Herbs & Homeopathy
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Herbs, Information
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Agaricus Blazei Murrill (Hime-Matsutake Mushroom)
- Agricus Blazei mushroom (fights cancer)
- Adiponectin (promotes normal blood sugar)
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Aloe Vera
- Aloe Vera @ aloelife.com (01/09)
- The treatment group received 15 milliliters of aloe vera twice daily for 42 days. After
treatment with Aloe Vera the blood sugar in the treatment group had been reduced 43%,
blood triglycerides were reduced by 44% and there was no change in cholesterol. No adverse
side effects were reported due to the consumption of the Aloe Vera and there was no difference
in weight or appetite in the treatment group.
- A second study was conducted at the same institution with the treatment of Aloe Vera given
to patients who were not responding to glibenclamide an antidiabetic medication used to lower
blood sugar levels. Results were a 48% reduction in blood sugar levels and a 52% reduction in
triglycerides and no change in cholesterol.
- In a third study of 3,167 diabetic patients, 94% of them saw their blood sugar levels return
to normal.
Aloe Vera and Diabetes @ naturecity.com
- Sources of Aloe Vera
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- Natural Approach to Lowering Blood Sugar @ LifeExtension
- Activates the transport of glucose across cell membranes
- Is an antioxidant
- Lowers blood pressure (90/60 to 130/80 is considered normal)
- Normal pulse is 60-100 BPM
Banaba @ drugs.com
Corosolic Acid @ raysahelian.com
How Diabetics Can Live to Be 100 Years Old
- Banaba leaf works at the molecular level by fine-tuning the damaged insulin receptor –
the cause of insulin resistance. This benefit rests in its ability to selectively initiate
a chemical reaction known as “phosphorylation” at the receptor site. In effect, what is
“jammed,” becomes un-jammed thanks to the banaba leaf. Akin to a key being inserted
into a lock, insulin is free to interact with the receptor, thereby triggering the cell
to open the doors for blood sugar.
Perque's Glucose Control Guard (50 mg corosolic acid)
- Sources of Banaba Leaf (standardized)
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Bitter Melon (Karela, Momordica elegans or Momordica charantia)
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Black Ginger
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Chamomile Tea
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Cissus quadrangularis
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Costis Igneus (Insulin Plant)
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Cow's Foot (Pata de Vaca, Bauhinia forficata)
- Cow's Foot
Pata de Vaca @ rain-tree.com
- Lowers blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides
- Cleanses the blood and increases urination
- Expels worms, kills snails, and tones the body systems
- It is called the "vegetable insulin"
- Alleviates other symptoms of diabetes (polyuria, kidney disorders,
and urinary problems)
- Chemical extracted from the leaves (kaempferitrin) significantly
lowered blood sugar in diabetic rats
Patent for a pill which contains Cow's Foot and Syzygium Cumini
- Pedra Hume Caa (Myrcia Salicifolia)
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Goat's Rue (Galega officinalis)
- Known as French Lilac, French Honeysuckle, Goat's Rue, Italian Fitch,
Professor Weed, Pestilenzkraut
- Goat's Rue: The Little-Known Plant That Can Successfully Lower Blood Sugar
Levels in Diabetics
- Has anti-diabetic properties (restores insulin sensitivity in your cells)
- Promotes weight loss
- Prevents the formation of dangerous blood clots
- Acts as a power anti-bacterial agent
- No unpleasant side effects
Galega Officinalis @ Wikipedia.org
Goat's Rue @ drugs.com
- Internet Sources (single herb)
- Perque's Glucose Regulation Guard
- Perque's Glucose Regulation Guard (product description)
- French Lilac (Galega officinalis ) . . 75 mg.
- Bitter Melon/Marah (Momordica elegans) . . 75 mg.
- Huckleberry/Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) . . 50 mg.
- Agnus castus (Chaste tree berry) . . 125 mg.
- Phosphatidylcholine and Phosphatides . . . 12.5 mg.
- Rice bran oil . . 436 mg.
- Gamma oryzanol 5,150 mcg
- Chromium picolinate . . 125 mcg
- Vanadium as ascorbate . . 125 mcg
Vitamins-today.com (1-800-806-8671) -- 180 vcaps
NaturalNutritionals.com -- 180 gels, $20.40, free shipping
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Gymnema Sylvestre
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Holy Basil (Tulsi; Ocimum Sanctum)
- A “supercritical” extraction process yields a highly concentrated herbal extract of the
highest purity and potency without the use of chemical solvents
Effect of Tulsi (hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic) in Diabetic Rats
- Holy Basil (Ocimum Sanctum) @ diabeteshealth.com
- Researchers have theorized that holy basil leaves may improve pancreatic beta cell function
and thus enhance insulin secretion.
- There has been one small controlled trial of 40 people with type 2 diabetes.
- Average fasting glucose declined from 134.5 mg/dl to 99.7 mg/dl after four weeks of treatment
with holy basil.
- In patients, who received 2.5 gm of leaves [orally] daily, for 4 weeks, blood glucose levels,
measured after fasting and eating, decreased by 17.6 per cent and 7.3 per cent, respectively.
- There were no adverse effects reported by those taking the holy basil or the placebo.
Holy Basil @ centerfornaturalhealing.com
Holy Basil @ raysahelian.com
Holy Basil @ vitenetonline.com
- Holy basil leaf reduces blood sugar significantly faster than fasting
- Sources of Holy Basil
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Huereque (Wereke, Ibervillea Sonorae)
Huereque and Bitter Melon @ nepatica.blogspot.com
- Huereque (Ibervillea sonorae) is derived from the root of the Huereque cactus
from the Mexican desert
- Huereque belongs to the gourd or pumpkin family
- Huereque is also known as "Wereke", "Guareque", "Wareki" and "Choyalhuani"
Wereke @ utep.edu
- For the treatment of diabetes, slices of dried Wereke root are boiled in water
and the resulting decoction is drunk as a tea
- Various other products containing Wereke root are also available in commerce,
including capsules and liquid extracts
- Unfortunately, Wereke’s active principles have not been identified and there are
no clinical trials establishing Wereke’s efficacy in the treatment of diabetes or any
other malady
- Sources
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Ivy Gourd (Coccinia indica)
- Ivy Gourd Names
- Coccinia indica, Coccinia cordiofolia, Coccinia grandis
- Ban-kundri (Odia)
- Barela (Nepali)
- Bimbika (Sanskrit)
- Calabacita, Calabaza Hiedra
- Donda kaya (Telugu)
- Hoong Gua (Mandarin)
- Kovai (Tamil)
- Kowai Fruit
- Kovakka (Malayalam)
- Kovakkai (Tamil)
- Kowakka (Sinhala)
- Kunaru (Awadhi) (Uttar Pradesh)
- Kundri (Bengali)
- Kundru, Kundru Kovakkai (Hindi)
- Kunduli (Assamese)
- Little Gourd, Scarlet Gourd
- Manoli (Tulu)
- Rashmato (English, United States; the fruit)
- Sloekbaas (Khmer)
- Sonatuku
- Tela Kucha (Bengali)
- Tendli (Hindi)
- Tilkor (Maithli)
- Tindora (Gujarati) (fruit)
- Tonde Kai (Kannada)
- Tondli (Marathi)
- Toruni (Bengali)
Diabetes Herb Ivy Gourd @ health-ojas.com
- Take 5-10 ivy gourd leaves, wash them, add 3/4 cup of water, blend well using
a blender, filter the juice, add stevia to sweeten (optional), and drink the juice
first thing in the morning
- It acts like insulin by correcting the elevated enzymes Glucose-6-phosphatase
and lactate dehydrogenase
- Ivy gourd decreases fasting and postprandial blood sugar by about 16% and 18%,
respectively; additionally, it lowers HbA1C
- Ivy Gourd @ sourcenaturals.com
- It inhibits glucose-6-phosphatase, an enzyme that makes new glucose out of
non-carbohydrate molecules
Coccinia Indica Lowers Blood Sugar by 20% in Type 2 Diabetics @ naturalnews.com
- Half the participants were given a one-gram C. indica extract each day, while
the other half were given a placebo
- A person would have to eat 50 grams (2 ounces) of the cooked vegetable per day
to receive the same benefit as taking 1 gram of the extract.
