W. D. Gann Reading List
These bookstores are great sources for the books in this list:
indicates a book on the "Gann Reading List". I have also listed other books by the same author.
- A. E. (George William Russell)
- The Avatars
- The Candle of Vision
- The National Being
- Voices of the Stones
- Agrippa, Henry Cornelius
- Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy
- Philosophy of Natural Magic
- Three Books of Occult Philosophy
- Vanity and Uncertainty of Sciences
- Ahmad, Sheikh Habeeb
- Christian Names and Their Values
- Hidden Mysteries of Numbers
- Mysteries of Sound and Number
- Names and Their Numbers
- Sound and Number
- The Turf Certainties
- Alvidas, et al. (Henry Clay Hodges)
- Science and Key of Life -- 7 volumes
- Two Thousand Years in Celestial Life
- Balliett, Mrs. L. Dow
- Day of Wisdom According to Number Vibration
- How to Attain Success Through the Strength of Vibration of Numbers
- Musical Vibration of the Speaking Voice & Beyond Sight
- Nature's Symphony -- Lessons in Number Vibration
- New Note, The
- Numerology and Vibration
- Number Vibration in Questions and Answers
- Philosophy of Numbers, Their Tone and Colors
- Universal Music: The New Note
- Vibration: A System of Music as Taughy by Pythagoras
- The Collected Mrs. L Dow Balliett (5 of her books)
- Bernart, Leo
- Ogilvie's Astrological Birthday Book
- Brandon, Wilfred (Edith Ellis)
- Open the Door
- Bullinger, Rev. E. W.
- The Apocalypse, or "The Day of the Lord"
- Book of Job, The
- Bullinger's Companion Bible
- Christ's Prophetic Teaching
- Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament, A
- Great Cloud of Witnesses in Hebrews Eleven
- How to Study the Bible, or The "Word" and "The Words", How to Study Them
- Number in Scripture
- Prayers of Ephesians
- Ten Sermons on the Second Advent
- Transfiguration, The
- The Witness of the Stars
- Word Studies on the Holy Spirit
- Butler, Hiram E.
- Bible Review (magazine)
- Esoteric: A Magazine of Practial Esoteric Thought
- Everlasting Covenant, The
- Goal of Life, or Science and Revelations
- Narrow Way of Attainment, The
- Practical Methods to Insure Success
- Revised Esoterics, Vols I-IX
- Seven Creative Principles
- Solar Biology
- Special Instructions for Women
- Useful Instructions for a Useful Life
- Zodiacal Indicator (device for ASC and MC)
- Cady, Emilie
- Complete Works of Emilie Cady
- Lessons in Truth
- Carey, George W.
- Biochemical System of Medicine
- Chemistry and Wonders of the Human Body
- Chemistry of Human Life
- Chemistry of the Cosmos
- Course of Instruction in the Biochemic Pathology of Disease
- God-Man: The Word Made Flesh
- Relation of the Mineral Salts of the Body to the Signs of the Zodiac
- Tree of Life, The
- Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation
- Gann's Essential Carey and Perry (3 books)
- Case, Dr. Paul Foster
- A Brief Analysis of the Tarot (1927)
- Later renamed "The Tarot: A Ley to the Wisdom of the Ages"
- Daniel, Master of Magicians
- An Introduction to the Study of Tarot (1920)
- The Book of Tokens -- Tarot Meditations (1934)
- Correlations of Sound and Color (1931)
- Dissertation Concerning the 32 Paths of Wisdom
- The Great Seal of the United States (1935)
- Highlights of the Tarot (1931)
- Lecture on Life-Power
- The Kybalion (by Three Initiates -- 1912)
- Masonic Letter G, The
- Name of Names
- The Open Door (1938)
- The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages
- The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order
- Cheasley, Clifford W.
