they do have such discussions, they are ridiculed, called babies and sissies by the teachers in front of a whole class. They soon learn they are supposed to accept whatever injustice exists quietly. The child is never allowed a trial by jury or any other kind of a trial.

Our schools are improving. We have far superior schools and teachers today to those of 40 years ago, but progress has but touched the surface. We could have better schools and better teachers, but we would prefer to spend billions of dollars on atomic bombs, armies, air forces and navies. These agencies must also spend great sums of money on propaganda to prevent any changes in this basic system We are rapidly developing government by bureaucracy, where the principal parts of the government are run by persons never elected by the people, but appointed and then protected for life by civil service laws. Improvement can be achieved only by death.

Whatever injustices the child learns in school or at home, he is quite likely to imitate them. As he matures, since he has been trained not to think, but only to reflect the ideas of those who came before him, he is almost certain to practice the same injustices upon the weak that were practiced on him when he was weak. We call a man educated when he can imitate. He can always defend himself by saying, "We have always done it this way." It is not a matter of what is right or wrong. It is merely a matter of following tradition.

We often find that a teacher has quite different views from those he is teaching, but he feels it is necessary to keep these to himself. There is fear. He might lose his job if his true views were known. He must conform. A certain hypocrisy is necessary. It is a part of the social system. If some truths were generally known, it would be necessary to reprint the textbooks, and no such risk must be taken because this could very well cut down the profits of the publishers of textbooks. The book Worlds in Collision proved an unexpected success, but the publisher also published textbooks and the publisher found it necessary to sell out his interest in the book to another publisher, because authorities in the fields of astronomy and astrophysics let it be known that they found the volume offensive and in conflict with their routine of thinking, which meant they would soon be buying textbooks elsewhere. The publisher found it more profitable to conform.

Our greatest motivation is insecurity. We have insecure teachers who must have social security as well as a guarantee that they cannot be discharged, and insecurity is the principal thing we teach children. To conform to what is known to be wrong is supposed to give security That is part of our education.

We mentioned Charles Franklin Kettering. Mr. Kettering has also stated that an inventor can be wrong 999 times out of 1000, if he is right the other time. This is quite different from what we are taught elsewhere. Mr. Kettering was right more than once, but the first time was when he designed and patented a self-starter for an automobile. Mr. Kettering was born near Loudonville, Ohio, on August 29th, 1876, and this is a chart that may puzzle students, because all of the planets but one, that being Uranus in Leo, are in Earth and Water signs. We are immediately forced to the conclusion that Mr. Kettering could never have developed along the lines he did unless Uranus in Leo was near the ascendant of his birth chart at birth. Although brilliant in most respects, he was still a conformist in many ways. He graduated in mechanical engineering in 1904 when little in the way of mechanical engineering had ever been accomplished. The automotive era was just ahead of him. His first job was with a telephone company, then National Cash Register Company, and on to General Motors. He always managed to associate with the right people. He didn't actually go too far away from orthodoxy, except in his thinking. He accepted degrees from 29 orthodox institutions. He was a master salesman. He had Sun and Mars trine Neptune, in opposition to Saturn, while Saturn sextiled Neptune.

All of these remarks are to lead us to our question How shall we train children in order to improve this situation, and how can astrology help us in training children?

First, let us tell you of an interesting trick we picked up from a very brilliant professional psychologist in New York. This man was always fascinated by children. He liked children and spent a great deal of time with them and studying them. He liked to study their mental characteristics and abilities. Very small children interested him the most, those who had not been subjected to much in the way of education. It is characteristic of children that they ask questions, and when you supply them with answers, they are quite likely to come back with another question, "WHY?"

This psychologist liked to listen to the questions of children, but he asked questions too. When they asked, "Why?" he would ask, "What do you think?" He actually encouraged children to think. We do not need to tell you the results. You can find out for yourself. Just encourage small children to think for themselves in the above manner and you will be surprised at the results. They may give you just as sound ideas as any you will get from an astrophysicist, and perhaps far more interesting ones.

This experiment works best on children of pre-school age. By the time children have passed through a few grades or have attended high school or a university, mental crystallization has already set in.

