June 2001Trading Tip:
$SPX Cash Index by
Steven Grimaldi gts@nb.net
Don Hall's Pyrapoint is used with Ensign Windows. This
plots Gann's Square of 9. The starting point was the market
high. Everything else is projected into the future without
The blue horizontal lines are major support / resistance for 45
degree squares from the high. The vertical lines are time
periods. Notice that the major turning points occur near these
cyan vertical lines. I created this within minutes of ordering
the Pyrapoint tool. I have not even read the 300 page manual
that is currently being shipped.
360 degrees of the Square of 9 is the bottom of the
market on 03-22-2001, at a one year cycle from the market high on
On 05-22-2001 we hit the 180 degree Square of 9 from
the market high on 03-24-2000. The turning point also occurred
at an exact vertical time point. This gave a very strong sell
signal along with others.
Phi = 1.618. 05-22-2001 is 424
calendar days from 03-24-2000 all-time S&P 500 high. Phi
cubed times 100 = 424. 05-22-2001 is 263 calendar days from
09-01-2000 the S&P double top. Phi squared times 100 =
262. 05-22-2001 is 61 calendar days from 03-22-2001 low.
1 / Phi = 61.8
Helio cycles: Synodic: JU 15
from 11-06-2000 S&P high. JS 15 from 07-31-2000 low.
Sidereal: Mars 120 from 09-04-2000 Labor
Day. 240 from 01-17-2000 holiday (01-14-2000 Dow high).
Geo: Moon-Sun-Saturn conjunction with
Mercury-Uranus trine.
The helio cycles come from Brad Cowan. The geo
marker from Myles Walker. Reference: Someone smarter
than I at the GannGhost group.
(For more information on Pyrapoint, read the January
2001 and April
2001 issues of this newsletter on Ensign's
web site)
Trading Tip:
The Importance of Time by Howard Arrington
I am often asked which tool or study is the best, as if there
exists a simple answer to such a question. Instead of
answering that question, perhaps I can help direct your attention to
tools that should be given a higher priority. Let's start our
discussion on priority by asking this question:
How would you rank order the importance of Price,
Volume and Time?
I suspect that most traders, particularly new traders, would
answer that Price is the most important market factor, followed by
Volume, with Time being the least important. I suspect that
this answer is given most often because Price is the easiest to
comprehend, and Time is the hardest to understand. I have come
to believe that Time is the most important factor, yes even ahead of
Price, and if you would spend more effort analyzing Time, your
trading success would improve. Too often analysis focuses on
Price and ignores Time altogether. So, this month's trading
tip is: Learn to use Time related tools.
Hank Dean wrote, 'One of the most critical aspects of successful
trading is not what the direction is or why it's
happening. It is the mostly overlooked when. The
when can often be forecasted just like phases of the moon or
the tides or waves or rhythms of any kind. Using one very
simple tool, time cycles, and some common sense, you can win
consistently.' December
2000 Trading Tips newsletter: 'Cycles
Let's take inventory of Time related tools:
- Cycles: Short Term and Seasonal
- Fibonacci Numbers
- Fibonacci Ruler
- Pyrapoint
- Gann Square
- Gann Fan
- Elliott Wave Theory
- Trend Lines, particularly Parallel Lines
- Astronomical clocks and relationships
- Time of Day and Day of Week
I do not have space or time to give each of these tools new
treatment in this article. The tools on my list have been
discussed in prior articles in the Trading Tips newsletter,
and a reference to the material on Ensign's web site will
suffice. Of the above, my favorite tools are Pyrapoint, Trend
Lines and Fibonacci Numbers in that order. I am not
discounting the value of any of the others. It is just that
when tools are more complex, such as Astronomical relationships, I
tend not to use them as much as I should and I find myself seeing
the correlation 'after the fact'.
Now, here are the references for additional reading on these Time
related tools.
- Cycles: Short Term and Seasonal
2000 Trading Tips newsletter: 'January
Effect' February
2000 Trading Tips newsletter: 'Cycle
Calendar' December
2000 Trading Tips newsletter: 'Cycles
- Fibonacci Numbers
Main page on Ensign's web site,
topic: The
Power of Counting Bars February
2000 Trading Tips newsletter: 'Fibonacci
- Fibonacci Ruler
2000 Trading Tips newsletter: 'Fibonacci Time
- Pyrapoint
2001 Trading Tips newsletter: 'Time and Price'
and 'Pyrapoint Tool' April
2001 Trading Tips newsletter: 'Pyrapoint
Update' This month: Trading Tips newsletter: '$SPX Cash
- Gann Square
2000 Trading Tips newsletter: 'Using Gann
Squares' February
2001 Trading Tips newsletter: 'Gann Square'
- Gann Fan
2000 Trading Tips newsletter: 'Timing with Gann
Angles' March
2001 Trading Tips newsletter: '45 Degree Lines'
- Elliott Wave Theory
2000 Trading Tips newsletter: 'A-B-C Wave
- Trend Lines, particularly Parallel Lines
Main page
on Ensign's web site, topic: The
Power of Trend Lines Main page on Ensign's web site,
topic: The
Power of Parallel Lines
- Astronomical clocks and relationships
2001 Trading Tips newsletter: 'Moon Phases' and
'Moon Phase Calculator' This month: Trading Tips
newsletter: '$SPX Cash Index'
- Time of Day and Day of Week
I see I do not have a reference for Time of Day and Day of Week,
so I will finish this article with a discussion on this
subject. This is fresh on my mind because this morning I was
in the Ensign
Chat Room and a trader made the statement that August Live
Cattle was nearing the time for the high of the day, and
would be down the rest of the day. This analysis shared with
those in the chat room around 10:10 a.m. was exactly
right. Here is the 5-minute cattle chart showing June
20th, and today, June 21st.