- Cheasley's Numerology at a Glance
- Numerology -- It's Practical Application to Life
- What's in Your Name
- Choisnard, Paul
- Proof of Astral Influence on Men
- Collier, Robert
- Amazing Secrets of the Masters of the Far East
- Be Rich -- The Science of Getting What You Want
- God in You
- Prayer Works
- Riches Within Your Reach: The Law of Higher Potential
- Robert Collier Letter Book
- Secret of the Ages, The -- 7 volumes
- Something to Hope For
- Casper, Henry
- Pax Tecum, or Peace and Relaxation Through Technique and Truth
- Councel, Paul
- Cosmic Causation in Geophysics
- Your Stars and Destiny
- X Marks My Place
- De Luce, Robert
- Complete Method of Prediction
- Constellational Astrology
- Horary Astrology
- Rectification of the Horoscope
- Ducquen, Essie N.
- Evolution and Reincarnation
- Du Vernet, Archbishop
- Spiritual Radio
- Flammarion, Camille and Gore
- Haunted Houses
- History of the Heavens
- Lumen
- Mysterious Psychic Forces
- Omega: The Last Days of the World
- Popular Astronomy
- Unknown
- Foster, W. T.
- Sun Spots and Weather
- Gregorius
- The Master Key of Destiny
- Haddock, Frank Channing
- Business Power
- Culture of Courage
- Personal Atmosphere
- Power of Suggestion
- Power of Will
- Secret of Brain Energy, The
- Hathaway, Fredrick
- Popular Astrology for Everybody
- Hudson, Thomas (or Thomson) Jay
- Divine Pedigree of Man
- Evolution of the Soul and Other Essays
- Law of Mental Medicine
- Law of Psychic Phenomena
- Scientific Demonstration of the Future Life
- Johndro, L. Edward
- Articles from "The National Astrological Journal, 1913-1966"
- Astrological Dictionary
- Collected Articles
- The Earth in the Heavens: Ruling Degress and How to Use Them
- New Concept of Sign Rulership
- The Stars: How and Where They Influence
- The Collected L. Edward Johndro
- Kerns, H. J.
- Prophetic Time of the Ages from Adam to the Millennium
Also known as "The World Book of the Ages from Adam to the Millennium"
- Secrets of Wisdom, the Measuring Rod of Time and Space
- The Essential H. J. Kerns (2 books)
- Larsen, Ludwig B.
- Ancient Predistoric Wisdom
- Key to the Bible and Heaven
- The Collected Ludwig B. Larsen
- Leo, Alan (William Fredrick Allen)
- Art of Synthesis
- Astrologer's Annual (editor)
- Astrologer's Magazine (1890, 1891, 1892, 1893)
- Astrology for All
- Casting the Horoscope
- Complete Dictionary of Astrology
- Degrees of the Zodiac Symbolized
- Esoteric Astrology
- Everybody's Astrology
- Horary Astrology
- Horoscope in Detail
- How to Judge a Nativity
- Jupiter: The Preserver
- Key to Your Own Nativity
- Mars: the War Lord
- Medical Astrology (Vol IX)
- Modern Astrology (Vol III)
- Mundane Astrology
- Practical Astrology
- Progressed Horoscope (Vol V)
- "Reason Why" in Astrology, The
- Saturn: The Reaper
- Symbolism and Astrology
- Thousand and One Notable Nativities
- What is a Horoscope and How Is It Cast?
- Libra, C. Aq.
- Astrology, Its Techniques and Ethics
- Lynch, Richard
- Health and Spiritual Healing
- The Path to Wisdom
- Mellen, Mark
- Hot Tips on How to Pick Winners
- How to Play the Races and Win
- Winning Bets
- The Essential Mark Mellen
- Montrose
- Numerology For Everybody
- Muller, Fannie
- Zodiac and Bible
- Newbrough, Dr. John Ballou
- Oahspe
- Numero
- The Power of Numbers
- Ouspensky, P. D.