Diabetes Cure with Ivy Gourd Leaves @ astrogle.com
- Extract 20-30 ml juice for Ivy Gourd Leaves or creeper
- Consume it early morning on empty stomach without mixing anything in it
- This process will reduce sugar levels in blood within 3 months
- Compounds in this plant inhibit the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase
- Glucose-6-phosphatase is one of the key liver enzymes involved in regulating
sugar metabolism
- Therefore, ivy gourd is sometimes recommended for diabetic patients
- Dietary Supplements for Diabetes @ uspharmacist.com
- It is in the same family as the bitter melon
- It is used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat "sugar urine"
- It appears to have insulin-mimetic properties
- In one controlled clinical trial of 70 participants, the use of dried herb pellets for
12 weeks was as effective as treatment with chlorpropamide
(an oral hypoglycemic drug) for lowering blood glucose levels
Coccinia indica in the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus @ nih.gov
- Used a preparation from the leaves of the plant
Hypoglycemic Effects of Coccinia indica: Inhibition of Glucose-6-Phosphatase @ nih.gov
- Leaves were extracted with 95% ethanol, evaporated, and suspended in distilled water
- Hypoglycemic effect of C. indica is partly due to the repression of the key
gluconeogenic enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase
Hypoglycaemic Activity of Coccinia indica nad Momordica charantia in Diabetic Rats @ nih.gov
- Coccinia indica leaves depressed blood sugar in diabetic mice
- Momordica charantia produced similar results
- Coccinia indica and Momordica charantia extracts lowered blood glucose by depressing
its synthesis, on the one hand through depression of the key gluconeogenic enzymes
(glucose-6-phosphatase and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase), and on the other by enhancing
glucose oxidation by the shunt pathway through activation of its principal enzyme G6PDH
- Momordica charantia is Bitter Melon (see above)
Ivy Gourd @ ezinearticles.com
- Since Ayurvedic practitioners recommend "a handful" of the dried leaves and
chopped gourd brewed into a tea, the researchers prepared a standardized extract
from 15 grams of the dried herb
- People who took the herb did not gain weight
- The herb works the same way as insulin in clearing glucose out of the bloodstream,
but does not work the same way as insulin in moving triglycerides into hungry fat cells
- If you take the herb, use 15 g (about half an ounce) a day to make a tea, drunk
warm after brewing in a closed tea pot for 15 minutes
- If you use a 15:1 dried extract, use 1,000 mg (1 g) per day
Ivy Gourd Leaf Extract Improves Glycemic Indices in People with Type 2 Diabetes
@ herbalgram.org
- An aqueous ivy gourd leaf extract was freeze-dried to obtain a powder yielding
30% w/w of plant material
- Each test capsule contained 500 mg freeze-dried ivy gourd leaf extract powder
- After 12 weeks, greater improvements were observed in the treatment group compared
with the placebo group in HbA1c, fructosamine, FPG, insulin, HOMA-IR values,
triglycerides, and VLD-C (P < 0.001 for all)
- The Ivy Gourd Extract showed antihyperglycemic activity and improvement of
lipid profile
Role of Water Extract from Coccinia indica Stem on the Stimulation of Glucose Transport
in L8 Myotubes @ thaiscience.info
- Ivy Gourd leaves are eaten like spinach in India
- Sources
- Source Naturals (out of stock)
- Tindora
India Bazaar
- 8450 Angels Drive Plano Tx 75024
- Ph: 972 312 0114, Ext: 2
- Sun-Thu: 10am to 10pm; Fri & Sat: 9am to 10pm
- Sells fresh tindora
- Tools
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Maca Root
- Maca Root (daily dose of 900 mg; divided and with meals)
- Maca Root and Blood Sugar
- Maca Root and Menopause
- Maca's Functions & Virtures @ macaroot.com
- Promotes the optimal functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary glands
- Improves the functioning of all the endocrine glands
- Maca enables the adrenals to make sufficient hormones to avoid symptoms
- Medicinal & Curative Proterties of Maca Root @ macaroot.com
- Provides an answer to the effects of aging on the endocrine system
- Acts as an adrenal balancing root
- Contains a lot of easily absorbable calcium and magnesium
Beneficial Effects of Maca on Postmenopausal Women
- Maca Root and Thyroid
Maca Root @ forum.lowcarber.org
- This root is reported to help the whole endocrine system including the thyroid, and
can rebalance the estrogen dominance that often accompanies hypothyroidism and
overweight problems.
- The root works on the hypothalmus and pituitary glands to regulate the whole endocrine
- There is no danger of too much hormone or hormone imbalance, because you are not taking
a hormone replacement, you are stimulating the body's own natural production of hormones
in a natural way.
- It's safe for men to take too, as it stimulates production of testosterone and has many
benefits for them.
- Sources of Maca Root
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Mango Leaves
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Milk Thistle
Milk Thistle May Help Treat Diabetes @ diabetes.webmd.com
- Side effects may include indigestion, headache and itching
- Rarely, milk thistle may result in heartburn, gas, diarrhea, joint pain and
sexual dysfunction
- Milk Thistle can cause a laxative effect, upset stomach, diarrhea, bloating,
and allergic reactions
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Radix Astragali
- Radix Astragali
- Propolis
Propolis Restored Adiponectin Level In Type 2 Diabetes @ tandfonline.com
- PPAR-gamma is the master regulator of gene transcription and plasma
concentrations of adiponectin
- Propolis was also demonstrated to control metabolic disorders in diabetic rats
and to accelerate the tissue regeneration and repair of damaged pancreatic cell
- Propolis treatment reduced fasting blood glucose level by 69.52% and reduced
fasting insulin level by 50% compared to diabetic group
- Serum adiponectin decreased by 63.01% in the diabetic group when compared to
the control group. In addition, sub abdominal adipose tissue (PPAR-gamma) levels
decreased by 87.71% in diabetic group when compared to control group. On the
other hand, propolis treatment markedly increased the serum levels of adiponectin
3 fold and increased the concentration of PPAR-gamma 1.9 fold compared to the
diabetic group.
- Propolis markedly reduced fasting plasma glucose level in treated rats compared
to untreated diabetic groups
- Mice were dosed at 0.6 g/kg for 21 days
- Sources
- Adiponectin
Adiponectin: A Manifold Therapeutic Target @ biomedcentral.com
- Adiponectin is a key component in the interrelationship between adiposity,
insulin resistance and inflammation
- Coffee consumption increases adiponectin levels
- White adipose tissue is nowadays perceived as an important organ involved in
energy homeostasis and body weight control
- Hypoadiponectinemia is consistently associated with obesity, MS, atherosclerosis,
- Visceral fat deposits are more metabolically active than their subcutaneous
- Adiponectin values are also systematically lower in diabetics compared to
- Serum adiponectin is inversely related to body fat mass and to the degree of
insulin resistance
- Adiponectin increases the sensitivity to insulin and hampers gluconeogenesis
- Treatment with either insulin or metformin in experimental models inhibits
the development of hypoadiponectinemia
Adiponectin: Structure, Role in Diseases, and Effects of Nutrition @ nih.gov
Beneficial Effects of Adiponectin on Glucose @ nih.gov
The Influence of Nutrition on Adiponectin @ nih.gov
- Dietary content of sodium was negatively correlated with adiponectin concentrations
- Adiponectin concentrations significantly increased with the degree of body weight loss
- Both walnuts and almonds significantly increased adiponectin concentrations
- Diet rich in olive oil had a tendency to increase adiponectin concentrations
- Dietary fiber has a positive effect on adiponectin
- Higher coffee consumption was associated with higher adiponectin concentrations
- Curcumin has a beneficial effect on adiponectin
- Diet enriched with sesame seeds significantly increased adiponectin concentrations
in T2DM patients
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Salacia Oblonga
Salacia Works Like Modern-Day Prescription Drugs @ sciencedaily.com (2005)
- A 1000-mg dose reduced insulin by 29% and blood glucose by 23%
- The biggest changes occurred within the first two hours after taking the herb
- Salacia oblonga can cause intestinal gas and nausea
- SalaciaOblongaCapsules.com (01/09)
- It shows inhibitory activity on Aldose Reductase which is related to such
chronic diabetic complications as peripheral neuropathy, retinopathy, and cataracts
- It was found that 2.5-5.0 grams of Salacia Oblonga daily is effective in
lowering the blood glucose, serum cholesterol, triglycerides and increasing the
HDL cholesterol levels of non-insulin dependent diabetes patients.
