The Importance of the Fourth Quarter
According to Murrey Math, a "perfect" trading year would contain 256 days.
These trading days are divided into four quarters of 64 days each. In
order to understand the importance of the Fourth Quarter, we will need
to understand the basis for these four quarters.
T H Murrey provides our first hint in a
note he wrote on August 19, 1997. I will quote the first sentence of
that message.
My starting day each fall was originally started on the 14th day after
the fall equinox . . .
The Fall Equinox occurred at 11:57 pm GMT on September 22, 1997. Fourteen
days after the Fall Equinox would occur on late on October 6, 1997.
However, T H Murrey started the Fourth Quarter of 1997 on Friday, October
3rd. He did not follow his own rule.
Let's concentrate on the start of the First Quarter. The following table
contains the start of the First Quarter (according to T H Murrey).
Year |
1st Quarter |
1993 | Wed, Jan 6 |
1994 | Wed, Jan 5 |
1995 | Tues, Jan 10 |
1996 | Tues, Jan 9 |
1997 | Tues, Jan 7 |
1998 | Tues, Jan 6 |
What occurs "early" in January? The Earth reaches perihelion on January 4th
of each year. The following table lists the start of the First Quarter,
the date and time of the Perihelion, and the Delta between the two dates.
The Delta is positive if the start of the First Quarter occurs after
the Perihelion. The Delta is quoted in trading days.
Year |
1st Quarter |
Delta |
Perihelion Date |
Perihelion Time, GMT |
1993 | Wed, Jan 6 |
+ 2 days |
Mon, Jan 4 | 3:05 am GMT |
1994 | Thu, Jan 5 |
+3 days |
Sun, Jan 2 | 5:55 am GMT |
1995 | Tues, Jan 10 |
+3 days |
Wed, Jan 5 | 11:06 am GMT |
1996 | Tues, Jan 9 |
+3 days |
Thu, Jan 4 | 2:27 am GMT |
1997 | Tues, Jan 7 |
+4 days |
Wed, Jan 1 | 11:18 pm GMT |
1998 | Tues, Jan 6 |
+2 days |
Sun, Jan 4 | 9:16 pm GMT |
T H Murrey appears to be starting the First Quarter
"close" to the Earth's Perihelion in early January.
The Winter Solstice occurs on December 21st, and
the Earth's Perihelion occurs 14 days after
the Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice occurs when
the Sun enters Capricorn. This astrological event
is 90 degrees from the Fall Equinox (when the Sun
enters Libra).
Now we will turn our attention to the start of the Third Quarter.
The Earth's Aphelion is opposite the Earth's Perihelion. The next
table compares the dates for the start of the Third Quarter and
the Earth's Aphelion.
The Delta is positive if the start of the Third Quarter occurs after
the Perihelion. The Delta is quoted in trading days.
Year |
3rd Quarter |
Delta |
Aphelion Date |
Aphelion Time, GMT |
1993 | Fri, July 9 |
+5 days |
Sun, July 4 | 10:20 pm GMT |
1994 | Fri, July 8 |
+3 days |
Tue, July 5 | 7:18 pm GMT |
1995 | Fri,July 7 |
+3 days |
Tue, July 4 | 2:17 am GMT |
1996 | Thu, July 11 |
+4 days |
Fri, July 5 | 7:01 pm GMT |
1997 | Thu, July 10 |
+4 days |
Fri, July 4 | 7:21 pm GMT |
1998 | Thu, July 9 |
+4 days |
Fri, July 3 | 11:51 pm GMT |
Our next puzzle is the start of the Second Quarter. It should be close to
the midpoint between the Perihelion in January, and the Aphelion in July.
The following table lists the start of the Second Quarter, and the date
at which the Earth is at the perihelion-aphelion midpoint.
The Spring Equinox occurs on March 20th, and April 3rd would be 14 days
after the Spring Equinox.
The Delta is positive if the start of the Second Quarter occurs after
April 3rd. The Delta is quoted in trading days.