Let us make it our first aim to encourage children to think, rather than to imitate or accept no-account authorities Without that aim, we are going to be seriously handicapped in bringing forth the greatest and most valuable hidden aims the child may have.

It may be necessary to be a bit subtle. A child does have to go to public school. He is no worse off than the other children who have to go to that same school. Although society demands a certain amount of conformance, it could be a lot worse, and it is in other countries. We don't want to place the child in an embarrassing position. The school will teach the child many things he must know. The danger lies in trying to fit all the children into one mold, and where schools are influenced by modern psychologists, this danger is being overcome. The outlook for the future is much brighter. We want to do nothing that is going to cause any unnecessary conflict between the child and his teachers Yet, we want to bring out what is inside the child's mind. We want to bring about a perfectly normal and healthy expression of the child's inner nature. That does not mean that the child is to be encouraged in throwing rocks through plate glass windows, or that he is to bully others in any way. It may mean that we have to treat the child more as an equal. We may have to drop the assumption that we know so much more than the child, or that our judgment is so superior. We will have to start out by being open-minded as to the child's potential. Instead of telling the child what he must do and what he must think, let us find out what he wants to do and what he wants to think. Then, we must determine what this means in the light of his horoscope. You will soon see that he is expressing the dynamics illustrated and outlined by the horoscope. It will be important to determine to what extent the child's views and behavior are influenced by subconscious fear. Fear is always dangerous. That does not mean that caution is never a virtue but caution is usually a conscious function, while fear is more likely to be an unconscious motivation. We want to substitute consciousness for unconsciousness. We want to help the child to understand himself. If he is afraid, we want to help him to know why he is afraid. The moment we can understand that fear is unwarranted, the fear no longer exists. The child must not fear that which does not exist. A large ratio of adults fear the non-existent, and it is often because of childhood experiences, but the difficulty lies in the fact that the fear is on the unconscious level, and people do not know exactly what they fear.

Ron Hubbard, whose work has not been properly explored by any form of orthodoxy, was first to put forth the conception that the unconscious functions mathematically and automatically; that the subconscious accepts equations that are erroneous and then responds in accord with those equations which are untrue. The result is the same as an engineer who is applying untruthful equations In building a bridge. It can be disastrous. To give a crude example of the principle involved, let us say that the individual may have once suffered extreme pain at a time when he was in a room excessively decorated with green. His attention may have been on other things. He may never have noted how much green there was in the room, but this was carefully noted unconsciously and recorded in the subconscious. The subconscious accepts an equation. Hubbard calls it an engram. The equation reads GREEN EQUALS PAIN. The individual has no conscious knowledge of the existence of this equation or engram, because he cannot consciously recall details of the room. Yet, he walks into a green room and suddenly has some very unpleasant mental and emotional experiences. He fears something but he does not know what he fears. Consider the trembling of a 250-pound teacher that we mentioned earlier. He did not control his trembling, and it is doubtful whether he knew what caused it.

Many adults are unable to explain their own behavior. They are driven by urges they do not understand. Some of them are neurotic. Others become psychotic. We are told that mental illness is constantly on the increase. We are sympathetic toward adults who have such problems, but should we not be more sympathetic and understanding toward children with similar problems? In the past, it has been the conception that there is no such illness that a good beating would not cure. Even today, insane patients are beaten in many mental institutions (although never in the better ones) in order to help cure their illness. During the past five years, a case was brought to our attention where the jaw of a patient was broken by an attendant in a state hospital. Immediately thereafter, the patient was submitted to shock treatment without the doctors noting the broken jaw. For a long time thereafter, it was impossible to feed the patient orally.

If we consider that most of the child's behavior is a matter of motor-like actions and is not based on any conscious motives, we are in a better position to begin our work. Whether we are dealing with a child or an adult, once we discover, through the horoscope, the real cause of motivation, our best method of getting our knowledge into the mind of the subject is to ask questions. Don't put things into the mind. Let them come out. Much must come out and never go back. Human minds on all age levels are filled with untruths that should be allowed to come out and stay out. They don't come out easily because they are on the unconscious level, where the subject does not know about them. He does not understand they for what they are. Working with the child, we have a distinct advantage in that he has not had time to accumulate as much in the way of untruths. He has accepted fewer erroneous equations. A very young child has a distinct advantage over his parents in that he has an open mind.