Salacia Oblonga @ raysahelian.com
- Souces of Salacia
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Saw Palmetto (Pygeum, Beta Sitosterol)
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Vitex (Agnus Castus; Chaste Berry; Chaste Tree)
- Notes from "Menopause" by Lorilee Schoenbeck
- Vitex is most helpful for women at the beginning of their perimenopause (irregular periods).
- Vitex seems to work by acting on the pituitary gland.
- Common doses are (1) one 175-mg capsule/day, (2) 40 drops of extract/day, or
(3) (in the US) 15-60 drops of tincture 1-2 times per day.
- The most common side effects are gastric complaints (nausea) and skin rash.
- Vitex helps PMS by favoring the production of progesterone.
- Motherwort can help heart palpitations.
- Vitex @ womens-health-symmetry.com (01/09)
- Researchers have observed that Vitex acts on the pituitary gland.
- It helps to balance the ovarian hormones by increasing the level of progesterone
relative to estrogen.
- Vitex is believed to act on the hypothalamus and pituitary, regulating
progesterone levels.
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Things that affect Blood Sugar
- Dietary Supplements for Diabetes @ uspharmacist.com (01/09)
- Coccinia Indica (Ivy Gourd)
- Ficus carica (fig leaf) has shown both short-term and longer-term hypoglycemic
effects in animals
- Gymnema Sylvestre (Gurmar) is called the "destroyer of sugar"
- Magnesium may help insulin resistance
- Momordica Charantia (Bitter Melon) has very limited data to suggest a potential
use in diabetes
- Ocimum sanctum (holy basil) showed positive effects on both fasting and
postprandial glucose in patients with Type 2 Diabetes who used a preparation of
fresh leaf powder mixed in water for four weeks
- Opuntia Streptacantha (Nopal or Prickly Pear Cactus) have shown decreased
fasting glucose and insulin levels in Type 2 Diabetes
- Silibum marianum (Milk Thistle) showed significant improvement in glucose
control in patients taking 600 mg/day for 12 months
- Trigonella foenum (Fenugreek) have shown benefits in glycemic control
Blood Sugar Formula (list of ingredients)
Cinnamon and Diabetes
Effect of a Cinnamon Extract on Plasma Glucose @ nih.gov
Fenugreek @ wikipedia.org
- Fish oil improves insulin sensitivity, reduces blood fats and reduces cholesterol
in most people. It would be a great all natural alternative to drugs especially when
combined with a decent exercise program. (Dr. Dave)
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Things that affect Cholesterol and Triglycerides
- Cholesterol Care (12/08)
- Beta-sitosterol, 300mg
- Guggul lipid, 1000mg
- Policosanol, 3mg
- Red Rice Extract, 700mg
- Niacin, 20mg
- Beta Glucan, 50mg
- Soy Isoflavones, 30mg
- Cholesterol Bomb by Dr. Dave (12/08)
- Niacin (as no-flush niacin) 1,500 mg
- Plant Sterols 1,500 mg
- Artichoke Extract (as cynara scolymus) 900 mg
- Red Yeast Rice (Mevacor) 200 mg
- Nialor by Arizona Pharmaceuticals (12/08)
- Crystalline Niacin 500 mg
- Standardized Milk Thistle 175 mg
- Sugar Cane Policosanol 6 mg
- Vasacor (12/08)
- Policosanol 30 mg
(reduced LDL cholesterol between 21.1% and 31.8% during an 8-week period)
- Niacin as Inositol Hexaniacinate 500 mg
- Fish oils -- EPA and DHA (250 mg each)
- Guggulsterones 100 mg
(reduction of total cholesterol by 15%-25% and triglycerides by 22%-30%)
- Plant Phytosterol -- Beta-Sitosterol 400 mg
- Chromium 100 mg
- Garlic Extract 30 mg
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Taste & Smell
- General Information
Phosphorus for Health Professionals @ ods.od.nih.gov
- Phosphorus is a component of bones, teeth, DNA, and RNA
- Phosphorus in seeds is in the form of phytic acid, the storage form of
phosphorus. Because human intestines lack the phytase enzyme, much
phosphorus in this form is unavailable for absorption.
- Phosphorus and calcium make up hydroxyapatite
- In the United States, dairy products contribute about 20% of
total phosphorus intake.
- The absorption rate for the phosphorus naturally contained in food is
40%–70%; phosphorus from animal sources has a higher absorption rate
than that from plants.
- In infants, phosphorus bioavailability ranges from 85%–90% for
human milk to approximately 59% for soy-based formulas.
- Phosphorus is available in dietary supplements. Phosphorus in
supplements is usually in the form of phosphate salts (e.g.,
dipotassium phosphate or disodium phosphate) or phospholipids
(e.g., phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylserine). Products typically
provide 10% or less of the DV for phosphorus.
- The bioavailability of phosphate salts is approximately 70%.
- High phosphorus intakes rarely produce adverse effects in healthy people.
- Antacids that contain aluminum hydroxide, such as Maalox HRF and Rulox,
bind phosphorus in the intestines.
- Taste and Smell
Sugars, Sweet Taste Receptors, and Brain Responses @ ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- Sweet taste receptors are composed of a heterodimer of Taste 1 Receptor
member 2 (T1R2) and Taste 1 Receptor Member 3 (T1R3).
- Four morphologic subtypes of TRCs have been identified.
- Type I glial-like cells detect salty taste.
- Type II cells express G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) to detect
sweet, umami, and bitter tastes.
- Type III cells sense sour stimuli.
- Type IV cells likely represent stem or progenitor taste cells.
- Type II cells do not form traditional synapses with afferent nerve fibers.
Rather, these cells release ATP through hemichannels, which can then activate
purinergic receptors (P2N2 and P2X3) present on the cranial nerve fibers
innervating each taste bud.
- Type I cells degrade or absorb neurotransmitters.
Acid Stimulation (Sour Taste) Elicits GABA and Serotonin Release from Mouse Taste Cells
@ journals.plos.org
- Phosphorus and COVID-19
- Low Serum Calcium and Phosphorus in Detecting COVID-19 Patients @ pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- Low calcium and low phosphorus are more prevalent in severe or critical
COVID-19 patients than moderate COVID-19 patients
- Calcium and phosphorus combined with lymphocyte count could obtain the best
discriminative performance for the severe COVID-19 patients
SARS-CoV-2: Influence of Phosphate and Magnesium @ journals.physiology.org
- SARS-CoV-2 may induce a cytokine storm that drains ATP whose regeneration
requires phosphate and Mg
- Symptoms observed in severe COVID-19 also fit well with those seen in classical
hypophosphatemia and hypomagnesemia
- "We, thus, argue that patients with COVID-19 should be monitored and treated
for phosphate and Mg deficiencies, ideally already in the early phases of infection."