- Conscience: The Search For the Truth
- Fourth Way, The
- In Search of the Miraculous
- Letters from Russia 1919
- New Horizons: Explorations in Science
- New Model of the Universe, A
- Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution
- Record of Meetings, A
- Strange Life of Ivan Osokin
- Symbolism of the Tarot
- Talk with a Devil: 2 Stories
- Tertium Organum
- Papus (Dr. Gerard Encausse)
- Astrology for Initiates: Astrological Secrets of the Western Mystery Tradition
- Papus Tarot Deck
- Qabalah: Secret Tradition of the West, The
- Reincarnation: Physical, Astral and Spiritual Evolution
- The Tarot of the Bohemians
- What is Occultism
- Paramananda, Swami
- Book of Daily Thoughts and Prayers
- Concentration and Meditation
- Emerson and Vedanta
- Faith as a Constructive Force
- Healing Meditations
- Secret of Right Activity
- Self-Mastery
- Silence as Yoga
- Vigil
- Way of Peace and Blessedness
- The Essential Swami Paramananda (2 books)
- Partridge, A. E.
- Astrology in a Nutshell
- Dictionary of Astrological Terms
- Fortunate Hours
- Horoscope Delineator
- Instantaneous Aspectarian
- Story of the Heavens
- Pearce, Alfred John
- Crisis in Egypt, The (1884)
- Future, The (editor)
- Defense and Exposition of the Principles of Astrology, A
- Handbook of Astrology, The
- Introduction to Astrology
- On the Great First Cause
- Pearce's Weather Almanac for 1865-1867
- Science of the Stars
- Text-Book of Astrology -- 5 volumes
- Urania (editor)
- Weather Guide Book, The
- Zadkiel's Almanac (1876-)
- Podolsky, Edward M. D.
- The Doctor Prescribes Colors
- Rama, Yoga Hari
- Yoga System of Study (Occult Chemistry)
- Raphael, A. (Robert C. Smith)
- Ancient Manuscript of Talasmanic Magic
- Astrologer of the 19th Century
- Book of Dreams
- Book of Fate
- Cheirosophy (The Hand): A Scientific Treaty on Palmistry
- Companion to the Prophetic Messenger (1832)
- Earthology: Humanity Characterized
- Familiar Astrologer, The
- Guide to Astrology
- Horary Astrology
- Key to Astrology
- Manual of Astrology or Book of the Stars
- Mundane Astrology
- Philosophical Merlin
- Pythoness of the East
- Raphael's Almanac or Prophetic Messenger and Weather Guide
- Raphael's Horary Astrology
- Raphael's Medical Astrology
- Raphael's Private Instructions In Animal Magnetism
- Raphael's Witch, or Lady Witch
- The Royal Book of Dreams
- The Royal Book of Fate
- Struggling Astrologer, The (1825)
- Sybilline Fragments
- Urania (editor) (1825-)
- Redding, William A.
- Mysteries Unveiled
- Sepharial (Dr. Walter Richard Gorn Old, a.k.a. Zariel)
- Arcana or Stock and Share Key
- Art of Card Fortune Telling
- Astrological Judgement Upon the Great Solar Eclipse of 1887
- Astrological Ready Reckoner and Student's Assistant
- Astrological Survey of the Great War
- Astrology and the Kabballah
- Astrology: How to Make and Read Your Own Horoscope
- Astrology Explained
- Astrology and Marriage
- Basis of Scripture Prophecy
- Birthday Book of Destiny
- Book of Card Fortune Telling
- Book of the Simple Way of Laotze
- Book of Charms and Talismans
- Coming Events (editor, 1896-1901)
- Cosmic Symbolism
- Daily Guide: Astrology Lucidly Explained
- Daily Horoscopes
- Degrees of the Zodiac Symbolized by Charubel
- Directional Astrology
- Eclipse System, The (short paper)
- Eclipses in Theory and Practice
- Elementary Astrology: Astrology Simplified for the Layman
- Fate and Fortune (editor) (1890)
- Forecast, The (editor)
- Fortune Telling by Cards
- Fortune Telling by Numbers
- Geodetic Equivalents, Theory of
- Golden Key, The
- Great Devastation, The
- Great War, The
- Hebrew Astrology
- Hindu Astrology after Parashara
- Horoscope Revised by Zariel
