Planetary Hours

Calculate Planetary Hours

Tables of Planetary Hours

Table of Planetary Subhours

Accurate Planetary Hours


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Calculate Planetary Hours

The planetary hours system assumes that the day begins at sunrise, and the night begins at sunset. Each half of the cycle contains exactly 12 planetary hours. Therefore, it is necessary to know when sunrise and sunset occur on the day in question. In order to determine sunrise and sunset, you must also know the latitude, the longitude, and the correct timezone.

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Tables of Planetary Hours

Sepharial discussed planetary hours in Cosmic Symbolism, Chapter XVI -- Planetary hours (pg 161). He also discusses planetary hours in The Kabala of Numbers I (Chapter VIII -- Reduction to Law) and in The Kabala of Numbers II (Chapter VII -- The Law of Periodicity).

Daytime Planetary Hours (Sunrise to Sunset)

Hour Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
2 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
3 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
4 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
5 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
6 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
7 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
8 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
9 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
10 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
11 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
12 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

Nighttime Planetary Hours (Sunset to Sunrise)

Hour Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
2 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
3 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
4 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
5 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
6 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
7 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
8 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
9 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
10 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
11 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
12 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars

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Table of Planetary Subhours

Each planetary hour can be divided into seven equal subhours. The first subhour begins with the planet that rules the hour. The "Chaldean planetary" order is then continued through the remaining six subhours.

Sepharial discussed planetary subhours in Cosmic Symbolism, Chapter XVI -- Planetary hours (pg 161). He also discusses planetary hours in The Kabala of Numbers I (Chapter VIII -- Reduction to Law) and in The Kabala of Numbers II (Chapter VII -- The Law of Periodicity).

If you look at the Saturn column, you will see that the planets are arranged in the "Chaldean order" of decreasing velocity. The Sun takes the place of the Earth.

Planetary Subhours

Subhour Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon
1  /   /   /   /   /   /   / 
2  /   /   /   /   /   /   / 
3  /   /   /   /   /   /   / 
4  /   /   /   /   /   /   / 
5  /   /   /   /   /   /   / 
6  /   /   /   /   /   /   / 
7  /   /   /   /   /   /   / 

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Calculating Accurate Planetary Hours and Subhours

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created by Bonnie Lee Hill,
last modified on February 9, 2020