Year |
2nd Quarter |
Delta |
Midpoint Date |
1993 | Wed, Apr 7 |
+2 days |
Sat, April 3 |
1994 | Thu, Apr 7 |
+4 days |
Sun, April 3 |
1995 | Tue, Apr 11 |
+6 days |
Mon, April 3 |
1996 | Wed, Apr 10 |
+5 days |
Wed, April 3 |
1997 | Wed, Apr 9 |
+2 days |
Thu, April 3 |
1998 | Tue, Apr 7 |
+2 days |
Fri, April 3 |
Our last puzzle is the start of the Fourth Quarter. It should be close to
the midpoint between the Aphelion in July, and the Perihelion in January.
The following table lists the start of the Fourth Quarter, and the date
at which the Earth is at the perihelion-aphelion midpoint.
The Fall Equinox occurs on September 22nd, and October 6th would be 14 days
after the Fall Equinox.
The Delta is positive if the start of the Fourth Quarter occurs after
October 6th. The Delta is quoted in trading days.
Year |
4nd Quarter |
Delta |
Midpoint Date |
1993 | Mon, Oct 4 |
-2 days |
Wed, Oct 6 |
1994 | Fri, Oct 7 |
+1 day |
Thu, Oct 6 |
1995 | Fri, Oct 6 |
+0 days |
Fri, Oct 6 |
1996 | Fri, Oct 4 |
-1 day |
Sun, Oct 6 |
1997 | Mon, Oct 6 |
+0 days |
Mon, Oct 6 |
1998 | Fri, Oct 2 |
-2 days |
Tue, Oct 6 |
1999 | Fri, Oct 8 |
+2 days |
Wed, Oct 6 |
2000 | Mon, Oct 9 |
+1 day |
Fri, Oct 6 |
2001 | Fri, Oct 5 |
-0 days |
Sat, Oct 6 |
2002 | Fri, Oct 4 |
-0 days |
Sun, Oct 6 |
2003 | Mon, Oct 6 |
0 days |
Mon, Oct 6 |
2004 | Fri, Oct 8 |
+2 days |
Wed, Oct 6 |
2005 | Mon, Oct 10 |
+2 days |
Thu, Oct 6 |
2006 | Mon, Oct 9 |
+1 days |
Fri, Oct 6 |
2007 | Tue, Oct 9 |
+2 days |
Sat, Oct 6 |
2008 | ?? |
?? days |
Mon, Oct 6 |
Murrey Math assumes that a "perfect" trading year would contain 256 trading days.
Due to trading holidays, the actual number of trading days is less than 256.
Therefore, you must "adjust" the start of the Fourth Quarter. T H Murrey
corrects this problem by starting the Fourth Quarter early by four
trading days.
The next table contains the theoretical and actual number of trading days in the
year. The Cumulative Error assumes that the start of the Fourth Quarter was
moved back by exactly four trading days. I did not consider any error caused
by 2001.
T H Murrey did not shorten the Third Quarter in 1994.
Year |
MM Trading Year |
Actual Trading Year |
Delta |
Cumulative Error |
1993 | 256 |
253 |
-3 |
+1 |
1994 | 256 |
252 |
-4 |
* +5 |
1995 | 256 |
252 |
-4 |
+5 |
1996 | 256 |
254 |
-2 |
+7 |
1997 | 256 |
253 |
-3 |
+8 |
1998 | 256 |
252 |
-4 |
+8 |
1999 | 256 |
252 |
-4 |
+8 |
2000 | 256 |
252 |
-4 |
+8 |
2001 | 256 |
248 |
N/A |
+8 |
2002 | 256 |
252 |
-4 |
+8 |
2003 | 256 |
252 |
-4 |
+8 |
2004 | 256 |
252 |
-4 |
+8 |
2005 | 256 |
252 |
-4 |
+8 |
2006 | 256 |
251 |
-5 |
+7 |
As you can see, the starting dates for the four Quarters are slowly moving
forward in time. The start of the First Quarter in 2006 should have been
January 5th. However, it was shifted forward four trading days to January 11th.
- Perihelion & Aphelion
- Fred Espenak @ has calculated the Perihelion and Aphelion
from 1501 through 2500. The dates and times are given in GMT.
- This gives us the dates on which the start of the First and Third Quarters
are based. We will have to find the closest trading day (often a Monday or Friday).