A parent or a teacher often decides what the career of a child should be. This can be all wrong, and yet, we want to point out that there are public schools today that are employing the very best in psychologists and psychiatrists in reaching their conclusions. It is too early to evaluate this work, but from here, it looks good, and the very least we can say about it is that it is an improvement.

An Aries or Pluto parent is too apt to know all of the answers. From the moment a child is born, the Aries parent may have decided the child's whole career, and from that day on, the child may have very little to say about the matter until he becomes of age, when he usually makes a complete break with the parent and goes off on his own. The parent, whose intentions were the best, is never able to understand this. He did everything for the child, according to his view, and is now inclined to disinherit him. Yet, if the child turns out to be a success, it is noted that the parent is quick to claim credit for the success. It was the child's early training and there is the conviction that the success would have been even greater had the child stayed under the domination of the parent.

What is the child best fitted to do? In the first place, he is best fitted to do that which he wants to do. The idea that the best way is the hardest way may be all right if the only aim is the building of muscles, but we have the fact that the life span of athletes is below average. There are parents who believe that a child should be made to work the moment he is physically able and that from then on, he should always be made to work to keep his mind on other things. After observing results for more than 40 years, we are forced to the conclusion that this policy is a complete failure insofar as the welfare of the child is concerned. He forms the habit of doing things the hard way, and never learns to enjoy the better things of life.

The writer has always been interested in what happened to children who were his own companions in school. There were children mainly those of German parentage, who were allowed almost no recreation. The moment they were out of school, they went to work. In no case was this policy based on the need for the children's labor for they were children of well-to-do parents. In no case did one of these children make any degree of marked success in later life. They started as slaves and usually went through life as slaves, gaining very little out of life in return. One died of pneumonia before he was 20. It would have been nice if he could have enjoyed those few years a little. Another broke out and received 40 years in Atlanta for holding up a mail train. He was pardoned and put on a farm by his German parents to work the rest of his life in considerable seclusion.

Here is a child who was never given a chore to do by his parents. He became a nationally famous cartoonist. As a child, he liked to draw silly pictures, and his parents allowed him to go on drawing silly pictures. His silly pictures are well known today, and they pay well. He entertains people. It has been this writer's experience that the children who were never taught the hard way usually went on finding the easy way and fared better.

Here are two brothers. Not only were these two lads never asked to do any work, they were given extraordinary amounts of money to spend. Yet, their father was an immigrant from Russia, who came here penniless. One of the boys died a few years ago, but he left over a million dollars behind him. His brother is one of the very top names in the moving plectra business. Why do so many parents feel that their children must be trained as slaves? Isn't it about time that we caught onto the easier ways? It might be different if we were living in an era of shortages, but we can produce more of everything than we need, and now we are worried because this might produce unemployment. If the slaves do not keep on working, they might start to think. We find a quotation from James J. Davis which reads, "The person who thinks that the object of living is nothing but work must regard the workhouse or the prison as a stepping stone to the ideal. He should not have been born a man but a bee or an ant."

Everywhere, we see the ingenuity of children stifled. We have heard such sayings as, "Children should be seen and not heard." There is that one about sparing the rod and spoiling the child. A child is supposed to honor his father and his mother, regardless of what their character may be. These statements had to be uttered by the most ignorant of people, and yet, we hear them quoted daily by more ignorant people who know no other way than to imitate. Even when we pass Child Labor Laws, we have to make exceptions for the farmer. Despite the prosperity that the last 25 years have brought to the farmers of the country, their children do not appear to have benefited. The parents are being paid large sums by the government to work less and plant less acreage, but the farmer does not catch on He accepts all the benefits, goes on training his children as slaves, complains about school taxes, and points to the little red schoolhouse where he obtained his education. What was good enough for him should be good enough for his children. This does not apply to all farmers, but it applies to enough of them so that politicians have to make an exception where Child Labor Laws are concerned. Therefore, the ratio must be high.

The interpretation of the child's horoscope is accomplished no differently from the interpretation of the adult's horoscope, but when we are interpreting a child's horoscope, let us look to tomorrow and away from the evils of yesterday. Let us realize that it is NOT absolutely necessary that we keep on imitating the errors and evils of yesterday We have lived in the dark ages long enough. Let's emerge into the light of tomorrow.