PDF Version of the Article
- Chloroquine is typically supplied as a phosphate salt (12% P), and can
supply 10%-20% of the recommended dietary intake for phosphate.
- Phosphorus in Homeopathy
Homeopathic Treatment for Smell and Taste Disorders @ drhomeo.com
- Borax – For Complete Loss of Taste
- Bryonia – For Loss of Taste with Dry Mouth
Phosphorus @ homeoint.org
- Mind
- Great lowness of spirits.
- Easily vexed.
- Fearfulness, as if something were creeping out of every corner.
- Great tendency to start.
- Loss of memory.
- Brain feels tired.
- Head
- Neuralgia; parts must be kept warm
- Brain fog
- Vertigo, with faintness
- Nose
- Sleep
- Sleeplessness in old people
- Fever
- Chilly every evening; cold knees at night
- Phosphorus in Food
- Phosphorus in Whey Protein
Phosphate Reduction in CKD @ kigney-internaltional.org
- Pure Protein Chocolate Whey has 140 mg phosphorus in 1 scoop (42 g);
this provides 25 mg protein. You can buy it at Walmart.
- Body Fortress Whey Protein (Chocolate) has 62 mg phosphorus and 190 mg
potassium per 38 g scoop; you can find this at Walmart
- NOW Foods Whey Protein Isolate has 70 mg phosphorus and 168 mg of
potassium for 25 g protein
- Phosphorus in Soy Products
Phosphorus in Soy Protein @ dietandfitnesstoday.com
- The RDA of phosphorus is 1000 mg for a mature adult
- 100 g of soy protein isolate provides 776 mg of phosphorus
- A typical serving size (1 oz or 28.35 g) contains 220 mg phosphorus
- 100 calories of soy protein isolate is a serving size of 0.3 g, and
the amount of Phosphorus is 229.59 mg (23.08% RDA).
- NOW Soybean Protein Isolate: 1/3 cup weighs 24 grams (90 calories)
(1/3 cups contains about 183 mg phosphorus)
Phosphorus in Soybeans @ dietandfitnesstoday.com
Phosphorus in Food @ dietandfitnesstoday.com
Food Sources of Phosphorus @ unlockfood.ca
- Minimum Daily Requirement: 700 mg phosphorus (don't exceed 3,000)
- Chicken or turkey (2 1/2 oz): 134-163 mg phosphorus
- Salmon, Canned (2 1/2 oz): 244-247 mg phosphorus
- Sunflower seeds, shelled (1/4 cup): 375-393 mg phosphorus
- Tofu, cooked (3/4 cup): 146-204 mg phosphorus
- Tuna Light, Canned in Water (2 1/2 oz): 104 mg phosphorus
Low Phosphorus Foods for a Healthy Kidney Diet @ davita.com
- Almond Milk (1/2 cup): 50 mg
- Beef Pot Roast (3 oz): 155 mg
- Canned Tuna (3 oz): 130 mg (173 mg per 5-oz can, drained)
- Egg whites (1/2 cup): 15 mg
- Phosphorus Supplements
- Phosphorus, Inorganic Salts
- Disodium Phosphate
- Dipotassium Phosphate
- Calcium Hydroxyapatite
- Hydroxyapatite @ fulidoniva.com
- Calcium Hydroxyapatite is Ca(10) (PO4)6 (OH)2
- It has a stoichiometric Ca/P ratio of 1.67 (which is identical to bone)
- Hyland's Phosphorus
- Phosphorus, Ortho Phosphoric Acid
- Phosphorus, Dicalcium Phosphate
Top of Page
Homeopathy, General Information
Homeopathic Materia Medica
Arnica Montana (Leopard's Bane)
Calcarea Carbonica (Carbonate of Lime)
Calcarea Fluorica (Fluoride of Lime)
- For hard knots in female breast
- Has helped many cases of cataracts
- Used for bone spurs
- For varicose and enlarged veins
- Tuberculosis
- Unnatural looseness of the teeth, with or without pain; teeth loose in their sockets
- Itching of anus as from pin-worms
- Fissure of the anus, and intensely sore crack near the lower end of the bowel
Conium Maculatum (Poison Hemlock)
Hamamelis virginiana (Witch Hazel)
Hecla Lava (Hekla Lava)
- Marked action upon the jaws; great for gum abscess
- Toothache, with swelling about jaws
Hydrastis Canadensis (Golden Seal)
Iodium (Iodine)
Kreosotum (Beechwood Kreosote)
- Very rapid decay of teeth, with spongy, bleeding gums
- Teeth dark and crumbly; puttrid odor and bitter taste
Lachesis Mutus (Bushmaster or Surucucu; snake poison)
Mezereum (Spurge Olive)
- Affections of bone, and neuralgias
- Bruised, weary feeling in joints, with drawing and stiffness
- Bone pains
Nitricum acidum (Nitric Acid)
Paeonia officinalis (Peony)
Phytolacca Decandra (Poke-root)
Plantago Major (Plantain)
- Treatment of earache, toothache, and enuresis
Ratanhia Peruviana
- Rectal symptoms are the most important
- Anus aches and burns for hours after stool; feels constricted
- Fissures of anus, with great constriction, burning like fire
- Burning pains before and after stools
- Iching of anus
- Dose: third to sixth potency
Ruta Graveolens (Rue-bitterwort)
- Acts upon the periosteum and cartilages, eyes and uterus
- Complaints from straining flexor tendons especially
- Tendency to the formation of deposits in the periosteum, tendons,
and about joints, especially the wrist
- Sprains; lameness after sprains
Scrophularia Nodosa (Knotted Figwort)
Silicea Terra (Silica, Pure Flint)
- For diseases of bones, caries and necrosis
- Silica can stimulate organism to re-absorb fibrotic conditions and scar tissue
Staphysagria (Stavesacre)
- Acts on teeth
- Thick scabs, dry, and itch violently; scratching changes location of itching
Thiosinaminum (derived from Oil of Mustard seed)
Thuja Occidentalis (Arbor vitae)
Top of Page
Sources for Specific Compounds
- Arnica Montana 30c
- Calcarea Fluorica (Fluoride of Lime)
- 30 C
- 6X
ABChomeopathy.com - Hyland's, Calcarea Fluorica, 6X, 500 tablets, $12.00 + $6.00
Amazon.com - Hyland's Calcarea Fluorica, 6X, 1000 tablets, $10.75
Vitacost.com - Hyland's Calcarea Fluorica, 6x, 1000 tablets, $13.49
- Hamamelis (Witch Hazel)
- 6 C
ABChomeopathy.com - Hyland's, WHP, or Boiron
- WHP Hamamelis virginica 6 C, 1 oz (300 #40 pills), $10.99 + $4.99/order
vitaminlife.com - Boiron Hamamelis virginiana, 6 C, 80 pellets, $5.00
vitacost.com - Boiron Hamamelis virginiana, 6 C, 80 pellets, $6.60
amazon.com - Boiron Hamamelis virginiana, 6 C, 80 pellets, $5.59
vitaminshoppe.com - Boiron Hamamelis virginiana, 6 C, 80 pellets, $5.59
- 30 C
- Hekla (Hecla) Lava 3X or 6X
ABChomeopathy.com - Boiron Hecla Lava, 8X, 80 pellets, $6.99 + $3.99/order
ABChomeopathy.com - WHP Hecla lava, 30C, 600 pills, $17.49
amazon.com - eHealthLand - Boiron Hekla Lava 8X, 80 pellets, $6.94 + $2.99 shipping
Elixirs.com - Hekla Lava 30C, 680 pellets, $20.99
- Hekla Lava 6X; 2 dram pellets/pills; $7.95
- Hekla Lava 6X; 4 dram pellets/pills; $10.68
- Hekla Lava 6X; 1.0 oz pellets/pills; $12.73
- Hekla Lava 6X; 2.0 oz pellets/pills; $20.36
- Hekla Lava 6X; 4.0 oz pellets/pills; $33.00
PureFormulas.com - Bioron Hekla Lava 30C, 80 pellets, $7.00 + 1 free + free shipping
- Lachesis mutus 30C