- Horoscopes: How to Make and Read Them
- How to Read the Crystal, or The Crystal and the Seer
- Kabala of Numbers (single volume revised by Sepharial)
- Kabala of Numbers (Parts I and II)
- Kabalistic Astrology: Your Fortune in Your Name (1895)
- Key to Hindu Astrology
- Key to Market Operations
- Key to Market Trading
- Key to Successful Trading
- Key to Sugar Values
- Law of Values
- Lectures on Astrology
- Little Book of Magic, The
- Manual of Astrology in Four Books
- Manual of Occultism, A
- Master Key, The (short paper)
- New Astronomical Tables
- New Dictionary of Astrology
- Numbers Book: Science of Numerology
- Perpetual British Weather Indicator (1907)
- Phrenoscopy
- Primary Directions Made Easy
- Prognostic Astronomy (may be a version of "Directional Astrology")
- Science of Foreknowledge
- Science of Numerology
- Second Sight
- Sepharial's Book of the Cards
- She King
- Silver Key, The
- Solar Apex Method (short paper)
- Solar Epoch
- Solar Lunar Values (short paper)
- Transits and Planetary Periods
- Wheel of Fortune, The
- Why the War Will End in 1917
- World Horoscope (may not be written by the original Sepharial)
- World Predictions
- Your Daily Astrological Guide
- Your Fortune in Your Name: Kabalistic Astrology
- Your Personal Diurnal Chart
- Sepharial's Arcana and Keys (7 books) and The Collected Sepharial, Volumes I-VI
- Shaftesbury, Edmund (Webster Edgerly)
- Advanced Magnetism
- Future Seeing
- Goal of Creation, The
- Great Psychic
- Instantaneous Personal Magnetism
- Magnetism of the Sexes
- Mental Magnetism
- Operations of the Other Mind
- Ralston Gardens of Life
- Right
- Thought Transference
- Universal Magnetism (2 volumes)
- The Essential Shaftesbury (2 books)
- Link concerning Webster Edgerly
- Sinnett, A. P. (Anonymous)
- Collected Fruits of Occult Teaching
- Early Days of Theosophy in Europe
- Esoteric Buddhism
- Expanded Theosophical Knowledge
- Growth of the Soul
- Karma: A Novel
- Nature's Mysteries and How Theosophy Illumines Them
- Occult Essays
- Occult World, The
- Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses
- Spiritual Powers and the War
- Super-Physical Science
- Tennyson, An Occulist as His Writings Prove
- Transactions of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society
- Smith, Worth
- House of Glory, The
- Miracle of the Ages -- Great Pyramid
- The Essential Worth Smith (2 books)
- Stauffer, Mack
- Humanity and the Mysterious Knight
- The World's Greatest Thought Discovery
- Stout, Wesley W.
- Secret (Explanation of The Creation & Principles of Atomic Weapons)
- Taylor, Ariel Yvon
- Character Grams: Numerology, Its Facts and Secrets
- Find Myself by Numbers
- Numerology -- Its Facts and Secrets
- Numerology Made Plain
- The Essential Ariel Yvon Taylor (2 books)
- Troward, Thomas
- Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning
- Collected Essys of Thomas Troward (originally, "The Hidden Power")
- Creative Process in the Individual
- Edinburgh and Dore Lectures, The
- Hidden Power and Other Papers Upon Mental Science, The
- Law and The Word, The
- Walter, William W.
- Books
- Allness of Good, The
- Sharp Sickle, The
- Sickle, The
- The Sower, The Seeds and The Soil
- Unfoldment
- Links
- Ward, Charles A.
- The Oracles of Nostradamus
- Wemyss, Maurice (Duncan MacNaughton)
- Scheme of Babylonian Chronology
- The Wheel of Life (5 volumes)
- White, Fred
- ADEPT, The: The American Journal of Astrology
- Guide to Astrology
- Whitehead, Willis F.
- Occultism Simplified, or The Mystic Thesaurus
Bonnie's Links
created by Bonnie Lee Hill,
last modified on March 13, 2020
URL: http://mysite.verizon.net/bonniehill/pages.aux/gann/gannlist.html