Now, how did this trader know that? How
could he speak so confidently about what the cattle market would do?
His analysis uses two mathematical techniques: Neural
nets and Pyrapoint. Neural nets are beyond the scope of this
article, but can be briefly explained as follows. A neural net
learns the characteristics of a market by examining hundreds of
training patterns and refines its forecasting ability by comparing
forecast output against actual data. This trader's neural net
forecast a pattern for today's cattle market, and had the time for
today's high a little after 10 a.m.
Now a person cannot mentally perform the hundreds of
thousands of considerations that a neural net can perform, yet you
can still benefit by keeping track of the time of significant
market turns over several days. For example, on a
5-minute cattle chart a significant bottom occurred on June 18th at
10:05 a.m. On June 19th the high of the day occurred at 9:50
a.m. The high of the day on June 20th also occurred at
9:50 a.m.. This high is the anchor point for the Pyrapoint
tool shown on the cattle chart. And, the high of the day
on June 21st was at 10:25 a.m. as marked by the vertical blue line
labeled with 54. Tip: Keep track of the Time of Day when
tops and bottoms occur.
This trader also uses Pyrapoint. The highest
high of the past two weeks occurred June 20th at 9:50 a.m. as shown
in the illustration. So, that significant point becomes the
anchor point for the Pyrapoint construction. The 2nd
end-of-square vertical line was already drawn on the chart prior to
10:25 a.m. and labeled with the bar count of 54. (Tip:
55 is a Fibonacci number.) This trader commented that his
neural net forecast for the time of today's high correlated with the
upcoming Pyrapoint end-of-square. Tip: The Pyrapoint
principle involved here is that 'when price meets time, a change is
imminent.' And that is exactly what happened. The price
crept upward from the gap down open until it met end-of-square at
10:25 a.m., and then was down the rest of the day.
I and others have followed the correlation of market
behavior against the Pyrapoint calculations and continue to be
impressed with the insight and accuracy of this tool.
That is why it has become my favorite tool for chart analysis.
Now go back and really study the $SPX Cash Index chart in the
previous article, and note the high correlation of change in
direction occurring on Pyrapoint's vertical blue lines. These
vertical lines are a measurement of Time and known in advance.
Pyrapoint Tool in Ensign
Windows by Howard Arrington
Ensign Software has negotiated an agreement with Don Hall so that
the Pyrapoint tool can be included in Ensign Windows. In the
past, Pyrapoint was an extension to Ensign Windows implemented in
the ESPL programming language and available only to those who bought
Don Hall's Pyrapoint Book or Pyrapoint CD. Pyrapoint is now a
draw tool built in to Ensign Windows and available to every Ensign
Windows user.
Display a chart in Ensign Windows and click the Draw Tools button
to show the Draw Tools panel. Pyrapoint is selected by
clicking the button with a square box and diagonal lines connecting
the opposite corners.
Move to a trend top or bottom on the chart and click the left
mouse button. Pyrapoint will appear using an appropriate
degree of rotation parameter selected by Ensign's proprietary
artificial intelligence algorithm.
While the tool is still selected, its anchor point can
be dragged to another bar's high or low. Or, right mouse click
to display the Pyrapoint Properties Window. Or, click
elsewhere on the chart to finish the tool and the cursor will change
from a pencil back to an arrow.
Click the up or down spinner arrow to double or halve
the Degree of Rotation parameter. 180 degrees is shown
in the example. Clicking the up arrow will change it to 90
degrees. Clicking the down arrow will change it to 22.5
degrees. Also, you can enter any degree in the edit
box. Entering a value greater than or equal to 1 will be
treated as degrees. Any value between 0 and 1 will be treated
as a percent of 180 degrees. A value of 0.5 is the same as 90
degrees. After selecting your preferred colors, Line Thickness
and Line Style, check the Use as Default box to save the parameters
as the default.
To fully understand Pyrapoint, its mathematics, implementation,
design, use and how to trade with Pyrapoint, you need to buy Don
Hall's Pyrapoint Book or Pyrapoint CD. The Book is a
professionally published 234-page hard cover book.
This page on Ensign's web site has testimonials and a couple more
Pyrapoint illustrations. Go to: http://www.ensignsoftware.com/help/pyrapoint.htm |