ABChomeopathy.com - WHP, Lachesis Mutus, 30 C, 600 pills, $17.49 + $4.99 shipping
ABChomeopathy.com - Hylands's Lachesis Mutus, 30 C, 640 pellets, $26.85 + $6.00 shipping)
amazon.com - Rxhomeo Lachesis Mutus, 30 C, 750 pellets, $10.75
amazon.com - Boiron Lachesis Mutus, 30 C, 80-cnt tubes, 5 pack, $36.45
vitacost.com - Hylands Lacesis mutus 30 C, 80 pellets, $6.69
luckyvitamin.com - Boiron, Lachesis Mutus 30 C, 80 pellets, $6.06
- Nitric Acid
- Paeonia
- Ratanhia 30C
- Ruta Graveolens 30C
- Silicae 12X
- Silicae 30C
ABChomeopathy.com - WHP, Silicea 30 C, 600 pills, $17.49 + $4.99 shipping
ABChomeopathy.com - Hyland's, Silicea 30 C, 640 pellets, $26.85 + $6.00 shipping
amazon.com - Rxhomeo Silicae 30 C, 750 pellets, $10.75
luckyvitamin.com - Boiron, Silicea 30 C - 80 pellets, $6.07)
- Sulphur
Top of Page
Bone Spurs
Bone Spurs @ abchomeopathy.com
- Take Cal. Fluor-6X + Silicea-12X
- Four tablets each
- Four times daily, till symptoms are relieved
- Hekla lava -- using 3X or 6X of the remedy
3X twice a day for 14 days, then STOP and check results after 23 weeks
- For spurs, definitely Hekla Lava in low potency with Calc Fl in medium potency
to restore bone surface
- Calc Fluor 6X, 3 pellets, two times a day
Bone Spurs @ elixirs.com
- Hekla Lava is a remarkable support remedy for Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Spurs
- Hekla Lava provides relief of bone pain, hairline fractures, heel pain, toothache, etc
- Suggested dose is 3 pellets 3 times a day with less frequency as improvement is made
Bone Spur (Osteophyte) @ ethosbodyandmindclinic.com
- Hekla lava -- for bone spur of the mouth and jawbones
- Calc Fluor
- Aurum
- Aurum muriaticum
- Mercury Silica
- Carbonica
- Phos
Bone Spurs @ homeopathyandmore.com
- Calcarea Fluorica (Calc Fluor) works great in 6x "cell salt" form; 3x/day for a month or so
Bone Spur and Plantar Fasciitis @ homeopathyforathletes.com
- Use Symphytum officinale 200C and Rhus toxicodendron 30 C
- Dose both as one after the other with 1 hours between
- Dose 2 times daily (morning and evening) until symptoms improve
- Arnica -- for pain and inflammaiton
- Aranea Diadema (Papal-Cross Spider) -- helps to dissolve the bone spur
- Calcarea Fluorica 30C Remedy and Calc Fluor 6X Cell Salts
- Helps to relieve the pain and dissolve the bone spur
- Both can be taken
- Cell Salts Dosing:
- Take as 5 pills dry in the morning on waking, followed by a sip of water
- Dissolve 5 pills in water that is sipped during the day
- Before bed, take 5 pills dry, followed by a sip of water
- Causticum -- for cramping of the foot
- Cell Salts for Bone or Heel Spurs
- Take Cal Fluor 6X and Silicea 12X
- Use four tablets each when dosing
- To dose, just dissolve 4 pills of the Calc Fluor 6X and Silicea 12X under the tongue
- Keep cell salts dosing 15 minutes away from food or drink
- Dose daily for 4 times per day until the symptoms go away
- Hekla lava -- helps dissolve the bone spurs
- Hypericum -- shooting pain
- Ledum palustre -- pain in area that is cold to the touch, not the person
- Rhus Toxicodenderon -- pain is better with warm, gentle pressure and massage
- Ruta graveleons -- pain in feet, worse from walking, lame feeling; over strained muscles
Homeopathic Help for Broken Bones @ homeopathyworks.com
- Hypericum -- for crushing injuries (fingers and toes) that are well-supplied with nerves
- Ruta graveolens -- for bone-bruises and injuries to the periosteum (covering of the bones);
helps when the person feels lame or weak
- Symphytum officinale -- accelerates callous formation (bone repair);
can relieve the pain of a break; the pre-eminient "bone-knit" remedy
Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Calcaneal Spur and Heel Pain @ drhomeo.com
- Calcaneal Spur
- It is a sharp, pointed, horny outgrowth on the calcaneal bone of the heel
- It is the build-up of calcium deposit on the heel bone
- It is caused by repeated stress on the heels, which leads to damage of muscle,
ligaments and fascia that cover the heel bone
- Calcarea Fluor 30 -- first choice for Calcaneal Spur
- Ammonium Mur 30 -- helps to decrease the pain and dissolve the spur;
helps with pain in the morning
- Rhus Tox 200 -- best remedy for pain on standing; helps to repair the muscles
and ligaments covering the heel bone; helps to dissolve the spur
- Aranea Diadema 30 -- releaves digging and boring type of pains in the heel
- Aurum Met 30 -- get rid of night pain in the heel
- Mezereum 30 -- helps pain that worsens by touching
- Ruta Graveolens 30 -- best for pain in the heel that extends into the Tendo Achilles
Top of Page
Breasts, Cysts
Fibroadenoma @ mayoclinic.org
- Fibroadenomas are solid breast lumps
- They may feel firm, smooth, rubbery or hard
- They have a well-defined shape, and are usually painless
- They might feel like a marble in your breast, moving easily under the skin
- They vary in size, and can enlarge/shrink on thier own
- You can have one/many fibroadenomas in one or both breasts
- ABCHomeopathy.com
Diagnosis and Treatment @ abchomeopathy.com
- Phytolacca-200 -- 6 pills twice a day
- Carcinocinum-1m -- 6 pills on every Sunday at bed time
- Take treatment for 15 days, and then give feedback
Young girl
Conium Maculatum 1M -- one dose; then wait 14 days; take another dose if needed
- Three pellets dissolved under the tongue (empty stomach and clean mouth)
Hard Movable Lump in Breast
- Conium Maculatum 200 weekly for one month
- Phytollaca 30 -- one dose daily in the evening for 15 days; 7 day gap; repeat for 3 months
- OR
- Conium 6C taken twice daily in a wet dose
Remedy for Disolving a Breast Tumor
- Phytolyca 30
- Conium 30
- Calc Flour 30
- 4-5 drops in a spoon of water three times a day
- Thiosinaminum 200; one dose daily for 15 days only
Breast Cyst in 60-year old woman
- Phytolacca 6 -- 5 drops x 1/2 cup water x 7 days
- Conium Mac 6 -- 5 drops x 1/2 cup water x 7 days
- Take Phytolacca for a week, and see if there is any improvement
- If there is improvement, stick with it
- If no improvement, then try Conium and see if there is an improvement
- Then stick to the remedy which suits you the best
Breast Fibroids
- One dose of calc carb 1M
- Continue the coninum mac 30c thrice in a day ... for a month
- Conium doesnt need repetition ... a single dose of conium 200c or 1m would start
dissolving the fibroadenoma if its the indicated remedy.