- Midpoints between the Perihelion & Aphelion
- The start of the Second and Fourth Quarters are the midpoints between the
Perihelion and Aphelion.
- We can try to determine the midpoints by (1) date, (2) speed, (3) distance,
or (4) longitude.
- Determine the midpoints by date
- This will be an approximation because the speed of the Earth is not constant
- Jan 3, 2019 @ 05:20 GMT == perihelion
- Jul 4, 2019 @ 22:11 GMT == aphelion
- Jan 5, 2020 @ 07:48 GMT == perihelion
- Jul 4, 2020 @ 11:35 GMT == aphelion
- Jan 2, 2021 @ 13:51 GMT == perihelion
- Jul 5, 2021 @ 22:27 GMT == aphelion
- Jan 4, 2022 @ 06:55 GMT == perihelion
- Let's assume that the midpoint is the date halfway between the perihelion
and the aphelion. We can use the
Median Date Calculator @
- 2nd Quarter 2019: Apr 4, 2019
- 4th Quarter 2019: Oct 4, 2019
- 2nd Quarter 2020: Apr 4, 2020
- 4th Quarter 2020: Oct 3, 2020
- 2nd Quarter 2021: Apr 4, 2021
- 4th Quarter 2021: Oct 4, 2021
- Determine the midpoints by longitude
- Fourth Quarter of 2020
- Sun's longitude on Jan 2, 2021 @ 13:51 GMT = 282.3868639
- Sun's longitude on Jul 4, 2020 @ 11:35 GMT = 103.1591849
- (282.3868639 - 103.1591849)/2 + 103.1591849 = 192.77295 ==> Oct 5, 2020
- Fourth Quarter of 2021
- Sun's longitude on Jan 4, 2022 @ 06:55 GMT = 283.8819590
- Sun's longitude on Jul 5, 2021 @ 22:27 GMT = 104.1003518
- (283.8819590 - 104.1003518)/2 + 104.1003518 = 193.990 ==> Oct 6, 2021
- Determine the midpoints by distance
- Second Quarters
- Second Quarter of 2020
- Jan 5, 2020 -- perihelion distance = 0.9832436
- Jul 4, 2020 -- aphelion distance = 1.0166943
- Midpoint = (0.9832436 + 1.0166943)/2 = 0.999956515
- We will determine the date that corresponds to this distance
Geocentric Ephemeris for the Sun: 2020 @
- Apr 03 (0 UT) -- distance = 0.999839 <==
- Apr 04 (0 UT) -- distance = 1.000121
- The date is Apr 3, 2020
- Second Quarter of 2021
- Jan 2, 2021 -- perihelion distance = 0.9832571
- Jul 5, 2021 -- aphelion distance = 1.0167292
- Midpoint = (0.9832571 + 1.0167292)/2 = 0.99999315
- We will determine the date that corresponds to this distance
Geocentric Ephemeris for the Sun: 2021 @
- Apr 03 (0 UT) -- distance = 0.999767 <==
- Apr 04 (0 UT) -- distance = 1.000062
- The date is Apr 3, 2021
- Fourth Quarters
- Fourth Quarter of 2020
- Jul 4, 2020 -- aphelion distance = 1.0166943
- Jan 2, 2021 -- perihelion distance = 0.9832571
- Midpoint = (1.0166943 + 0.9832571)/2 = 0.9999757
- We will determine the date that corresponds to this distance
Geocentric Ephemeris for the Sun: 2020 @
- Oct 05 (0 UT) distance = 1.000012 <==
- Oct 06 (0 UT) distance = 0.999728
- The date is Oct 5, 2020
- Fourth Quarter of 2021
- July 5, 2021 == aphelion distance = 1.0167292
- Jan 4, 2022 == perihelion distance = 0.9833365
- Midpoint = (1.0167292 + 0.9833365)/2 = 1.00003285
- We will determine the date that corresponds to this distance
Geocentric Ephemeris for the Sun: 2021 @
- Oct 05 (0 UT) == distance = 1.000144 <==
- Oct 06 (0 UT) == distance = 0.999859
- The date is Oct 5, 2021
Bonnie's Links
created by Bonnie Lee Hill,
last modified on May 15, 2021