Generally speaking, we must start by determining whether the child's general tendency is to be dominated by fear (Water and Earth signs) or by the urge to create (Fire and Air signs). Bear In mind that, as would appear to be the case of Kettering, mentioned earlier, planets near the ascendent can often dominate a chart Where unconscious fear is sufficiently strong in a chart, the child will be inclined to follow along in the parental footsteps. He may be glad to accept authorities, because his demand for security makes him reason that this is the safe way. He wants to believe there is a safe way. He wants to believe that there are mental giants in the form of men who know all and can be imitated to the end of finding safety and security. He wants to believe that his parents are some of these mental giants. This child must be taught that he has a mind of his own if he will but trust it and use it. He must learn that there is another door to his mind where true knowledge and wisdom can come in. He can grasp this best when he is very young. The older he gets, the more difficult will be the discovery.

In the case of the Fire and Air signs, there will be less desire to imitate. The use of creative forces will come more naturally, but in the case of the Fire signs, the child may be more difficult to handle, unless he is understood and allowed to direct these forces into constructive channels. It is customary to regard the child as ALWAYS WRONG when he does not want to conform to the rules that others make. Before judging the child, let us see whether the rules themselves are intelligent or stupid. Give the child a hearing If he thinks the rules are stupid, give him a fair chance to present his case. He may surprise you. He might prove his case if he has a fair jury. in that respect, however, don't overlook the fact that there is nothing that hurts an adult more than to be proved stupid by a child. For that reason, it is very diffIcult to find an unbiased jury if the jury is made up of adults.

In desperation, an adult will often say, "But, don't you think a child must be taught to respect adults?" We must get the facts before we can answer this question.

We must first know whether there is anything about the adults that deserves respect. If there is not, and in a very large number of cases there is not, why should we teach the child to respect the adult? Why not teach the adult how to be worthy of children's respect? It has been our experience that children do respect adults if they can find any excuse whatsoever for doing so, but if they can find no excuse, why should we continue deceiving the child? In doing so, we are damaging a future generation.

It is preposterous when we stop to realize that the majority of people live in fear of insecurity in old age. When they are old, nobody will want them as slaves any more. We have had to set up a social security program. What is more preposterous than the fact that one of the principal groups who must have a guarantee of security in old age is that group made up of teachers? If they have not learned how to take care of themselves, what have they learned, and what can they teach? Teachers want a guarantee that they can't be discharged and a guarantee that security will be provided in old age. That is why they struggle so hard for degrees. We do not consider gamblers as very respectable people, but did you ever find a gambler demanding security in his old age? The gambler has what the churches try to tell us we should have. He has faith.

We are doing our best to imitate the ants and the bees. The individual wants to be a pawn of the state. He is willing to give up freedom for security. The basic principle is Communism or Socialism, although we can give it other names. In following this course, we are doing everything in our power to do away with faith in anything but the state.

It is always distasteful for the writer to have to bring in his own experiences to illustrate a point, but the most important turning point in the writer's life came when he realized for the first time that all the advice ever given him by elders and teachers was the exact reverse of the truth. It was at this same moment that he made the decision to thoroughly investigate astrology personally. The course of his whole life changed at that moment. Looking back, the writer has to observe something that is obvious. At every point in his life when he completely tossed security to the winds, something happened. An opportunity came from nowhere. Having been born with the Moon in Capricorn,a very insecure configuration, even now it is diffIcult to accept this as a fact. How could it be true? There it is! There is the record. To make a success of anything, the principal thing you need is a plan. Next, you need the cooperation of others in carrying out that plan. What the writer had to learn was that the way to gain the cooperation of others is to assume they are going to give it to you and then ask for it. It is rather amazing to see now far people will go if you just ask. However the person with a Saturnian personality will ask and get NO for an answer, but this is only because of the depressive characteristics of the Saturnian personality. The modern art of salesmanship is based on these factors. Too often, however, modern salesmanship includes a complete lack of consideration for the rights of the other party, in other words, a lack of ethics. One of the largest electric companies of the country with many service guarantee policies trains its repair men not to repair a refrigerator but to convince the owner that there is nothing wrong with it and that it is all right as it is. A very large number of the clientele are sufficiently timid to let it go at that. The company increases its profits in this way at the expense of the timid.