Cysts in Breasts
- Take conium 30 twice daily for 7 days then weekly dose for one month
- cal flour 12x 4 tabs thrice daily for one month
Homeopathy Cures Fibroadenoma @ dailypioneer.com
- Phytolacca, Conium, Silicea, Carbo-animalis, Sulph
Treatment of Fibroadenoma with Homeopathy @ allenhomeopathy.com (good article)
- Calcarea carbonia -- breasts are hot and swollen
- Calcarea fluorica -- lump is hard, movable with clear margins, solitary
- Conium maculatum -- glands are hard and sore; burning and stinging pains
- Baryta carbonica -- inflammation, induration and enlargement
- Hydrastis Canadensis -- indurated glands; fat necrosis is probably post-traumatic
- Iodium -- mucous membranes of the glands and breast tissue are inflamed
- Lapis albus -- rememdy for the glands of the mammary region
Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Fibroadenoma @ drhomeo.com
- Calcarea Fluor -- nodes that are hard as a stone
- Conium -- nodes in the mammary glands
- Phytolacca -- breast is extremely sensitive, hard and painful; enlarged lymphs
- Graphites -- tumors that arise from old scars in the breast
- Scrophularia Nodosa -- dissolve tumors, lumps, nodes, or indurations in breasts
(normally used in tincture form; absolutely safe with no side effects)
- Plusatilla -- nodes which accompany menstral irregularities
Fibroadenoma of Breast @ welcomecure.com
- Calcarea Fluorica -- for lumps which are hard, solitary, movable, and well-defined
- Calcarea Carbonica -- for lumps which are hard, nodular and tender to the touch
- Iodum -- effective remedy for all kinds of breast lumps
- Bovista -- for tumors with stitching pain from breast to underarms
Top of Page
- Antibiotics and Hearing Loss
Can Antibiotics Cause Hearing Loss @ healthyhearing.com
- Certain class of widely used antibiotics called aminoglycosides causes hearing loss.
- An ototoxic medication is one that has the side effect of damage to the cochlea
or auditory nerve, and possibly the vestibular (balance) system.
- "Currently, it's accepted that the price that some patients have to pay for
surviving a life-threatening bacterial infection is the loss of their ability to
hear," said Peter Steyger, lead author of the study and professor of otolaryngology,
head and neck surgery at OHSU.
- Anywhere from 20 to 60 percent of adults who are given aminoglycosides
experience some degree of hearing loss, from mild to severe.
Medicines that Cause Hearing Loss @ webmd.com
- Medicines that damage the ear and cause hearing loss are known as ototoxic
medicines. They are a common cause of hearing loss, especially in older adults
who have to take medicine on a regular basis. In most cases, hearing loss occurs
because the medicine damages the cochlea in the inner ear.
- Hearing loss caused by an ototoxic medicine tends to develop quickly. The
first symptoms usually are ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and vertigo.
- Commonly used medicines that may cause hearing loss include:
- Aspirin, when large doses (8 to 12 pills a day) are taken.
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen.
- Certain antibiotics, especially aminoglycosides (such as gentamicin,
streptomycin, and neomycin). Hearing-related side effects from these antibiotics
are most common in people who have kidney disease or who already have ear or
hearing problems.
- Loop diuretics used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure.
- Medicines used to treat cancer, including cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, and
- Smoking and Hearing Loss
Cigarette Smoking and Hearing Loss @ hear-it.org
- Smokers are nearly 70% more likely than non-smokers to suffer hearing loss,
according to a study including more than 3,000 people.
- The risk of hearing impairment often increases with the number of cigarettes smoked.
- In many cases, hearing problems increase proportionately with the intensity
and duration of exposure to cigarette smoke.
Effects of Smoking on Auditory System @ audiologyonline.com
- Conductive hearing loss was most prevalent in all subject groups
(age range 20-68 years of smokers).
- Overall, 6.1% of current and past smokers experienced conductive hearing loss
of at least a mild degree (>30 dB across the 0.25-8 kHz range).
- Smokers were also twice more likely to experience a mild sensorineural
hearing loss (>25 dB either in the low or high frequencies) compared to nonsmokers.
- The effects of pack years and aging were multiplicative.
- Smoking, age, and noise exposure together pose a greater risk for hearing loss
than each factor alone.
Smoking Your Ears, the Impact of Cigarettes on Hearing Loss @ audicus.com
- The prevalence of hearing loss among smokers is directly related to the number
of smoking years.
- First, the nicotine and carbon monoxide that result from smoking tighten your
blood vessels, including the ones in your ears. This restricts the blood flow and
thus the life-giving oxygen in the inner ear.
- Secondly, nicotine can affect the chemical messengers (or neurotransmitters)
in the auditory nerve.
- Thirdly, smoking unleashes free radicals in our bodies.
- Ear Candling
- Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
- Glue Ear
Glue Ear @ patient.info (good pictures)
- Auto-inflation puts back pressure into the nost, and may help to open the
Eustachian tube and allow better drainage of the fluid. This needs to be done
regularly until the fluid clears. You can get an auto-inflation kit called Otovent.
- Otovent
Discussion of Adult Glue Ear @ patient.info
"Yesterday I went to the doc and he tested my ears with a musical tuning fork.
I could barely hear it with my deaf ear and could mostly hear it with my "good"
ear. Then he put the tuning fork in the centre of my forehead and I could hear it
clear as a bell with my deaf ear ( first thing I had heard in weeks) and could
barely hear it with my "good" ear. Within seconds I was swallowing yucky stuff.
My ears continued to drain for 8 hours with 2 major mouthfulls and 2 very
significant dizzy spells."
Weber Test @ wikipedia.org
Five Tuning Forks in a case @ amazon.com ($9.99 + free shipping)
- Hearing Loss
- Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL)
"Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL) is also known as sudden deafness.
It occurs when you lose your hearing very quickly, typically only in one ear. It
can happen instantly or over a span of several days. During this time, sound
gradually becomes muffled or faint. There are about 4,000 cases of SSHL
diagnosed every year in the United States. The condition most commonly
affects people between ages 30 and 60. Sudden hearing loss is sometimes
preceded by a loud popping sound. Other symptoms include dizziness, balance
problems, etc. Steroids are the most common treatment. They can reduce
inflammation and swelling. Your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics if an
infection is the cause of your SSHL. Audiometry tests can check your hearing
more thoroughly and precisely. An MRI scan may also be ordered to look for
any abnormalities in your ear, such as tumors or cysts. MRI takes detailed
pictures of your brain and inner ear, which can help your doctor find the
underlying cause of SSHL."
- Homeopathic Remedies
Hearing Loss @ abchomeopathy.com
- Hearing Loss in the "Materia Medica":
- Spigelia Anthelmia, Belladonna, Petroleum, Gelsemium Sempervirens,
Zincum Metallicum, Kali Nitricum, Carlsbad, Sarracenia, Carbo Vegetabilis,
Stramonium, Antomonium Crudum, Raphanus
- Comments in the forum for "sudden hearing loss":
- Belladonna can help with anything that "suddenly" happens above the thyroid
- Kali Mur and Kali Phos may help
- Try Hep Sul, Lycopod & Sulphur
- Try Phosphrus 30
- Take Phosphorus-200, 6 pills twice a day; Kali Mur-12X, 3 tablets twice a day;
keep 30-40 minutes gap between (1) and (2)
- Sudden :- Plb.
- Painless, at night, with constant roaring and cracking in ears :- Elaps.
- Of right, after taking cold :- Elaps.
- After a faint :- Sil.
- With roaring and humming :- Nicc.
- Temporary :- Gels
- Kali mur 6x and Kali phos 6x, five tabs of each three times a day
- Agaricus 200c (4 PILLS 3 times a day for 7 days) & R 26 (15 drops 3 times
a day with 2 tsp water)
- Causticum-200c
Hearing Loss - Homeopathic Treatment @ welcomecure.com
- Belladonna
- Pain; intolerance to sounds; hear humming, roaring and ringing;
hear's one's own voice in ears
- Spigelia
- Noises (roaring or buzzing) in the ear; pulsating sensation with congestion;
tendency to periodic deafness
- Hepar Sulphuricum
- Paunful ear aches, whizzing, throbbing and roaring sounds in the ears
- Kali Muriaticum
- Used when the Eustacian tube is blocked
Homeopathic Remedies for Hearing Loss @ drhomeo.com
- Pulsatilla
- Best Homeopathic remedy for hearing loss due to middle ear infections
- Great help for all those persons with hearing loss who have thick ear
discharges due to ear infections
- Chininum Sulph
- Best Homeopathic medicine for hearing loss due to Meniere’s Disease
- Very beneficial natural Homeopathic remedy for majority of cases of hearing
loss with a violent form of noises in ear
- Chininum Sulph also proves to be a very effective medicine for tinnitus
- Agraphis Nutans
- Homeopathic medicine for hearing loss with enlarged tonsils or adenoids
- Agraphis Nutans reduces the unnatural enlargement of glands, thereby
improving hearing
- Chenopodium
- Homeopathic remedy for hearing loss after auditory nerve weakness
- For someone who shows decreased power of hearing the voice of human beings,
but shows increased sensitivity to other sounds like that of moving vehicles
- Verbascum Thapsus
- Homeopathic treatment of deafness with extreme dryness of ear meatus
- Hepar Sulph
- Second among the top Homeopathic medicines for hearing loss due to
middle ear infection
- Elaps and Silicea
- Homeopathic Remedies for hearing loss due to wax in ear
- Natrum Salicylicum can be used when all the three features of Meniere’s Disease
— deafness, vertigo and tinnitus — are the presenting symptoms.
- Baryta Carb
- It is also a good natural remedy for diminished hearing from enlarged tonsils
or adenoids
- Baryta Carb is frequently called for hearing loss in elderly people
- Kali Phos is of great help in furnishing the required power to auditory nerve
for its proper functioning
- Both Arnica and Hypericum are very beneficial natural Homeopathic remedies for
hearing loss in cases where hearing was lost following injury or trauma. Arnica
mostly covers the hearing loss after blunt injuries. The hearing loss after being
hit with a hand or fist can be best treated with Arnica. Hypericum is a very
beneficial Homeopathic medicine for injury of nerve origin.
- Sources
Top of Page
- Cornea Edema
- Blood in the eye
- Floater Eye Pellets (Natural Ophthalmics)
- Diabetes
Diabetes, a Homeopathic and Nutritional Approach (12/08)
- For the bleeding and Diabetic symptoms, Dr. Irish pointed out that Phosphorous, a
Homeopathic remedy historically used to eliminate fatty degeneration of both the Heart
and Liver,and Bleeding internally of the eye, in a 6C potency, 3 times a day for 3 days,
then Phosphorous 200C, one dose a week for 4 weeks.
- Also, Phosphoric acid 1m, one dose every 3 months for 1 year.
- Macular Pucker
(Scar Tissue that has formed on the eye's macula -- the retina)
- Description
- Also known as a retina wrinkle
- Retina heals itself by forming scar tissue (epiretinal membrane) on the surface of the retine
- Can cause blurred and distorted central vision; straight lines can appear wavy
- There may be a gray area in the enter of your vision, or even a blind spot
- Is not age related, and does not get progressively worse
- Sometimes the scar tissue separates from the retina, and the macular pucker clears up
- Suggested surgery is called a vitrectomy (which has many complications, including cataracts)
- Treatments
- Thiosinaminum (remedy for scarring issues)
- Silicea (or Silica; Silicea removed the blood and exudata from the eye)
- Superficial Keratectomy
Top of Page
Ichthammol (Black Drawing Salve)
Top of Page
Moles, Skin Tags, and Warts
8 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Moles @ drhomeo.com
- Thuja, Pulsatilla and Sulphur are among the most highly recommended Homeopathic
medicines for moles.
- Thuja
- Thuja Occidentalis is Northern White Cedar or Eastern Arbor Vitae.
- It works best on moles that appear on the covered parts of the body.
- It is used locally, for warts and excrescences, tincture, or cerate.
- Dirty skin, birthmarks and moles of brown colour are best treated with
Homeopathic medicine Thuja.
- Thuja can be used on skin tags, moles, and warts.
- Pulsatilla
- Pulsatilla Pratensis is Wind Flower.
- It is the most effective Homeopathic medicines for moles, especially in
young girls, which are pale in colour and itch severely.
- Sulphur
- For smooth, moist, brown coloured moles, accompanied by very unhealthy skin,
Sulphur is the best Homeopathic medicine to prescribe.
- Thuja and Fluoricum Acidum are the most recommended Homeopathic medicines for
moles categorized as common acquired moles.
- Cundurango is very effective for birthmarks which are especially smooth to touch.
It is a great remedy for treating melanoma.
- Sulphur is indicated for moist, brown coloured congenital moles.
- Carbo Vegetabilis shows remarkable results on birthmarks, especially spidery nevi,
where the skin is moist.
- Platina is useful for moles of the spidery nevi type accompanied by pricking pain
which provokes scratching.
- Bluish spots, particularly on the chest and lower abdomen, are treated with
- Calcarea Carbonica is a great medicine for red, glistening moles which turn bluish
with extreme coldness of the skin.
Best Mole Removal Cream @ onlywomenstuff.com
Boiron Thuja Occidentalis 200CK @ amazon.com ($9.12; 1 tube of 80 pellets)
H-moles Mole Removal @ amoils.com
- 11 ml size is $32.95; 33 ml size is $69.95 (with free shipping over $49)
- Active Ingredients:
Calendula officinalis 12C, Phytolacca decandra 12C, Thuja occidentalis 12C
- Save 15%: use coupon STAR
- First-time customer can get a $10-off coupon by supplying their email address
Healthful Naturals Mole Remover @ walmart.com ($14.72; 15 ml)
- Reviews at amazon.com are bad
Thuja Homeopathic Cream @ amazon.com ($5.40 + free shipping on order over $25)
Tag Away Skin Tag Remover @ walmart.com ($9.88; in pharmacy section)
- I found this in the pharmacy section, near the Band-aids.
- This appears to have Thuja Occidentalis 6X
Top of Page
Swollen Calves & Ankles
- Lymphedema
- Homeopathic Treatment for Lymphedema
Top of Page
Teeth and Gums
- General Information
Dental Homeopathy (2004) @ britishhomeopathic.org
- For sensitivity:
- Hypericum because of its nerve injury healing properties is very useful after a root canal
- Magnesium phosphorus is often referred to as the “homeopathic aspirin”
- Plantago tincture rubbed around a tooth, or applied as a “toothache tincture” into a cavity
- For toothache:
- Throbbing pain will be relieved by Belladonna
- If heat brings on the pain, Pulsatilla will ease it
- If cold eases the pain, Coffea will help
- If clenching the teeth eases the pain, Staphisagria will help
- If rubbing the cheek over the tooth eases the pain, Merc sol will help
- Silica for toothache with swollen face and glands, abscess at root of teeth
- For abscess:
- If you are ever unfortunate enough to have toothache with a gum boil which is
red, swollen and throbbing, then Belladonna will bring relief.
- If, in the acute stage, the swelling from the abscess runs down into the neck,
Myristica is an absolutely magical remedy.
- When the abscess has occurred before and the condition is more chronic, then
Hepar sulph will quickly bring relief. It must be potency 6c. This is very important
as the higher potency will make the gum boil discharge through the skin. Potency 6c
makes the body’s lymphatic system drain the abscess.