In many instances, the very qualities that are responsible for juvenile delinquency are the qualities that could be channeled into constructive effort, but nobody inquires. The child is neglected because nobody is interested. He is a nonconformist, and folks are unwilling to recognize the fact that nonconformity is the first qualification necessary for genius. The people who have actually advanced civilization were the nonconformists. There would be no USA if men like Washington and Franklin were conformists. The juvenile delinquent finds reason to resent society and everything connected with it. Unless parents happen to be wealthy, in which case he can get away with much more, he may wind up in a reform school, where he is not likely to be too well treated. This may be the door of prisons to come. Most prison wardens of today are sympathetic men. They would like to do something to rehabilitate the prisoners in their charge, but society is unwilling to finance such efforts. Society still believes that the way to cure all evils is to subject individuals to punishment, pound them down, make them suffer, until conditioned reflexes are created. We have been taught that pain builds character. What do you think has filled prisons and insane asylums? Because a few people are able to survive unusual pain without the destruction of character, these exceptions to the rule are employed in an endeavor to prove an untruth. The underworld itself is merely where beaten-down nonconformists congregate. Occasionally, one of these nonconformists grows more powerful than society itself, for society is not actually very powerful if we examine it carefully, and then we have a Hitler, and society suffers for its own sins.

Child training in the past has been principally based on the idea of the conditioned reflex. Any conditioned reflex has to be based on pain. We teach people fear. We teach children to be afraid of one thing or another. To teach caution is another matter. In bringing these various evils to light, we must not overlook the fact that the worlds of psychology and psychiatry have already made wide progress. The people making up these worlds recognize many of these evils and are trying to produce remedies. In few other places have they been recognized, however, or it might be possible to create something other than a slave world.

Many years back,while with American Astrology Magazine, the writer accumulated over 100,000 birth dates of persons and classified them by profession, and although much was learned from this study, it does not provide the final answer we are seeking. We know that the sign Capricorn produces the most doctors and lawyers, but if we solve our real problems we will need neither doctors nor lawyers. They will be able to go home. We know that Cancer produces the best money accumulators, but if we solve our real problems and overcome insecurity, it will be unnecessary for Cancer people to hoard money. The hoarding of money by one individual does not help other individuals. It does not help society. Cecil Fagan has shown that Taurus and Libra produce the most successful military men. We have made independent investigation with different data, and we obtain the same results as Mr. Fagan in this respect. Of course, Mr Fagan has used this evidence to try and prove that his Sidereal Zodiac is best. We do not agree with this conclusion. Modern military men are not the Martian type. It is not their job to create violence but to control violence and keep it directed at a target. We do not find the generals in the front line. They don't fight with swords any more. Taurus and Libra are the only signs having the so-called Martian signs, Scorpio and Aries, as the 7th Cusp.

A mother approached us with the horoscope of her son. She wanted to know for what profession he should be trained. It was a most interesting chart, and after studying it for a while, we were forced to tell the mother, "You can't train this child for his future profession, because it does not yet exist." The mother was somewhat bewildered, and we had to explain that there was no school into which the parents of the Wright Brothers could have placed their children to train them in the ways of aviation. There were no schools that taught radio in 1910. There were no schools that taught radar in 1930. There are no schools today that teach the professions of tomorrow.

The important message that we must get across in this lesson on youth training is that we must not try to fit youth into yesterday. The answers are not in our minds. They were not in the minds of our fathers. They are hidden away in the minds of our children. If we want to know more about the future of our children, we must ask them. We can't tell them, because we don't know. Let us admit that we don't know. Let us realize that the giants of tomorrow are walking around our feet. Let us stop looking down on them. They can tell us things we do not know. Let us cease our false teachings and deception, for all this is merely an expression of our own inferiority. Let us cease retarding our children by telling them that they must worship the past, that they must look up to us and have respect for adults. Actually, we should be ashamed of our stupidity. We have little of which we should be proud. Let us ask ourselves now whether we should honor ourselves for selling our children into slavery.

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