Dental Homeopathy (2010) @ britishhomeopathic.org
- Abscess, Tooth
An Abscessed Tooth @ homeopathycenter.org
- Tooth felt like pressure, didn't react to hot or cold, gums were pink, and there wasn't
any swelling
- Belladonna did not help
- Dentist said it was an abscess, and patient needed a root canal
- Patient took Hepar sulph 200C (6 pellets) a few times
- The teeth have a closed lymph system with very little circulation.
- Once an infection gets started, it's very hard to cure homeopathically.
- One of Hepar's main indicators in sensitivity to everything -- including pain.
- Belladonna is a good abscess remedy, but there is usually more heat associated with it.
- When someone says "toothache", I immediately think of Chamomilla, Hypericum and Mag phos.
Dr. Wolfe's Homeopathic Remedies @ drwolfe.com
- Abscess -- Belladonna, Bryonia, Hepar Sulphuris, Myristica, Pulsatilla, Pyrogenium, Silicea
- Gingivitis
Homeopathic Treatment for Gingivitis @ drhomeo.com
- Homeopathic remedies for gingivitis
- Merc Sol -- gums are bluish red, swollen, painful and tender
- Kreosote -- gums are bluish with intense swelling; gums are also puffy and protruding
- Carbo Veg -- bleeding gums predominate; bleeding worse on cleaning teeth
- Alumen -- teeth are loosened from chronic gingivitis
- Best for highly inflamed and painful gums
- Merc Sol -- gums have turned bluish red, painful, swollen and spongy; gums recede and bleed
- Kreosote -- gums are bluish in appearance, painful, tender, protruding and puffy
- Lachesis -- gums are dark purple in appearance, with pain and swelling. The person
complains of a sour and peppery taste in the mouth.
- Best for gingivitis with bleeding gums
- Phosphorus -- gums bleed easily. The gums are sore, painful and tender to touch.
Pain in the gums gets worse from cold, heat and also while eating.
- Carbo Veg -- gums are swollen, and they bleed while brushing the teeth
- Best for gingivitis with tooth decay
- Thuja -- for gingivitis with tooth decay next to the gums affected with gingivitis.
The gums are dark red, retracted and swollen, with decayed and crumbling teeth.
- Kreosote -- tooth decay appears with puffy, spongy, bleeding gums. The person usually
complains of a bitter taste in the mouth.
- Best for gingivitis with bad mouth odor
- Merc Sol -- useful where offensive/putrid odour from mouth accompanies gingivitis
- Kreosote -- horribly offensive odour from the mouth is present with gingivitis.
The gums are puffy, swollen and bleeding. The condition leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.
- Silicea -- gingivitis where offensive mouth odour is worse in the morning. The mouth
feels dry, the gums are swollen and painful. Cold air and cold water worsen the pain in gums.
- Best for gingivitis with loose teeth
- Calcarea Fluor and Alumen -- gingivitis with loose teeth where the gums are swollen
and inflamed. The teeth get loose in the sockets from long-standing gingivitis.
- Calcarea Fluor and Alumen -- strengthen the tooth holding structures in the mouth to
provide the teeth a firm holding.
- Toothache
Toothache @ homeopathycenter.org
Toothache @ drhomeo.com
- The main reasons for toothache are decayed teeth, abscess and gum infection.
- Top Homeopathic Remedies for Toothache
- Plantago -- for toothache, sensitive teeth, and caries
- Plantago gives good results when there is a swelling of cheeks along with toothache
- Plantago controls pain that radiates to ears or eyes (should be taken internally)
- Plantago can be used as an external application if the tooth that aches is hollow inside.
- Silicea -- toothache from abscess of root
- Abscess is a collection of pus at the root of the tooth.
- Gums and cheeks may also be swollen.
- Fever may accompany the toothache dues to abscess.
- Chamomilla -- for toothache when patient turns irritable
- Staphysagria -- cure for toothache when eating or drinking
- Use when food or drink excites the toothache just by touching the tooth
- Toothache may appear in either decayed teeth or in sound teeth
- Merc Sol -- toothache with offensive odor in mouth
- Merc Sol should be used when both hot and cold food worsen the toothache.
- Most of the time, the crown of tooth is decayed while the root is perfectly sound.
- Bleeding from gums is often noticed.
- Patient may complain of looseness of teeth.
- Silicea and Hepar Sulph -- toothache due to root abscess
- Silicea -- toothache with swelling in gums and face appears due to root abscess
- Hepar Sulph -- preferred if fever with chills is present along with pain and swelling
- Staphysagra and Merc Sol -- pain in decayed teeth
- Staphysagria -- toothache in decayed teeth
- Merc Sol -- cold and hot food worsen the pain in decayed teeth
- Plantago -- pain in decayed hollow teeth
- Plantago should be applied externally in tincture and taken internally if the patient
has pain from hollow teeth due to caries.
- Hecla Lava -- for toothache with swelling around jaw
- Hecla Lava is excellent for toothache that is accompanied by swelling around the jaw.
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Varicose Veins and Hemorhroids
- General Information
Circulatory Problems @ britishhomeopathic.org
- When discussing homeopathic treatment, I use a 6c or 12c remedy twice daily
for physical symptoms only (e.g., varicose veins), and a 30c remedy for severe
problems (e.g., heart failure).
- Varicose Veins
- Since veins have thinner walls, they also have small one-way valves.
- Varicose veins occur when the valves fail and the veins stretch and contort.
- Pulsatilla is a very common remedy for varicose veins.
- A second choice for varicose veins would Calc carb.
- Another remedy for varicose veins is Calc fluor.
- A remedy for varicose veins nad piles is Hamamelis.
- Sulphur can be used where there is ulceration or "must scratch until it bleeds".
- Hemorrhoids
- Hemorrhoids are caused by the same problems as varicose veins, and constipation.
- Hamamelis, Calc flour and Arnica are excellent for hemorrhoids.
- If the skin of the anus is cracked (anal fissure), the person can feel violent
cutting pains after opening the bowels which can last for hours. Nitric ac can be
a real help.
- Hemorrhoids associated with constipation can respond to Nux vomica.
- Varicose Veins
Varicose Veins @ drhomeo.com (very good article)
- Top homeopathic medicines are Lachesis, Calcarea Flourata and Hamamelis.
- For severe pain, the medicines are Vipera, Flouricum Acidum and Hamamelis.
- For a bulish-purple appearance, use Lachesis and Carbo Vegetabilis
- For cramps in the legs, use Vipera and Graphites
- For marked swelling, use Calcarea Fluorata and Pulsatilla
5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Varicose Veins @ homeopathicdoctor.co.in
- The only thing that allpathy can offer is surgery.
- Hamamelis -- one of the best homeopathic remedies
- Pulsatilla -- used when there is intense pain
- Calcarea carb -- patient is malnourished but obese
- Graphites -- used when there is itching
- Arnica -- used for a sore and bruised feeling
- Hemorrhoids
- Anal Fissure
Anal Fissure @ mayoclinic.org
Anal Fissures @ homeopathicdoctor.co.in
- Graphites -- best medicine for anal fissure with burning, constipation
- Nitric acid -- best medicine for anal fissure with bleeding, splinter like
pain in the anal region, feeling as if the rectum is torn, one has to strain to
pass even a soft stool
- Ratanhia -- best medicine for anal fissure with pain remaing long after stool,
feeling of constriction in the rectum, pain may feel like aching, or feeling as if
the rectum is full of broken glass (best remedy for the pain itself)
- Paeonia officinalis (Peony) root -- best medicine for anal fissure with oozing
- Phosphorus -- best homeopathic medicine for fissures that are painless
Homeopathic Remedies for Anal Fissures @ drhomeo.com
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created by Bonnie Lee Hill,
last modified on October 2, 2022
URL: http://www.bonniehill.net/pages/herbs.html